Nurse should have one blink

RemoveSWF Member Posts: 509

Nurse is way OP right now. The only killer I see in pro tournaments is Nurse. Nobody even plays Billy anymore.

Nurse with one blink would be balanced and allow skilled killers to catch survivors without steamrolling over them with ease.

This should be combined with buffs for other killers so they're more viable.

(I'm a killer main.)



  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    You’re not the only killer player that thinks this I’ve seen others say the same. I feel that nurse being op is masked by the game being unbalanced and the fact they just can’t afford to nerf her right now. I also feel like those add ons that make her able to have more than two blinks kinda takes a little away from the skill required for her.
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @lasombra1979 said:
    I am a killer main who does not use the nurse at all. The reasoning is I play casually and she requires more skill and patience to run her than I am willing to put in. She is the best killer yes, but only by those who can handle her. She does not need to be nerfed in the least bit. Her power is balanced by the skill required to play her.

    This so much. I respect that capabilities of the nurse and those that commit the time to learning and mastering her. I myself can only play her for dailies. I am hot garbage with her and get dumpstered alot with her. There is no middle ground with the nurse. You are either really good or really bad and that is what is so amazing with her. You master her and you will dominate but the slightest mistake can be very costly.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @ThePloopz I agree with you to a degree. The unbalance does mask a lot of the nurse OP, but even with the add ons that give more than two blinks, she is still a bit to handle, esp on the consoles. The multiple blinks do band aid the skill required, but does not remove it. Personally, I think the other killers need buffs before the nurse gets a nerf.

  • ZarStocher
    ZarStocher Member Posts: 59

    @ThePloopz said:
    You’re not the only killer player that thinks this I’ve seen others say the same. I feel that nurse being op is masked by the game being unbalanced and the fact they just can’t afford to nerf her right now. I also feel like those add ons that make her able to have more than two blinks kinda takes a little away from the skill required for her.

    Have you ever played her? I would like to tell you how I learned The Nurse. During this process, I realized that Addons are bad for her, and there is one reason for it. When you play The Nurse, it is all about knowing what is going to happen. Where will that Claudette go? Will she go left or right? Will she change direction so that I have to make a short blink? Does that Jake have Dead Hard? Will he jump over the window or hide and return behind the wall?
    I agree that more blinks are helpfull for The Nurse. I usually play with three blinks, constantly using the same two addons. One extra blink, which slightly reduces the range, and a slightly increased range. I have adapted to play with these addons, but if I would change them, I would most likely fail miserably. The reason for this is that it changes the way she behaves. It is also knowing about how far the blink will go and how long her fatigue time is. If that changes, you will take a while to adapt to it.
    As you may have noticed, I disagree that more blinks take away skill.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    lol everything you describe the good killers shouldn't be able to do is aspects of those killers that require skill.

    Bad hitboxes are not skill.

    Billy insta-chainsawing around corners is a combination of OP add-ons and bad hitboxes

    Huntress 360 noscope from a mile away is a sign of being an autistic savant, the kind of cancer that ruins Counter Strike with jumping headshots from the other side of the map. Even worse when it hits you around a corner because hitboxes are broken.

    I don't feel like I get outplayed when I lose to a killer like that. I feel like the game screwed me, either because it's badly designed or because it allows savants to do things that are utterly absurd.

    Billy insta-sawing around corners is a result of the sensitivity introduced for the billy in the first second of his sprint. A replacement to the flick that used to be present with him at release. It takes correct timing to land a chainsaw around a corner. It has nothing to do with "OP addons". Oh boi huntress should be nerfed because someone is good at throwing hatchets. Hate to break it to you bud but when you lose its not because the killer is OP its because your just bad at the game.

    Dude claiming he's good because of broken hitboxes.

    Survivors like you claimed abusing infinites was skill. The same kind of survivors who think pallet looping and 360s are skill now.

    There's no skill in any of that, it's just abuse of gameplay mechanics.

