A Power Readability Improvement

Lexilogo Member Posts: 587
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This might seem like an odd time to bring this up, but I think it's becoming increasingly relevant as the game goes on. Powers are just WAY too big. Even for experienced players, Killer Power text often comes across as incomprehensible, and Power demonstrations are far more valuable to allow you to understand what a Power does.

As an example, look at Pinhead's new Power text. Putting the flavor text and extra final sentence aside, there are 5 paragraphs for players to read here.

Individually, there are probably optimisations to text that could be made to express the same concepts faster (the Dead By Daylight wiki does this nicely) but I have an idea that could also solve the problem, at least for a lot of Killers.

Split the Killer Powers display between the "Killer Power", and an "Environmental Power" if applicable. Any Killers who change the environment in some way will have it displayed in a second Power box next to the one they already have, and the now-redundant information in their initial Killer Power is removed. In some cases, especially for the most complicated Killers, I think this could make what they do more digestible and easier to grasp for new players.

As an example, here's a simple one for Trapper:

Distribute Beartraps: Traps are found lying around the area, waiting to be picked up and set anywhere.

At the start of the Trial, 5 disarmed Bear Traps are randomly distributed across the Trial Grounds.

His default Power text would only have a couple bits of text removed: The "Traps are found around the area waiting to be picked up and set anywhere" flavor text has essentially been moved, and the "Find and collect more throughout the environment" bit.

But, Trapper isn't the kind of Killer who needed this. Let's look at a more complicated Killer, like Freddy.

Dream World: When his victims fall asleep, The Nightmare pulls them into a parallel reality, where there is no God but him.

The Nightmare passively puts all awake Survivors to sleep and into the Dream World over a span of 60 seconds, or immediately upon hitting them with a Basic Attack.

In the Dream World, Survivors are afflicted with the Oblivious status effect, and can be affected by Dream Snares. Dream Pallets only appear in the Dream World.

Survivors can wake up by failing Skill Checks, having an awake Survivor perform the Wake Up action, or using their assigned Alarm Clock. Each successive Wake Up action takes twice as long.

Alarm Clocks:

At the beginning of the Trial, 5 Alarm Clocks are randomly distributed across the Trial Grounds. Whenever a Survivor enters the Dream World, they are "assigned" the Alarm Clock furthest from their current location. Survivors can see their assigned Alarm Clock with a white aura, and use it to escape the Dream World. This will also provide immunity to sleep for 30 seconds.

Meanwhile, Freddy's original Killer Power text would still contain things like what Dream Snares/Pallets do, the Dream Tokens system, how Freddy flickers from the POV of awake Survivors, and Dream Projection.

This essentially splits the power's text between "Here's what the Killer does to Survivors, if they're asleep", and "Here's everything you need to know about being awake/asleep". This not only makes him easier to understand for new players, but it also allows more information to be squeezed into his description without making it overwhelming, as I actually did in this example.

Here's a list of which other Killers besides Trapper/Freddy that I think would have an "Environmental Power" split:

Huntress: Hatchet Lockers.

Pig: Jigsaw Boxes.

Plague: Pools of Devotion.

Pyramid Head: Cage of Atonement.

Trickster: Knife Lockers.

Nemesis: Zombies/Vaccine Cases. (I think "Outbreak" would be a much catchier name for this one, though)

Pinhead: Lament Configuration.

In some cases, like Huntress, it's just for consistency, but in cases like Pinhead or Pyramid Head I really feel like they'd be a lot easier to quickly understand if they had this.