Gen Speeds



  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    I think a lot of people feel this way. I'm satisfied with a 2K when I play killer. 😄

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I have seen a killer main said SBMM is fair because he finally 3-4k every match. So you're correct.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    Im so glad someone finally mentioned the tool boxes because in recent weeks I've really noticed a downturn with them. The colours make next to no difference anymore and all of them do about 20% there abouts max unless you have streetwise at purple rank.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2021

    That's the issue. The game is for everyone - not just killers and it think that needs to be realised. 4ks should be when you have done exceptionally well. Not the norm. Just as matches where all 4 survivors escape are nowhere near the norm... Unless you're on SWF I guess but I always play solo Q and it's rare.

  • RodrigoL
    RodrigoL Member Posts: 50

    People are saying that if bhvr put a secondary objective it'll more dificult or boring and camping will be more constant, I disagre, I play solo and its boring see the gens go fast and sometimes I barely touch them, thats why I do totems, always with detective hunch, a secondary objective is nice for survivor, more things to do in a match, more diversity ...

    And as killer I wouldn't mind to get longer chases, and wouldn't camp because I'd have more time to try get the survivor ...

    Doing this the bp per match sould be inscreaced as well, to 45/55k making grinding a little bit less stressfull too ...

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    That also doesn't matter under the current circumstances. Because those circumstances aren't changing, or at the very least, not yet.

    It -might- be possible that kill rates go down if SBMM becomes a thing. But we firstly don't know that, and secondly don't know when, or even IF SBMM becomes permanent. So if we decide to just blanket nerf all survivors in the meantime for what is evidently a minority of killers that can't seem to manage anything, we risk doing far more harm than good.

    And that's on top of the camping concerns.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Just like Killer makes mistake and have 1-2 hook when 5 Gen gone. Survivors happen to have many match that 1 death at 4 Gen left. Except Killer actually have chance when losing (End game perk, EGC camping, Survivors make mistake by being too Altruism..). On survivor side, they have zero chance to turn the tide.

    As long as Killers have option to shorten the task time they have to work (tunneling), Survivors should have the same option (rush gen and ignore totem, even if Noed exist)

    Tunnel/Camp & Gen rush are game problems, which being fixed by DS,BT,DH on survivor side, as Gen slow down perk on killer side.

    I want the game to have 2nd objectives to have the game more fun, but its not going to happens.

    Remember people said the game is going to have Early game collapse, where Survivors have to do something before Gen, because a Gen done when Killer trying to find the first survivor? And they introduced Lethal pursuit

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    During the short period when Undying released, i experienced far less camping killers. The forum wasn´t full of the usual "camper" complain threads. Instead it was full with threads complaining about "having to do totems" and "killer getting free wins" because of the Undying Ruin combo.

    This was a additional objective which required killers to constantly switch targets, patrol gens, move constantly. Because campers/tunnelers didn´t get any benefit out of the combo. Yet, survivor mains were not happy.

    Which is something i can´t explain. Since finally, all the survivor complain points regarding killers camping, tunneling or applying pressure were solved. Everyone got nice long matches. But survivor mains wanted a nerf. For unknown reasons. We were actually pretty close to solve camping forever, but then the devs gave in to the complaints and nerfed Undying into a meme perk.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    It could have something to do with old Ruin/Undying being absolutely broken and crashing survive rates. Possibly.

    Also, calling current Undying a meme perk. Lol.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited August 2021

    Show me a match where Undying survives longer than 60 seconds. Survivors even get a notification, that Undying is active.

    What was exactly broken about the old Undying Ruin combo?

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2021

    I feel like those are the survivor equivalent of 4k killers though.

    I've lost count of how many times I've said this recently but secondary objectives like in Fri 13th would actually really enhance the game for me.

    I get bored of finding things like green keys and maps that are hardly ever useful in game without add ons. They could be replaced with having to find parts for gens etc.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    Undying doesn't need to last longer than 60 seconds. That is literally not its purpose. It's there to expand the lifespan of whatever other Hex you have. In this case Ruin.