    I'm among the people who want true balance - nerf survivors, nerf the OP killers, buff the weak killers.

    While you're abusing this broken game to spam chainsaws/hatches around corners, I've been to rank 1 killer as Wraith, Freddy, Pig, Leatherface, Trapper, etc etc.

    Continue playing as the most OP killers in the game, you're relying on crutches to win matches. You don't know what skill is until you've done it with the weak killers like I have.

    lol where did i say infinite and pallet looping was skill XD Dont go making stuff up. Spam chainsaws? How does one spam the chainsaw? From someone that mains Hillbilly spamming the chainsaw constantly is a good way to lose the game. Playing Hillbilly or Nurse is relying on crutches LMFAO. "You don't know what skill is until you've done it with the weak killers" Your joking right? There is no skill with the weak killers because they are 2 dimensional with simplistic powers. No learning curve at all. You pick them up and play them and hope to god the survivors are ass at the game. You dont want balance you want all the good killers that take time to learn too be nerfed so that you can have ez wins. Whenever a player comes along that knows how to handle one of the good killers you cry OP plz nerf. Give me a break.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited June 2018
    @zarstocher with the add ons you use you have one penalty for having 3 blinks you just have the fatigue time. So let’s say one nurse player has 2 blinks and the other has 3 with your add ons. Is it fair to say that the person with 2 blinks has less room for error and needs to be more precise because they only have 2 blinks whereas the other player can make a mistake but recover from it due to having that 3rd blink. You yourself said it’s helpful and the person with 2 blinks doesn’t have that help that the person with the 3 blinks has. I could be missing something as I am not a nurse expert and will not pretend I am. If I am missing something don’t hesitate to let me know
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2018

    @RemoveSWF said:
    And I like using a variety of killers (actually the "top three" of Nurse, Billy and Huntress are the ones I play least, which is why I'd love to see those OP killers nerfed.

    How about buffing the other killer instead?

    How about that instead of nerfing the only viable killer at high level play

  • ZarStocher
    ZarStocher Member Posts: 59

    Yeah that's true.
    Having three blinks is fine. Two is default. And with two blinks, there is only one blink left to correct your mistakes.
    Now, if you nerf The Nurse to only one blink, you are destroying her. Then, you force every Nurse to use additional blink addons... and kinda make all the other addons useless. Speaking of useless addons, I actually consider all the very rare addons for The Nurse useless, because they force you to use additional blinks because they remove from the default two blinks.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    @ZarStocher oh I don’t agree that nurse should have one blink at all. I just think that she’s a little too strong and when survivors get nerfed to balance the game along with other changes it’ll show. I’ve heard killer players say she’s a little op but this is the first time I’ve heard of a one blink thing. I think one blink would be really bad because at that point she’d be too easily juked by survivors and would be really unfun to play. You’d be looking more at the ground being fatigued than trying to kill the survivors lol
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Lol yeah and when that happens I hope that survivors will have only one leg since two legs are OP.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    The game as it is should not be completely about instant reactions and infinitely high-skill ceiling plays. I think we're inappropriately injecting Stress Fight or FPS mentality into what should be a horror game.

    Multiple blinks really contribute to the Nurse's scare-factor and help her be more than just a top tier stomper. While I think three or more blink Nurse should be tweaked a little bit so that it's not as oppressive as it is now, her add ons should also do more to change her playstyle.

  • 0chuck
    0chuck Member Posts: 3

    Most people that play as the nurse are actually pretty terrible with her. I rarely run into someone who is actually good with the nurse. Its a very strong killer for those that can use her but I think she is fine. It gets annoying when they nerf the killers just because some people can't survive against them. The games more fun when the killers are harder to beat. It makes the escape that much more satisfying.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Nurse is way OP right now. The only killer I see in pro tournaments is Nurse. Nobody even plays Billy anymore.

    Nurse with one blink would be balanced and allow skilled killers to catch survivors without steamrolling over them with ease.

    This should be combined with buffs for other killers so they're more viable.

