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What Killer is the Most Fun to Go Against for You?



  • Member Posts: 945

    blight, oni, hillbilly, shape, Deathslinger, cenobite

    demo, executioner, nemesis (basically the same main power but with 3 different flavoured sauces)

  • Member Posts: 4,695

    Non-godtier Nurse is the best to play against. Very rewarding counterplays!

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Mikey is one of my favorites, too. His jump scares are my favorite thing about going against him. I don't get to use the PTB, but the cenobite looks like he'll be fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    still nurse

    ...always. nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    lol I love the god tier nurses. I know a lot of people hate playing against them, but every time I make a move and outsmart them, it's a great feeling. I don't even mind getting sacrificed by them because they play more than me and are simply better. But yeah, moderate-tier nurses are an ego boost 😂

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    um sure, Goddess tier nurses are fine

    tbh tho, she jus makes me happy, and the match always feels positive... so that’s why she’s my fav 😌

  • Member Posts: 348

    I personally like it when I can go up against a Myers who wants to goof off because I love watching them moonwalk

  • Member Posts: 526


  • Member Posts: 374

    Spirit, Billy, Bubba, Oni. Those come to mind for me. Tbh i like facing all the killers unless i get them multiple times in a row, then it gets boring.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Pig when they don't camp. I think the traps add more to do to the game and make it more interesting overall, and without her input it can be a thrilling down-to-the-wire game.

  • Member Posts: 882

    Blight and Billy. Those matches are always fun!

  • Member Posts: 800

    Yo please tell me your builds for demo, phead and ghostie. I love your nemmy build.

    Much love and have a great day!

  • Member Posts: 538

    Probably Huntress, Nemi and Clown for me

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I can't really say one definitively as i play Survivor very little nowadays.

    But my mind keeps going to Doctor and no, not because i love the sound of screams.

    It's probably got something to do with that he can find out where you are with the click of a button while dozens of meters away.

    I like playing stealthy, so him being the Killer is an automatic increase in difficulty to the challenge of survival.

  • Member Posts: 461


  • Member Posts: 1,452

    Ghostface, Oni, Wraith in general.

    I also like killers who have 4v1 objectives besides the chase. Plague, Twins, Demogorgon, Trapper, Hag, Doctor. The only exception is Pig because I hate her.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    If the answer aint Tinkerer Oni then you're a liar 🙃

  • Member Posts: 234
  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I hope it will be Pinhead when he releases, but until then, probably Demogorgon, Blight and Hillbilly. And maybe Doctor, I actually really like going against him.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Trapper is one of my favorites, too. Gotta respect a well placed trap! I don't know about you, but I don't often get to play a game with those Killers, unfortunately.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Doc is one of my least favorites actually lol but I'm glad you like him. Doctor mains need love too.

    And same. I'm really hoping he'll be a lot of fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,380

    heres some builds to try with them, if you want any other builds you can ask :)

    "All Seeing" Demo


    -Lifeguard whistle and Sticky Lining


    -Ruin, Surveillance, Bitter Murmur, and undying. With this build your portals can act as constant surveillance in important areas (including your ruin totem) and everytime a survivor leaves a generator, your surveillance and ruin will instantly inform you. Bitter murmur also helps a lot, since anytime a gen even manages to get completed without you instantly knowing, you get to see where all the survivors who completed the gen are. The build turns demo into a pretty opressive tracker, its quite fun.

    "Silent Sniper" Pyramid Head


    -Burning Man Painting, Wax Doll.


    -Tinkerer, Pop, I'm All Ears, Trail of torment. The idea of this build is to turn pyramidhead into a lethal ambush attacker, and heavily relies on your ability to hit long distance shots outside of the range your sword makes sound. The addons will help a lot with this, but you can feel free to use whatever ones you like. The gist of the build is that whenever tinkerer procs, you move silently towards the gen and snipe anybody on it from long distance. You will pretty frequently get some downs/injures doing this, and its really fun. Pop lets you bring the gen back below tinkerer level so you can use it again, and trail of torment lets you choose to be undetectable whenever you want to get even more silent snipes. Im all ears is just a helpful perk in general, since it lets you get much easier shots during the chase, it can be switched out if you are already confident in your shots.

    "Immersed" Ghostface


    -GF Caught on Tape, Chewed Pen


    Nurses Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Hex: The Third Seal, Whispers. While this build is not particularly effective in the "slowdown" department, it is a lot of fun and pretty thematic for GF. You want to play VERY stealthy with this build, try to never be seen and be incredibly sneaky. You want to close in on uninjured survivors and use the IRI addon to expose them really quickly for a fast down. Nurses and sloppy lets you take advantage of your near constant stealth to ambush healing survivors, third seal causes survivors to frequently be in a state of confusion leading to you creeping up on them a lot easier. Whispers makes sure you always know where to be, further lending to the idea you are a constant stalker. Really fun build, you'll feel super spooky, and often times i've had survivors tell me i jumpscared them multiple times.

    Those are three builds for each killer that i think are really fun, but i have plenty more. Feel free to ask :)

  • Member Posts: 102

    Billy and Demo are far above pretty much every killer in terms of fun IMO. Even really experienced, crazy good Billy’s are a blast to play against.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Yeah not gonna lie I really like the "immersed" builds you do like for Nemmy and now ghostie.

    I bet immersed demo would be fun if you ever made it, not the best in the world but yeah. Something like bloodhound since he's literally attracted to it.

    Haven't tried these builds yet here that you mentioned mostly bc I've been so busy with work, but it's nice to see other killers who don't use the meta 24/7 and can do just fine lol

    Do these builds still do fine if u don't have the add-ons? Like say I just wanna hop on in play and not use my add-ons or I ran out.

  • Member Posts: 1,380
    edited August 2021

    Sure, addons are only a small part of any build (except the demo one, you need the whistle to make it work). A lot of them are enhanced by the addons, but i usually i try to make builds that work even without addons. Both the Phead one and the GF one should work perfectly fine without addons.

  • Member Posts: 234
    edited August 2021

    You're right! All of those are pretty rare. Luckily, those killers are in the rotation of ones I play, so I get to see them that way at least.

    And yes, I definitely respect well-placed traps! In fact, if it's used against me, I will copy it for when I play Trapper, therefore improving. Trapper really is the "you beat yourself" killer.

  • Member Posts: 234

    When I was newer, I used to hate going up against Doctor. I would get destroyed by him. I didn't understand that stealthing against him was a bad strategy. Didn't know to run and when.

    Then I bought him, played him 30 games in a row, learned him. Now I get excited when I go up against him. I still don't always do well against him, but I feel like I have a gameplan each time and it's fun.

  • I have fun against all killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    That was really nice of you to take the time to give a thorough list. <3

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Yes! I don't play much Killer, but I did some Killer matches to try to grind out some simple challenges from the previous rift. Not everyone could tell I was being friendly, so I had to stop and seriously try to catch them in traps. Hiding them in the bottom steps at Gideon worked like a charm. You can barely see them. I got that idea from an excellent Trapper who used it against me. Now I always check haha or hug the stairwell.

  • Member Posts: 234

    Lol! Yes! Stair traps are fun traps. I do that on the Racoon City steps. So fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Trapper, demo, pig and Ph

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