    The old Ruin/Undying combo could force survivors to cleanse all five totems to get rid of Ruin, and Ruin itself is an incredibly powerful perk. The fact that it could extend its uptime to such an extreme extent was what broke the combo. In the average match, if Ruin isn't found before the first hook, the killer wins. Now imagine needing to find Ruin -four times-. That's why old Undying was broken.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2021

    There was a thought, once upon a time, that survivors must do a one-time-find for a toolkit or engine part or what-have-you before even being able to start repairs. Plentiful and strewn about the map so it's nothing crazy, but that was an idea for an additional objective with slight, natural slowdown.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Lets analyze what you said:

    • Undying doesn´t need to survive more than 60 seconds. Thats a useless perk for me. Why? Because the killer spend a perkslot on this "protection". Which vanishes and doesn´t even expose survivors like Haunted Grounds does. As a matter of fact, Haunted Grounds is a stronger gen protection perk than the new Undying. Now, did we see a lot of killers that used Haunted Grounds to protect their other totems? The answer is no. Because no one ever complained about the Haunted Ruin combo.
    • Now regarding Undying Ruin. Survivors didn´t had to cleanse all 5 totems. They could, but they certainly didn´t had to. Why? Because Ruin on itself has absolutely no effect on a gen that is being worked on. To make Ruin do anything, the killer needed to patrol gens and switch targets. Aka the killer wasn´t tunneling or camping. <--- supposedly a good thing for survivors.
    • But survivors didn´t like that the killer was chasing them away from the gens. Almost like they didn´t care that the killer wasn´t camping anymore. So instead of ruining the game for a survivor who got camped. The killer "ruined" the game for survivors that tried to do gens by chasing them. Doing gens is one of the most boring aspects of the game. Thats why prolonging the gen times would be the wrong step. No one wants to hug a single gen for 2 minutes. Now chases, chases on the other hand are the fun part of the game. But a killer who constantly chased survivors away from the boring gens was disliked?
    • This sounds like survivors don´t know what they want. They want the killers to stay away from the hook, while also staying away from the gens. They want the killer to avoid going for the same survivor, while he also shouldn´t switch targets to get them off the gens. They don´t want to do gens only, while they also aren´t happen when they can do totems or chases. Weird, isn´t it?
  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    All right then.

    1) Haunted Grounds does nothing to protect your other hex. Have you even looked into how Haunted and Undying work? Because this is an absolutely baffling take. Haunted Grounds isn't a protection for Ruin, it just gives you an opportunity to punish survivors for going after your Ruin. It doesn't protect it. If they find Ruin and cleanse it, HG isn't going to magically make it retain function. Undying does.

    2) Have you ever tried to win a match without cleansing Ruin? Any time the killer approaches you, all the work you did on the gen is likely to be undone. This extends the match tremendously, and since no chase can last forever, you are on limited time, so losing the time you worked on the gen hurts your chances at winning. Since old Undying could require you to cleanse all five totems before you can actually work on gens without risking losing all the progress to the killer dropping by, it became an extremely oppressive combo that made it incredibly hard for survivors to do -anything-. Yes, campers didn't benefit from this. But survival rates still crumbled.

    3) The killer didn't ruin the game, the game itself did. Like it or not, survivors need a chance to win if you want them to keep playing.

    4) Survivors know perfectly what they want. A balanced game, -without- camping. Killers don't know what they want. They don't want to lose camping because 'just genrush', but the also don't want people to genrush and they want survivors to do all kinds of other things. And what makes you think survivors don't want to do totems? Is it the old NOED 'do bones' meme? Because you're a clown if you still buy into that drivel. I'm perfectly happy to do bones, the problem is that that doesn't counter NOED.

    Seriously dude, camping is the lodestone of DBD's biggest issues. Take that out and you can clean everything up. But for some reason, if you suggest camping be removed, people drudge up a 5 year old experiment and claim that that's evidence that there's not a single possible format under which this could work.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Your starting patrol needs a little fine tuning and adjustment. 3 gens likely means you found someone right away and didn't kick or check the nearby generator. It's not quite par. Basically, the killer should always be taking up more than one survivor's time at any point during a trial and applying that pressure with some finesse as the trial develops. Despite popular sentiment, it's not a 1v1 game.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Gen speeds now are justified. While gens still do go by fast, the problem isn't Gen speeds. It's the fact that survivors lack a objective prior to gens.

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256

    Ah, key words: Right hands. Not everyone is Otzdarva when it comes to playing those 3

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    1) Haunted Grounds does exactly what Undying does now. Only the chance of triggering isn´t 100% but 66%. Oh and it exposes survivors. While Undying does nothing more. The moment a survivor sees a glowing totem, the perk is gone.