    (I'm a killer main.)

    I seriously disagree. The nurse has already been nerfed enough and the only reason you only see her in the higher leagues is because she's the only viable one. The answer is not nerfing her, but reworking the others.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    nurse is fine. git gud
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i saw the title and expected much worse in here.... yall seem pretty calm. almost pleasant. i was expecting carnage and corspes.... and #########-smeared walls.... :D

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    i saw the title and expected much worse in here.... yall seem pretty calm. almost pleasant. i was expecting carnage and corspes.... and #########-smeared walls.... :D

    Try to same on steam forums, for fun.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Runiver said:

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    i saw the title and expected much worse in here.... yall seem pretty calm. almost pleasant. i was expecting carnage and corspes.... and #########-smeared walls.... :D

    Try to same on steam forums, for fun.

    lmmfao. i've heard about DBD steam and reddit.... its like GTA online without mods apparently.... :D

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @deadwolfwalking said:

    @Runiver said:

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    i saw the title and expected much worse in here.... yall seem pretty calm. almost pleasant. i was expecting carnage and corspes.... and #########-smeared walls.... :D

    Try to same on steam forums, for fun.

    lmmfao. i've heard about DBD steam and reddit.... its like GTA online without mods apparently.... :D

    I've been there since the release of the game or so. It's an hilarious place, but it's very peculiar. You gotta get the best out of it, but once you figured the way, it has some great moments.

  • Fropps
    Fropps Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2018

    Regardless of whether you think nurse is balanced or not, the devs are never going to do this because nurse players have each put in hundreds of hours into mastering just the one killer because they're strong when you put in the time to get good with them. If they nerf her that significantly, is that fair to all of those players? Of course not.

    Didn't you see the backlash when they changed her the first time so that she could move up or down levels more easily?

    Even if nurse is powerful, removing a blink so she only has one is like taking a sledgehammer to a problem that needs a screwdriver. If anything, nurse can be fixed by numbers. Make her fatigue longer, reduce the max range on the blink. It just doesn't make sense to make such a drastic change to how a beloved killer works when you could nerf her other ways.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @Fropps said:
    Regardless of whether you think nurse is balanced or not, the devs are never going to do this because nurse players have each put in hundreds of hours into mastering just the one killer because they're strong when you put in the time to get good with them. If they nerf her that significantly, is that fair to all of those players? Of course not.

    Didn't you see the backlash when they changed her the first time so that she could move up or down levels more easily?

    Even if nurse is powerful, removing a blink so she only has one is like taking a sledgehammer to a problem that needs a screwdriver. If anything, nurse can be fixed by numbers. Make her fatigue longer, reduce the max range on the blink. It just doesn't make sense to make such a drastic change to how a beloved killer works when you could nerf her other ways.

    Nevermind that there's also absolutely no good reason to nerf her (or any other Killer for that matter, but especially her) at the moment, seen as how the game is still and will remain significantly unbalanced towards Survivors in the near future, since 2.0.0 changes nothing about the flawed core mechanics.

    And, speaking of flawed core mechanics: the depip squad was just as devastating for Nurses as for any other Killer they faced. The flawed core mechanics even have her powerless against Survivors who only focus on doing their objective.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i've seen lots of nurse mains get knocked on their ass. nurse isn't OP. all killers need to be close to where she is. the game is a horror game....

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:
    nurse is fine. git gud

    You can't play Nurse without two blinks.

    You git gud.

    my nurse is p3 and i have no problem with her. you are the one whining.

    git gud
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Runiver said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:

    nurse is fine. git gud

    You can't play Nurse without two blinks.

    You git gud.

    my nurse is p3 and i have no problem with her. you are the one whining.

    git gud

    Your Nurse is P3 because she has two blinks. That's my point.

    If you're gud, you won't mind one blink. Yet here you are whining at the suggestion.

    Scared of a challenge? Sounds like you just want to use an OP killer to stomp people, then claim your skill is why it happened rather than bad game balance.

