Scourge Hook Suggestion + Perk Reworks featuring Scourge Hooks

Scourge Hooks are a pretty neat concept. It's nice that they're adding new mechanics for Killers, especially since our latest additions are just obsessions and Hex: Undying. I only have a few gripes with how it is now.
- Scourge Hooks should NOT be restricted to specific perks.
Instead, Scourge Hooks should be present in every trial, just that they won't have any effects unless the Killer is running a perk that uses them; much like obsessions. This allows Killers who aren't using Scourge Hook perks to be able to use them and be rewarded for it, even if it's not a legitimate advantage in-game.
- Scourge Hooks grant extra bloodpoints in the Sacrifice category when hooking Survivors on them.
This is to create an incentive to use Scourge Hooks, like how obsessions receive extra points in the Survival category when they escape or die.
- Please, don't put "Scourge Hook" in front of the names of the perks.
Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, for example, really doesn't look good. It just inflates the title. To make everyone's lives easier, just leave it at Gift of Pain. Like obsession perks, let the player read the description and figure it out for themselves.
Great! Now, for the perk reworks.
The last two possess the ability to move Scourge Hooks around in a similar fashion to that of Nemesis or Furtive Chase so that they complement any future Scourge Hook perks :)
Dead Man's Switch
While a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, Dead Man's Switch is activated.
Any time a Survivor stops repairing a generator while Dead Man's Switch is active:
- The generator is damaged for 6% of progress and begins to regress.
- The generator is blocked by the Entity, remaining blocked until Dead Man’s Switch is no longer active.
Dead Man's Switch remains active for an additional 35/40/45 seconds when there are no more Survivors on Scourge Hooks.
Scourge Hook: Hangman's Trick
Your ingenious modifications to hooks allow the Entity's influence to guide you in your hunt.
When a Survivor is unhooked or escapes from a Scourge Hook, all Scourge Hooks transfer to the nearest hook to each Survivor.
Scourge Hooks’ auras are revealed to you at all times, and the auras of Survivors within 8/10/12 meters of a Scourge Hook are revealed to you.
Monstrous Shrine
The hooks dripping with the blood of your prey have aroused the Entity's interest.
When a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, gain a token.
Once 3 tokens have been accumulated, Monstrous Shrine activates. When a healthy Survivor rescues their teammate from a Scourge Hook, the Entity will lash out and injure the rescuer, leaving them Broken and Incapacitated for 12/14/16 seconds.
If you hook a Survivor on any other hook or the Survivor escapes your grasp, Monstrous Shrine deactivates and you lose all accumulated tokens. Afterward, the next time you pick up a Survivor, the nearest 4 hooks become Scourge Hooks.
Hope you like it! I'd love to hear your feedback!