    2) Yes, actually in most of my matches i ignore Ruin unless i stumble on it. Because the killer can only chase 1 survivor away from the gen. So the others will do gens, totally unaffected from Ruin. But even when the killer chases me away from the gen. The regression is 50% of the repair rate of a single survivor. So lets say the gen stays 60 seconds alone, a single survivor would take 30 seconds to undo the damage. 2 Survivors would take 16 seconds. Doesn´t really sound scary. Especially since Ruin is supposed to be a endgame perk, where its more likely that several survivors hug the same gen.

    3) Survivors always had a chance to escape. In fact, the game never had a survivor shortage. But several killer shortages. Because, as surprising as it might sound, a killer also wants to have fun. What we have now, isn´t fun. At least not for the killer.

    4) Survivors don´t want a balanced game. Or how would you explain all the complaints and threats when it was announced that DS would be nerfed? Survivor mains declared that they would stop playing (they didn´t), that it will increase the tunneling (it didn´t) and that the game would be unplayable (maybe for killers, but definetly not for survivors).

    5) I miss the times when the killer could actually afford to hook survivor A, then survivor B, then survivor C, then D, before starting with A again. Everyone got a nice amount of points and survivors died with 20k+ bloodpoints. Nowadays survivors escape with 11k to 14k bloodpoints and call the match ez. No killer will ever complain about survivors doing bones. After all, a survivor doing bones is a survivor who isn´t hugging gens.

    6) please don´t call me a clown. We had such a nice discussion here. So no need for insults. Wouldn´t you agree?

    7) Camping ruins the game for 1 survivor. Gen rushing ruins the game for 1 killer. Having additional objectives would improve the game experience for both sides. Keeping the game in its current state will ruin the game for both sides. Because both side will camp and rush.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    The counter to NOED is breaking bones, but " the problem is that that doesn't counter NOED"? Ok, bud.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    1) That's not how it works at all. Let me sketch the scenarios;

    Ruin/Undying, scenario A: Survivor finds Undying, cleanses it. Then has to find Ruin.

    Ruin/Undying, scenario B: Survivor finds Ruin, cleanses it. Undying becomes Ruin. Survivor then has to find Ruin.

    HG/Ruin, scenario A: Survivor finds HG, cleanses it. Then has to find Ruin.

    HG/Ruin, scenario B: Survivor finds Ruin, cleanses it. Survivor doesn't have to cleanse anything else.

    HG makes Ruin slightly harder to find and punishes survivors for guessing wrong. Undying mandates that survivors must ALWAYS find and cleanse two totems.

    Undying is what protects other hexes.

    2) Yeah, it's 'only 30 seconds', but that's taken out of a pretty restrictive time budget depending on killer skill, and doesn't count the time it takes to move back to gen. If a survivor is working on a gen solo and gets chased and hooked, are they really likely to be back there in 60 seconds? And this all happens passively. There's a reason Ruin is a Hex perk: It is -damn- powerful, and would be incredibly unbalanced if it could not be cleansed.

    3) Didn't it have a survivor shortage during the 5th anniversary? I remember complaints about long killer queues. And yes, killers aren't having fun. But that's not due to balance issues, because, as stated, the only statistics we have is that the game overall favours the killer. The reality is that killer gameplay is tense and monotonous in most cases, since you only do one thing: Track and hunt survivors. Survivors on the other hand vary between totem hunting, evasive maneuvers, altruism, gens and chases. This gives survivor gameplay diversity that killer gameplay lacks.

    If anything it's killers that should have additional options.

    4) Do you think killers are any better? You are here saying that you want the game slanted further in the killer's favour than it statistically already is! Literally every survivor perk that gets any usage at all gets complained about. Survivors have their Sluzzy, killers have their Lord_Tony.

    I remember a clip of... I think it was True? Whinging all match long about how overpowered Swiffer was, while he was A) Misplaying according to another clown player, B) Not up against a Swiffer, and C) GETTING A 4K ANYWAY!

    EVERYONE is prone to bias.

    5) I play without tunnelling and camping and I do -fine-, with the exception of playing pre-buff Trickster and my first couple of PH matches when I had zero experience in the game.

