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Buff Dying Light

Hello everyone!
I love playing as a killer. I don't mind being looped for ages, flashlight saves or even t-bagging swf. What bothers me the most is gen rushing.

Perks countering gen rush sure exist:
Thanathophobia (3): adds only 12 seconds of repair when every survivor is injuried.
Ruin: 1. when high rank, people don't care: they're just not missing their skillchecks.
2. When low rank, survivors spawn next to your totem. It is very rare to keep Ruin active until the end of the game.
Dying light: you have to chase your obsession, who probably has DS and is (probably)a good runner. Then, you have to tunnel/ camp him if you want to be sure that Dying Light affects the game as soon as possible.
As a killer, I HATE tunneling and camping. But gen rushing forces me to do so.
So I think that buffing Dying Light could fix some things:
let's say Dying Light affects the game as soon as you kill 1 random survivor.
Generators are being repared slower, and as a consequence, the killer won't be forced to tunnel/ camp to get his kills.
Survivors : happy
Killer: happy
What do you think about this?


  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited June 2018
    Well if you decided to camp your obsession to make dying light take effect quickly why would you not camp the survivor you caught to make it take effect quickly also. It’s basically the same situation as it is currently it’s just any survivor that may or may not have ds so you can hook them faster but once hooked it’s the same decision you have to make to camp them or not to camp them because they still have to die
  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149
    edited June 2018
    I don't decide to camp my obsession .
    I play with ruin . As long as ruin is active, I don't focus anyone, I'm just following the chili & bbq. Someone quickly dies before 2 generators are done. 
    I never focus my obsession . I kill him last because I know he will give me though times .
    When someone break my ruin, I get back on people I already hooked. That's what I call "tunneling", and I wish I didn't have to do that to get my kills.
    i don't think I'm the only killer who plays like that tho.
    moreover, if a killer takes too much time to kill his obsession, he's more likely to camp/tunnel the others .
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    I thought we were talking about your suggestion for  dying light lol I’m not saying you’re a camper
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Mori or camp, otherwise it is quite useless, what it does does not need a buff, what does need a buff/change is how the effect of Dying Light is achieved since it is inherently a strong effect

    In fact, all of Myer's perks need tweaks, poor stalky boi

  • Violator
    Violator Member Posts: 17

    This perk promotes hard tunneling and camping. I would rather see it removed and myers given a new perk vs a rework.

  • DarKnight_Doom
    DarKnight_Doom Member Posts: 54
    edited June 2018

    I have an idea about a "little rework". Please, give me some feedback.


    You become obsessed with one Survivor. Once hooking the obsession, every other Survivor gets a penalty of 10/20/30 % to repair, healing and sabotage speed. Dying Light effects will remain as long as your Obsession stay alive.

    Only one Obsession per match.

    *After the first hook, your Obsession's altruistic action speed is increased by 10/20/30 %.
    *If you kill your Obsession, you lose Dying Light effects.

    "This isn't a man..." — Dr. Sam Loomis

    Quality of Life Improvement

    A more healthy gameplay, no need to hard tunneling and camping the Obsession.

    Obsession relationship --> Risk and Reward:

    Reward: After hooking your obsession, congratulations! Dying Light is working!! Now you can slow down a bit the trial.

    Risk: You NEED your obsession alive, she/he will not suffer from Dying Light negative effects and will have a boost on altruistic actions. This is very risky and a real game change! Can I say more?

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @DarKnight_Doom said:
    I have an idea about a "little rework". Please, give me some feedback.


    You become obsessed with one Survivor. Once hooking the obsession, every other Survivor gets a penalty of 10/20/30 % to repair, healing and sabotage speed. Dying Light effects will remain as long as your Obsession stay alive.

    Only one Obsession per match.

    *After the first hook, your Obsession's altruistic action speed is increased by 10/20/30 %.
    *If you kill your Obsession, you lose Dying Light effects.

    "This isn't a man..." — Dr. Sam Loomis

    Quality of Life Improvement

    A more healthy gameplay, no need to hard tunneling and camping the Obsession.

    Obsession relationship --> Risk and Reward:

    Reward: After hooking your obsession, congratulations! Dying Light is working!! Now you can slow down a bit the trial.

    Risk: You NEED your obsession alive, she/he will not suffer from Dying Light negative effects and will have a boost on altruistic actions. This is very risky and a real game change! Can I say more?

    And save the best for last could actually synergy. You have my upvote

  • Onehouse
    Onehouse Member Posts: 46

    What Dying Light are you reading? I like the one that's there which means tunneling the obsession to death before a 2nd or 3rd generator is fixed. It works even better with an ivory or ebony mori to guarantee you need hook the obsession just once. The obsession's death practically equals killing two survivors because you've removed a fourth of their workforce and added a further work slowdown equal to killing a whole other person.