    Do it with one blink then come back and talk about your 1337 sk1llz.

    If you CAN do it with one blink, you prove my point - she only NEEDS one blink.

    I like that kind of arguments.
    "If you don't do it with 1 blink, you need to git gud
    If you do it with 1 blink, I'm right"

    This thread has been a wonderful train of lolz. I think at this point the only thing we have uncovered is that OP is a noob survivor that is in strong need of Gituth of thy Gudith.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Runiver said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:

    nurse is fine. git gud

    You can't play Nurse without two blinks.

    You git gud.

    my nurse is p3 and i have no problem with her. you are the one whining.

    git gud

    Your Nurse is P3 because she has two blinks. That's my point.

    If you're gud, you won't mind one blink. Yet here you are whining at the suggestion.

    Scared of a challenge? Sounds like you just want to use an OP killer to stomp people, then claim your skill is why it happened rather than bad game balance.

    Do it with one blink then come back and talk about your 1337 sk1llz.

    If you CAN do it with one blink, you prove my point - she only NEEDS one blink.

    I like that kind of arguments.
    "If you don't do it with 1 blink, you need to git gud
    If you do it with 1 blink, I'm right"

    This thread has been a wonderful train of lolz. I think at this point the only thing we have uncovered is that OP is a noob survivor that is in strong need of Gituth of thy Gudith.

    I'm gonna resume it in a few words :
    He's a leatherface main.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Runiver said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Runiver said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:

    nurse is fine. git gud

    You can't play Nurse without two blinks.

    You git gud.

    my nurse is p3 and i have no problem with her. you are the one whining.

    git gud

    Your Nurse is P3 because she has two blinks. That's my point.

    If you're gud, you won't mind one blink. Yet here you are whining at the suggestion.

    Scared of a challenge? Sounds like you just want to use an OP killer to stomp people, then claim your skill is why it happened rather than bad game balance.

    Do it with one blink then come back and talk about your 1337 sk1llz.

    If you CAN do it with one blink, you prove my point - she only NEEDS one blink.

    I like that kind of arguments.
    "If you don't do it with 1 blink, you need to git gud
    If you do it with 1 blink, I'm right"

    This thread has been a wonderful train of lolz. I think at this point the only thing we have uncovered is that OP is a noob survivor that is in strong need of Gituth of thy Gudith.

    I'm gonna resume it in a few words :
    He's a leatherface main.

    Nurse is the most OP killer in the game.

    You're in no position to mock anybody.

    Nurse being OP or not, I'm in position to mock whoever I want.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Nurse is fine. I'm actually scared of a good Nurse, which should be the case for every killer.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:

    nurse is fine. git gud

    You can't play Nurse without two blinks.

    You git gud.

    my nurse is p3 and i have no problem with her. you are the one whining.

    git gud

    Your Nurse is P3 because she has two blinks. That's my point.

    If you're gud, you won't mind one blink. Yet here you are whining at the suggestion.

    Scared of a challenge? Sounds like you just want to use an OP killer to stomp people, then claim your skill is why it happened rather than bad game balance.

    Do it with one blink then come back and talk about your 1337 sk1llz.

    If you CAN do it with one blink, you prove my point - she only NEEDS one blink.

    nah i think shes fine.

    you will either git gud, or ragequit. we dont care :)
  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    stop feeding trolls

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Brady said:
    Nurse is fine. I'm actually scared of a good Nurse, which should be the case for every killer.

    damn right.... i occasionally play swf and they always say 'oh #########. its a nurse'.... they need to be saying 'oh #########. theres a killer in here' regardless of which one....

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @deadwolfwalking said:

    @Brady said:
    Nurse is fine. I'm actually scared of a good Nurse, which should be the case for every killer.

    damn right.... i occasionally play swf and they always say 'oh #########. its a nurse'.... they need to be saying 'oh #########. theres a killer in here' regardless of which one....

    Yes, this.