    6) I didn't say you were a clown, I said you were a clown if you buy into the 'do bones' drivel.

    7) Camping ruins the game for -everyone-. The killer has no fun, the hooked survivor has no fun, the other three survivors have no fun. Camping is the absolute worst experience that DBD has to offer, and making it more powerful by taking away its counter is going to make it -more- of a problem, not less. Fix camping, then there's plenty of breathing space to pace the game. Otherwise, you're just going to get this game killed faster.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    It isn't the counter. And it's very easily illustrated with the following:

    If ANY totem is left standing when the fifth gen pops, NOED activates without any deduction to its power. Therefor, at absolute best, 80% of totem cleanses do not do anything to deter NOED.

    That is of course a very crass way of looking at it, but it's no less crass than 'do bones'.

    @GoodBoyKaru actually commented on how 'doing bones' against NOED usually fares in this thread here:

    He describes another common issue, which is finding the four totems that are easy to find and thereby forcing NOED to sink into the one totem that ISN'T easy to find. Which makes 'doing bones' not just ineffective, it makes it downright invert on itself and empower NOED instead.

    He also points out that without comms, survivors struggle to find all five totems as a team and risk spending too much time on it, as some survivors might still be looking for a totem that has already been cleansed in an area that has already been swept. While this, in and of itself, isn't an argument against 'do bones', there's one little condition under which it -does- become an argument against 'doing bones'.

    Imagine wasting all that time to get totem 5, and then the killer -doesn't have NOED-.

    Because then NOED is the strongest slowdown perk in the game by far, and without even being equipped.

    Trust me, I tried 'doing bones'. And in all the times I did, I managed to kill a NOED once. But I have killed NOED three times by NOT cleansing totems, and instead just memorising their spots and revisiting them later. Sometimes by accident, but one very memorable instance was where I was working on gen 5, saw the dull totem and considered for a second whether I should cleanse it in case of NOED. I actively made the decision NOT to cleanse it just in case it lured in NOED, and it lit up as soon as my gen was done.

    You do FAR better against NOED by not cleansing totems.

    Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2021

    The counter to NOED, like every hex (aside from Haunted, of course) is to break it. Full stop.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687
  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2021

    I don't even know what meme you're talking about, nor will I keep arguing about NOED on a post about gens. Break bones. That's the end of that.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    1) In the case that HG gets found first, survivors still see 2 glowing totems. I guarantee you, that someone will cleanse that totem. Which will expose survivors and possibly give hooks. While Undying is simply gone. Sure, it protects that other perks. But totem spawn aren´t great to begin with. With totems spawning on top of a hill, next to gens or right in front of the exit gates. So even when Undying protects Ruin, it won´t survive much longer. Currently i often hear 2 thunderstrucks with a time difference of 30 seconds or less. When the killer uses this obsolete combo.

    2) You make this sound like survivors aren´t a team of 4. Its not necessary that the hooked survivor goes back to that gen, when other survivors can go there. Survivors have several ways of communicating the position of a (progressed) gen. Oh and with the exception of Devour Hope, there is not a single Hex perk that i would consider "damn powerful".

    3) During the 5th anniversary surprisingly many survivors switched to killer, because they thought (wrongly) that killers earn more bloodpoints. The result was killer queues between 2 and 5 minutes during primetime. The day after the whole event ended, killer queues became instant and survivors had queues between 2 and 5 minutes during primetime. This amount of time isn´t exactly what i would call a shortage. I remember a time a few years ago, where survivors had queues of up to 45 minutes. THAT was a shortage.

    Killers have a additional objective to their 12 hooks, while 4 survivors collectivly have 5 gens and nothing else to do?

    4) I won´t comment on other forum users.

    5) I play without DS and do fine. Your point is?

    6) nevermind then

    7) camping has been around for 5 years. Survivors got several ways to deal with camping. A good group can unhook with BT, body block and if everything fails the survivor usually has DS or a flashlight. Those tools are in fact so strong, that survivors started to weaponize them and use them outside of actual camping situations. A survivor who gets unhooked with BT, will DH into the killer to avoid that his savior gets downed. A freshly unhooked survivor in front of a opened exit gate is unstoppable, when he has DS. Killer gets punished here for not tunneling DS out earlier. Flashlights are a scourge of their own. We had the Howling Grounds event, where flashlights got "fixed" and turned into unavoidable torches. There wasn´t a single match where survivors wouldn´t bring the weaponized flashlights.

