What Killer is the Most Fun to Go Against for You?

Baby Nurse
Average Nurse
Hag, only if my teammates aren't idiots
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Demo, Trapper and pig maybe.
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Huntress. Mindgaming her at loops is great. It's a great feeling when you loop a pallet and then stand still as if you're about to pull it down but as she charges her hatchet (if she falls for the fake) go around for another loop. But it's equally a good feeling predicting when they're not going to respect the pallet. Predict wrongly and you'll lose a health state. It's intense.
It's also fun generally trying to dodge her hatchets, even at unsafe loops.
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Myers is fun to me when he played it. When I play survivor I have fun playing against a Hillbilly.
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"Baby nurse" lol (not gonna lie, that is fun because it makes me feel like a top 1% DBD player when I got against them haha) but a rank 1 pc nurse with 80 billion hours is one of my favorites to go against. Yeah, it's absolutely brutal, but I love the challenge. And if they kill me, well, they're a rank 1 PC nurse with 80 billion hours. They earned it.
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Mirror Myers + RPD
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Good point. I went against an iri head huntress the other day. Her aim was insane and she was really good at handling loops too. It made things much more intense, but the challenge was fun.
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Twins and Trickster, funnily enough. Bubba, PH and Oni are also very fun.
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Mikey is my favorite. Always a fun time with the boogeyman.
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I am a very small minority on this but legion
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Billy and huntress will always be my favourites
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Anything other than Doctor, Legion and Doctor are fun for me. Dr no skill will see you now 🙄
Post edited by SMitchell8 on0 -
Any Nurse below god tier.
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It’s actually fun going against any stealth killer, don’t really matter to me whether they’re good or bad.
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My least favorite is probably Freddy, then Doctor.
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I gotta say Spirit and Plague so I can simp the whole match.
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Huntress with a decent Internet connection is great.
A bad but not awful pyramid head is amazing because I can read them like a book and they won't end up doing something so omega brain I'd never have expected it.
Billy's are fun so long as they hook people and don't infectious slug at 5 gens, same can be said for Nurse.
Bubba is pretty fun until I get a map with literally nothing on or I'm in soloq.
A chasing Wraith, yes. A hit and run Wraith, no. And no that's not because chasing Wraith is weaker its because I get to interact with the killer for more than 0.4 seconds.
Demo is a good pupper and deserves lots of pats
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Nemesis, Trapper, and Pig cause the killer themselves are not the only thing you need to worry about. Got zombies and traps have to worry about.
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Oni, because I never get to see him and he feels like a legitimate threat
Plague, because I never see her and like the character a lot
Pyramid Head, because I like the character and he never feels especially cheap to me
Hillbilly, because he's an extinct species
Pig, because I don't see her that often and generally find her to be fair or at least different
Nurse, because I find her to be a fair challenge that's not always cheap
Most of the others are in "the middle" with a handful of exceptions that I hate.
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I actually feel bad when I realize it's a baby Nurse, so I intentionally let them start hitting me when there are only two gens left. I don't want them to give up and eventually, if they seem like a good sport, I let them kill me.
I actually don't mind a Monster Nurse, I just hate the ones who deem it necessary to slug at 5 gens and just obliterate us in under 2 minutes.
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Agreed. Myers is great for the "Jesus Christ! Where the hell did you just come from?!" thrill lol
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That link is a compilation of clips from the streamer Puppers. 9:30 minute mark is a perfect Myers example lol
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The most fun killers for me to go against are Nurse and Spirit, because they are the only killers that change survivor gameplay.
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Nurse, Blight, Oni, Spirit, Twins, Nemmy, Daddy Myers, and Huntress!
I look forward to playing against Pinhead ^^
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For its spirit because i know if 2 or more survivor escape we out played her as a team. The other killer if we escape its to be expected they cant compete against nurse and spirit
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Personally, I rather enjoy Nurse, Huntress, Twins, Ghost Face, Demogorgon, Blight, Pig (snoot boops!), and Trapper...if I step in a one-in-a-million bear trap in the middle of nowhere, I laugh my backend off, I can't even be mad. When it happens, often in post game the Trapper and I get a good laugh from it lol
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Demo, Nemmy, Phead, Blight, And ghostie. I probably like more killers than most, but they're really fun to fight. Demo is probably my favorite though, he's just really fun to fight and has an excellent presence and aesthetic. I never feel unfairly beaten if i die to one.
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As a Huntress main, I feel personally attacked reading this 😪
I fall for that ######### all the time.
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I like playing against Hag but I don’t see a lot of her anymore.
also enjoy going against Trapper and Billy but these two are also not seen a lot when I’m playing.
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-Michael Myers.
-Oni (but not experts xP).
Haven't played against Twins or Trickster yet as I main Killer & play on console. I haven't played against enough Nemesis either yet. Everyone else I either hate going against or the usual type of players that play said killers.
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Any one that I can use windows and pallets against. The other half I'm just social distancing 😴
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Pig. I love trying to get the reverse bear trap off. I also love playing against garbage killers because I am even worse!
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I like going against Oni, Billy, Bubba, Nurse, Huntress, Gorgonzola, Miguel, Vommy Mommy
I cannot stand Legion and Ghostface. Legion is just boring and my solo queue teammates will Self Care approximately 87 times a game, which is why I kill myself on hook as soon as possible. Ghostfeces all just camp the hook and for whatever reason, they're the most toxic players. Like, they decide to chase me for 3-4 gens and then facecamp me and hit me on the hook and teabag, I guess to teach me a lesson? I dunno what it is about Ghostface. I can't figure it out.
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Yeah, Trappers deserve a lot of love, especially the really skilled ones! I can't get mad at a well-placed trap!
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I enjoy going against all killers (Demo takes the spot for favorite one) with the exception of Spirit
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Whichever one doesn't camp or tunnel.
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Nurse with pumpkin head. After a day of facecamping and gen-phobic team mates, pamupukin hedu nurses are a relief. I finally feel like I am doing something (I remember a match in the first SBMM day of the last test when I faced a pumkin head nurse. I looped her around the same pallet for 5 gens. Then I adrenalined away and our Blendie got caught and face camped - she had kindred, I was injured and our Felix refused to save her, although I was pointing at her and even teabagged and clicky clickied the nurse in hope of her going after me. She did, but Felix still stood at the gate to teabag)
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Huntress, Nurse, Oni, Myers, Pig, Deathslinger, and Demo.
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Oh, Felix . . . we've all been on the receiving end of *that* teammate. It's annoying when the teammate who does the least either A. dips from the match first or B, is given the hatch by the Killer haha
But yes, pumpkin head nurse is an underused cosmetic!
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What's interesting is, save for Nurse, your list (like mine) is made up of what (at least major streamers) argue is non-S tier killers.
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The sad part is that the Blendie was actually the one to do most of the gens. If I would've had SC, I would've 100% saved her cuz I had BT.
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Oni, Hag, Trapper, Pig, Demogorgon in that order.
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Huntress and Blight are the two killers that I have the most fun going against. I also like going against Pig, Nurse, Oni, and Clown, But Huntress and Blight are at the top of the list.
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Billy, Myers, Pig, and Demo.
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Demogorgon, Trickster
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Nice to see some Trickster love. He's one of my favorites (even if he needs a rework).
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Blight & nemesus