How would you feel about a new totem protection perk that isn't a Hex?

Having looked at the new Deadlock perk, An interesting idea that could be applied to totems in the near future as a perk.
Maybe called 'The Entities Shuffle'
Something along the lines of 'Any totem cleansed, causes the entity to block all totems for 15 seconds and 'Shuffles' the remaining totems into new locations, In addition, All dull totems appear disguised as a hex totem to survivors, once a real dull totem is destroyed, a 'Fake' totem appears in it's place (Like illusion pallets) Breaking a 'Fake' totem or another real dull totem enables the shuffle once more. "
- This perk does not work if Noed is active.
- Totems that grant stacks (Devour for example) are temporarily disabled once a shuffle occurs, and can be used 20-30 seconds after the shuffle completes.
- Illusion totems can be aura read by other perks or maps.
- Killer only see's his real Hex totem aura's, but is notified when a shuffle occurs with an audio cue and a timer on the perk icon.
- Can shuffle up to 5 times.
- This perk is disabled once all dull totems are destroyed or any real remaining Hex totem's are destroyed (if you have one real hex perk for example, and it's destroyed, this perk is disabled).
- Is not compatible with Undying
Is this too oppressive or OP?
I feel it's too oppressive. Instead of the shuffle they could do one that lights all totems after one is broken to provide confusion, or block off any active totems for a period of time like Corrupt Intervention does for gens.
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Blocking off all totems for around 15 seconds after one is cleansed sounds like a simple and fair idea. I’m all for a (non-hex) perk like that.
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What a convoluted perk, and an overpowered one too
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Fun fact, Thanatophobia increases cleansing speeds.
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I'm just thinking the biggest complaints you hear from users of hexes are "it's cleansed in the first minute of the game" so a Corrupt Intervention that will block your Ruin for two minutes at the start of the match could be nice for those people. To me a 15 second block is too short/situational since it takes that long or longer just to find another totem unless someone is already on one when you finish yours.
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Nice idea, too many effects though. You would need to remove something to make it more balanced.
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This is kind of just old undying with more steps. You can tell they really, really want to force survivors to have reasons to do dull totems but every idea they have had so far pans out into "its not fun for solos"
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It's funny how NOED is so special you have to make an explicit exception just for this one perk. Really shows how fair and balanced it actually is.
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I feel this is too confusing and has potential to be overpowered. Thanatophobia is already a non-hex perk that helps with defending totems. Legion with Ruin/Devour+Undying+Thanatophobia is already really good.
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What about this?
Bone Rush
Starting the trial, all hex totems are blocked by the Entity for 80-100-120 seconds and an additional 30 seconds for each hex perk in your possession.
When a hex totem is cleansed, any other hex totem that's in the process of being cleaned by a survivor will transfer to a random dull totem, if there's any present.
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That would be hex undying all over again without being a hex.
Hexes are high risk high reward i don't get why some people think they should keep their hexes for the whole trial.
Even the new undying is borderline but definitely better than og one
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If you're spending perk slots, especially additional hex perks, to keep your hex perk active longer, then they should last longer.
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I think hexes are fine as is. While the idea of blocking totems similar to Thrilling is a neat idea, I think you would get little value. Having more than one person cleansing totems is not efficient for gens, unless a map or detective's is being run. Even then, travel distance to the next totem would likely be long enough for the block to end before it would matter.
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Hex perks shouldn't stay up all match just because of one perk. We saw the devastation that old Undying caused with Ruin.
Hexes are meant to provide strong, game changing effects and force survivors to do side objectives to dispel them which buys you time. As someone who plays both sides, when I'm playing killer and my Ruin stays up all match it's downright oppressive and it's next to impossible for survivors to get through a 3 gen with Ruin still up.
I'm all for unique ways of offering Hexes some protection or misdirection / confusing survivors but it absolutely can't be something game breaking.
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I guess the best and most balanced way to protect hex perks with the entity blocking them is by scorched hooks.
3 random hooks and the basement hooks are changed into scorched hooks at the start of the trial. When a surv gets hooked on a scorched hook all totems get blocked by the entity. These totems remain blocked as long as a survivor hangs on a scorched hook. If a survivor gets rescued from a scorched hook the totems remain blocked for 15 for each active hex totem in the trial
(clarification: survs gets hooked on scorched hook - > all totems blocked.
If surv gets rescued and you control 2 hex totems then all totems stay blocked for 30 more seconds after the rescue)
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That might make your hexes too noticeable.
I didn't see your totem and boom, I just see comic spider protecting a totem I wouldn't have seen normally.
Just give totems a gun that shoots survivors when they cleanse them
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It wouldn't be noticeable, it just happens with generators because they are already noticeable and supposedly should be since they aren't meant to be hidden — they are your objective!
Totems being blocked won't be noticeable because they aren't supposed to noticeable.
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What I'm also saying is that the Entity's clicking when it blocks objects will also be present as well or some sort of sound tipoff if that makes sense
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Yeah, when it got changed to not effect healing, it also got changed to effect cleansing.
Taken from the Wiki: "Each injured, dying, or hooked Survivor incurs a stack-able 4/4.5/5 % penalty to all Survivors' Repairing, Sabotaging, and Cleansing Action speeds, up to a maximum of 16/18/20 %."
Its why once I get the perk, I'm going to try Thana, Thrill of the Hunt, and the coming Hex: Plaything in a build on Legion.
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Is 4 second really such d difference when cleansing?
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"Hexes are high risk, High reward". LUL right....why do survivors spawn right on top of them then?....High risk low reward when they are cleanses 30 seconds into the match.
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You said it sped up the cleansing process. Hence the confusion.
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Running triple Hexes doesn't sound like an idea very beneficial for your gameplay. That's a serious gamble.
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How about a perk that makes it to where totems get skill checks for survivors and if they cleanse a hex totems they get injured?
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Yeah, that won't be there, it will be similar to No Way Out — it only gets blocked if its touched within that time frame! 😄
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It's either Ruin or Devour, not both.
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My bad, I didn't see the forward-slash.