    Another obligatory objective wouldn´t kill the game. It wouldn´t suddenly turn all killers into campers and it certainly wouldn´t ruin the survivors fun. All they have to do is give survivors a meaningful objective thats different from what we have now. Like, for example, gas cans that have to be refilled and used on gens. They could become a whole new item (like toolboxes). The gas cans wouldn´t be required for all gens, but for the strategic gens. So survivors would have to make the choice if they ignore those gens and only do the normal ones, but exposing themselves with less favorable positions. Or doing the gas can objective and finish the strategic gens first, which makes the lategame easier.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    1) No, if HG gets found first and cleansed, only Ruin's totem remains. If one of the HG totems goes down, the other becomes dull. Yes, HG gets you more value if -it- gets found first, but if it doesn't, Ruin is gone and HG is only going to give value if the survivors chance it. And even if they do, that's not HG protecting your totems, that's just getting value out of it. Whether Undying does a good enough job is a moving of the goalposts. Yes, there will be cases where survivors find both really quickly. But there's also going to be scenarios where survivors find one or neither.

    2) The most common gamestate is one where one survivor is on the hook, one is coming to rescue, one is being chased, and one is on gen. This doesn't leave anyone to cover the gen of the person being chased. Yes, Swiffers can communicate where their lost gen is, but even then, the only one at liberty to stop its regression will likely be the person currently doing a gen. And if they lets go of the gen they're doing, they're gonna lose -their- progress. This is why Ruin is so devastating if it's still up by the time the first person's on the hook. And you may think Ruin isn't strong enough as a perk to be a hex, but even with that drawback, Ruin is still one of the most-picked perks. So unless you have an alternative explanation for its popularity, I'm going to assume that the vast majority of killers disagree with you.

    3) They thought -wrongly- that killers earn more bloodpoints? What? Unless you get absolutely stomped, you'll -always- get over 15K points and often go up to 32K if you win. Survivors tend to hit 25K for a -really- good match.

    Also, survivors not having other gameplay elements, what? Have you ever tried playing a match by just walking up to gens and holding M1 without -any- reaction to -any- other game elements? You think the average survivor just holds M1 on the gen when the killer comes in to grab them? You think you can win by just leaving someone hanging when the killer isn't camping?

    Survivor gameplay is broad and varied, killer gameplay is narrow and monotone. THAT is the problem.

    Well, that, and the fact that killers are forced to play alone. We need a 2 player killer, á la HotS' Cho'Gall.

    4) You utter hypocrite. You had no problem complaining about survivor mains and labelling them entitled, but as soon as I show you the other side of the coin you think you can take the moral high ground by proclaiming you won't pass judgement on other forumgoers? Grow a spine.

    5) The point is that you don't need to miss those times where the killer could play without tunnelling or camping. They never went away.

    6) -

    7) A good survivor will DH into the killer to bodyblock... What? DH disables your collision, you're gonna phase through the killer! Yes, BT is still being used offensively and I want that gone as much as the next person. Ideally, BT should just remove unit collision for the duration of the endurance effect. But you also have to remember that in your impassioned fervour, you are automatically assuming that survivors are bringing BT, DS and DH. That's three of four perk slots gone. And two of those perks practically never fire against me.

    Those perk slots could've gone to Botany Knowledge, Prove Thyself, Desperate Measures, We'll Make It, Quick & Quiet, For The People, Inner Strength... Any number of perks that can offer serious benefits.

    The fact that you confidently assume that BT and DS are part of the standard loadout of survivors illustrates how much of a problem camping is. Players are willing to gimp their customisability, their enjoyment of the game and their chances of winning to have a shot at dodging these tactics.

    Another obligatory objective wouldn´t kill the game. It wouldn´t suddenly turn all killers into campers and it certainly wouldn´t ruin the survivors fun.

    Nothing we know suggests this to be true.

    So you extend the games. You up the kill rates from around 70% to an even higher number. It won't fix the problem. Killers still have very little gameplay to them. Killers will still get frustrated. 3Ks aren't enough. Sometimes 4Ks aren't even enough.

    Killer just isn't fun to play.