    If it's a really good Nurse, I'm trying my hardest to LOSE HER. I don't want that beast near me at all, because I'm almost shitting myself knowing she's gonna have a good chance in downing me with her pretty blinks.

    And this is how it should feel for every killer. Looping a nurse? Yeah, that's risky since she can just go pew right through the pallets. Makes it more thrilling and more rewarding when losing her.

  • Shadowchao121
    Shadowchao121 Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2018

    Is nurse even that hard to use...?

    In my opinion: No.

    Is she harder than others? Yes, but not that much at least to me.

    She DOES take the most skill but when people are like

    "well yeah she has that UNFATHOMABLY high skill cap only like 10 people are good at her"


    Post edited by Shadowchao121 on
  • Shadowchao121
    Shadowchao121 Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2018

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    lol everything you describe the good killers shouldn't be able to do is aspects of those killers that require skill.

    Bad hitboxes are not skill.

    Billy insta-chainsawing around corners is a combination of OP add-ons and bad hitboxes

    Huntress 360 noscope from a mile away is a sign of being an autistic savant, the kind of cancer that ruins Counter Strike with jumping headshots from the other side of the map. Even worse when it hits you around a corner because hitboxes are broken.

    I don't feel like I get outplayed when I lose to a killer like that. I feel like the game screwed me, either because it's badly designed or because it allows savants to do things that are utterly absurd.

    Billy insta-sawing around corners is a result of the sensitivity introduced for the billy in the first second of his sprint. A replacement to the flick that used to be present with him at release. It takes correct timing to land a chainsaw around a corner. It has nothing to do with "OP addons". Oh boi huntress should be nerfed because someone is good at throwing hatchets. Hate to break it to you bud but when you lose its not because the killer is OP its because your just bad at the game.

    Dude claiming he's good because of broken hitboxes.

    Survivors like you claimed abusing infinites was skill. The same kind of survivors who think pallet looping and 360s are skill now.

    There's no skill in any of that, it's just abuse of gameplay mechanics.

    I'm among the people who want true balance - nerf survivors, nerf the OP killers, buff the weak killers.

    While you're abusing this broken game to spam chainsaws/hatches around corners, I've been to rank 1 killer as Wraith, Freddy, Pig, Leatherface, Trapper, etc etc.

    Continue playing as the most OP killers in the game, you're relying on crutches to win matches. You don't know what skill is until you've done it with the weak killers like I have.

    Dude put your ego away. It smells.

    Post edited by Shadowchao121 on
  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    I truly believe no killer needs nerfing. In fact, every killer needs to be buffed. Surviving is meant to be hard. This game wasn't meant to be balanced. The killer is supposed to win. Surviving has become so easy that people lost sight of what this game was supposed to be.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    RemoveSWF said: 

    @Lowbei said:
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Lowbei said:

    nurse is fine. git gud

    You can't play Nurse without two blinks.

    You git gud.

    my nurse is p3 and i have no problem with her. you are the one whining.

    git gud

    Your Nurse is P3 because she has two blinks. That's my point.

    If you're gud, you won't mind one blink. Yet here you are whining at the suggestion.

    Scared of a challenge? Sounds like you just want to use an OP killer to stomp people, then claim your skill is why it happened rather than bad game balance.

    Do it with one blink then come back and talk about your 1337 sk1llz.

    If you CAN do it with one blink, you prove my point - she only NEEDS one blink.

    Nurse isn't even OP if you simply know how to use your brain lmao
  • Shadowchao121
    Shadowchao121 Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2018

    Exactly. Like i said, people overblow her to death.

  • BlueVortex
    BlueVortex Member Posts: 11

    @Brady said:
    [...] If a huntress is able to 360 scope me from 30m away, I'm deadass giving that hoe a free hook. THAT IS ACTUAL SKILL LMAO. Her hitboxes aren't that broken. Hell, I'd suck bunny mom's dick if she 360'd hatchet-hit me from that far. I'd even be her #########.