    Focus on that, instead.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070
    edited August 2021

    It's cute you think that's still coming. BHVR is too dim to code their way out of a paper bag, let alone make a functional MMR.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    A 2-player killer á la HotS' Cho'Gall. Now that's intriguing.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    That is quite literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A "good" timing is to have 40% of the survivor objective done in the time it takes the Killer to get roughly 105?

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    @PalletsAndHooks didn't say anything about it being "good," only that it's par for the course.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2021

    It's a scoring system that sets a goal of what you want to be under based on the difficulty of the challenge and course. Par, therefore, means what is to be expected. It does not necessarily equate "good."

    That's part and parcel of phrases.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989


  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    BLARHGHAGERARALGLE it means acceptable or average, which is otherwise good. Sure, it's not better nor the best and it's certainly not fantastic, but par is good and otherwise within the scope for expectations of skill and ability of that scoring system.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    1) Doesn´t change the fact that you get more milage out of HG than Undying. Sure, there is a 33% chance that Undying protects better than HG. But when its gone, its gone and there are no downsides for survivors. Unlike HG, where survivors get exposed. So again, did you see HG as a meta protection perk before Undying? Because i didn´t. People still using Undying after its hard nerf is the killers equivalent of using SC. Once it was glorious, but now its hurting the team when you SC in the corner of the map. But some people don´t want to change their loadout, call it force of habbit.

    2) Since the release of the RE chapter, Blast Mine has been a very prominent perk. Because for one it hurts the killer and also shows other survivors where a worked on gen is. Now with the Ruin regression, survivors don´t need to be in a voice chat to see that glowing gen. At least for me it works like a charm. So again, Ruin isn´t a threat against decent survivors. Just ignore it and cleanse it if you find it. But the time you waste actively searching for it, is better employed hugging gens. Ruin was always just a bandaid for gens. It being among the most picked perks is explained by the existence of this thread. Killers struggle with gens and take everything in a desperate attempt to slow gens down. Its not uncommon to see killers use Corrupted, Ruin and Pop at the same time. 3 perks that don´t synergize at all. But are taken with the mindset of "when this fails, i have this, and when this also fails i still have that". Killers should not feel forced to take 3 gen slowdown perks. That isn´t fun.

    3) Don´t be ridiculous. Survivors and killers earn roughly the same amount of bloodpoints. More often than not i earn more points than the killer. I could spam you with screenshots where the killer always earned less than at least half of the survivors. Sure, you will earn less, when you do nothing but gens during the whole match. Because that category caps at 8k. So again, survivors earning less points is plain wrong.

    4) This could be identified as naming and shaming. So there is a good reason to not talk about other forum members.

    5) I can´t remember the last time i had actually time to 12 hook survivors without hooking the same survivors in a row. Maybe you are playing against really, really bad survivors. Don´t know. At least in my region, survivors tend to hug gens when they are not being chased by the killer. Its not uncommon that a unhooked survivor instantly goes for a gen to finish it with the rescuer before healing up. Which means that the healing nerf, which was aimed at passivly slowdown gens, failed as a whole.

    6) -

    7) You never actually seen this? Ok... survivor A is hooked, survivor B comes for the rescue, but gets injured near the hook. Survivor A gets unhooked and the BT timer starts. Now the killer would attempt to down survivor B for the hook trade, but survivor A uses DH to phase through survivor B and receives the hit instead. Since survivor A is protected by BT, they both get a decent distance before the killer can connect another hit. Its usually enough time to get to the exit gate or a pallet.

    8) The survivor meta perks haven´t changed in 4 years. DS, Unbreakable, DH, SC, BT and SB have been the most used survivor perks on all platforms 4 years ago and they still haven´t moved from there.

    Botany = only useful in a serious healing build. But then again, Autodidact would be better. Or We´ll make it.

    Prove Thyself = is okayish but you max out the bonus points to fast 1 1/2 gen is all it takes. Oh and since bloodpoints are not bound to emblems you will end up doing gens after hitting the limit, just for the emblems.

    Desperate = you truly have to be to use this perk. I don´t think i´ve seen this perk in the last 6 months.

    Q&Q = is good for losing the killer. But the current meta aims at running in circles and drop the pallet early. Because there are simply way to many pallets. So no need for stealth.

    FTP = only useful for SWF. Outside of it, its a death sentence. Just like Mettle of Man.

    Inner Strength = is for totem hunters. Here we are talking about slowing gens down with Ruin and you recommend a totem hunter perk...

    The fact that BT and DS are meta is because they are so powerful. Survivors rush gens and even when they get hooked once the gates are powered, the BT + DS combo will guarantee them the escape. At least when the killer didn´t tunnel someone early out to slowdown the gens.

    You see, the problem with those kill rates is, that there are many factors that alter the kill rates. Things like Rainbow matches, survivors don´t liking the match/killer and suiciding or disconnecting, SWF, etc. The devs always warn about drawing false conclusions on their data. Because they know that there are a lot of variables that alter the data.

    When they introduced the hook counter, i thought its a great way to scan their data and see how many hooks the killer gets before all gens are completed. Thus identifying gen speed/kill speed issues. But i don´t know if they actually look at the data or just at the end counter.

    Killer not being fun comes from the stress levels of playing against the clock. Killer is on a hard timer and losing 3 gens right at the start will demoralize every killer. Devs said, that we should forget about those external gens, that its normal to lose those fast. What they don´t mention is, that smart survivors do center gens first. Which makes a 3 gen (what i suppose is what the devs want killers to do) impossible. All the things that are supposed to slowdown the gens like failing skill checks, are more aimed at new players. But experienced players don´t even have a problem with Huntress Lullabys silent skill checks or Overcharge. Which is a problem, because those perks are aimed at slowing gens down but end up being useless.

    I like this discussion a lot, but we are slighly off topic. Unless OP has no problem with this discussion. Otherwise we should continue this in a new thread. Mark me up if you want to start a new thread.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Not always no. I've been able to win against a team of obvious red ranks, and so have others as well. Streamers like Otz are a great example of how this game isn't that unbalanced anymore.

    It's certainly not balanced perfectly, and it's honestly crazy that maps like Cowshed even still exist, despite getting two major updates. But the game's balance has improved a lot as well. It's decent I would argue.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You mean that video where survivor streamers ran him between 2 and 4 minutes? Yep, looks balanced. Especially since all gens can be completed in less than 4 minutes.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    run ruin, udying, tinkerer & pop

    can't afford to not run these perks with most killers on high lvl play

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    The 1v1 video? 1v1s are not a good indicator of overall game balance for multiple reasons that should be obvious.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Of course not. But survivors being able to run a very experienced killer for that amount of time, shows how bad pallet placement is and THIS is an indication of the balance.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    No problem.When MMR comes up and they see that 70% of the rooster cant beat a SWF team they will start to balance and worse just imagine the new matchmaking make that as no killer in red ranks are found here u have a rank 17 to bully or just wait for 20 mins queque.

    Great days gonna come!!

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    No, it isn’t. He was playing pure M1 Trapper against very experienced survivors on one of the most survivor-sided maps in the game in conditions that do not occur in a normal match, ever. It was purely for entertainment value and says as much about balance as his multiple 50 win streak videos: nothing.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    It's definitely annoying how fast gens go by, but at this point it's better to live with it. A LOT of perks and killers would need to be changed if they were to tamper with gen speeds.

    If they actually did do something about it though, I like Scott Jund's idea of having to find a part for a gen to make it go the current speed, but without the part it'd go slower.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Which video was that? And you do realise even an Otzdarva needs to be able to lose once and a while? If he'd win every game, the game would be seriously killer sided.

    Also, which killer was he using, and on what map was he playing?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Couldn't agree more. That's exactly the issue here. The game already has so much content that is at least attempted to be balanced around the game the way it is now, giving survivors a second objective would make certain killers and perks overpowered.

    Also, tunneling and camping would need some serious nerfs in the exact same patch in which a second objective is introduced. Or I am positive the killer queue times would go through the roof.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827

    The problem with slowing down gens is all the slow down perks. This is why they are in the game if you don’t want gens to fly.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Corrupt- swf can literally just wait out the timer in lockers or corner of the map (had this happen a couple of times) Now you have 3 perks for the rest of the game. They can also just rush the unblocked gens and it is like nothing ever happened.

    Ruin..... bang, now you have 3 perks.

    pop will get some value but you really really need to earn it and hope survivors are not 2 manning gens. good luck reaching the gen before it pops on big maps.

    Everything else is a skill check or requires luck or heavy investment from the killer for little payoff and can be ignored.