Freddy Rework/Buff Idea.

Freddy needs love. That's pretty plain and simple. So I figured I'd chip into the discussion.
A big thing for me is that, Freddy to me never really felt like he should when playing him. In the films, he's shown as being basically a two-sided coin of power; He either can't harm you at all when you're awake, or he's nigh unstoppable while you're asleep. So, keeping with this idea, I didn't think it fitting to take away the survivor's ability to wake up easier. The reason being that I thought it would work better to give Freddy more tangible benefits while the survivor is asleep.
First, let the dream transition interrupt actions for a couple of seconds. This seems pretty obvious. His big problem right now is that he can't stop people who are falling asleep from doing whatever the hell they were already doing. This change gives him some defensive options, since with an interrupt he'd be able to defend totems, have a little easier hook defense, and could maaaaaaaybe stop a generator from popping in time.
Second, remove the speed decrease when putting someone into the dream transition. Not really a major change, but I figure it's a quality of life thing that he could use.
Third, and this kiiiiiiiiinda goes against one thing that I said, but make Self Care skill checks not wake the survivor up WITH THE PERK. What they could do is, make it so that the perk itself doesn't let you wake yourself up, but doing so with a Medkit would do the trick. Reason being, what the hell are you doing with no medical equipment to injure yourself so badly that you wake up? With a Medkit, at least you have sharp implements to work with there. But as a buff, this goes multiple ways. It makes waking up not quite so free, but still attainable. It also adds some new viability to Pharmacy, as well as just bringing in a Medkit to the trial.
Fourth, make it so survivors can't see who's asleep. Freddy needed that information, and I was glad that he was able to get it. But survivors also having that information really cripples him. For one, basically as soon as he sees someone, their whole team knows not only who the killer is, but that a chase is about to start, so they should work on generators. I think it would be better if they just didn't know what was going on until they either ran into Freddy themselves, or someone came to them needing to be woken up.
But the fifth change I thought of is the biggest one, and might be the trickiest to explain properly. Give him a secondary power that puts him into an intangible, invisible state to sleeping survivors. Maybe 6 seconds long. During this period, he can walk through walls and pallets, his terror radius vanishes completely, and he cannot be affected by survivors in any fashion, be it with flashlights, pallet slams, etc. If he attacks, it cancels this state and puts him into a slightly lengthier attack cooldown. If he does nothing before the six seconds, he still suffers the cooldown, but can't attack. This ability would have to have a cooldown itself to make it fair, so that you couldn't overuse it. Say, 15 seconds. If you've seen the Nightmare remake, think Jesse's death. That's the idea.
I figure maybe Freddy would need some kind of other check and balance for that new power to not be too ridiculous, but I'm not really sure what that would be. Or if it would even be needed at all. But as it is, I think these changes would be great. They'd give Freddy an interesting playstyle that still provides counterplay from survivors, but reinforces the idea of toying with the survivors on the killer end and screwing with their heads. Which, really, is what Freddy is all about in the movies. I'd love to hear some feedback if anyone has any, but for now this is what I've got. If you guys have better suggestions, feel free to let me know.
I don’t mind the other changes really but number 4 I don’t think will do much because swf. And what is the outplay to the 5th suggestion like what as a survivor am I suppose to do in that situation because I can’t affect him in any way, he can walk through everything so it’d be a waste of time hopping a window or dropping pallets, I can’t see him, and he’s faster than me. Am I just like screwed lol0
@ThePloopz Good question that I'm glad you asked. I'm gonna answer that with the question of, how do you juke a Nurse? It's a similar principle. If you goad him into hitting you, then he's going to be screwed if you get him to miss. Plus, if he doesn't act within the time limit, he's screwed there as well. It's not like it would be that hard for skilled survivors to mindgame him, but he also has opportunities to mindgame you. That's the goal here.
Plus, I did say that if it was ridiculous we could add some sort of negative to balance it. My first thought was slower base movement speed, but I'm sure there's other things to come up with.
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@EclipseDarkstar I’m still confused because with the nurse you can see where she’s facing and her streak that she leaves to help juke her so it’s not a completely random guess but with this it sounds like I’d be randomly moving because I can’t see him at all and there’s no way of me knowing where he’s going. I just don’t understand where the mind game part comes in because he can just wait until he’s right behind me to just hit me and I’d have no defense since I have no way of knowing where he is and he can go through everything. If he doesn’t hit me then it’s because he somehow messed that up not anything I did. With reduced movement speed idk I just don’t want to feel cheated ya know lol0
@ThePloopz Here's the thing, though. Freddy should be powerful enough in the chase to warrant having to wait 7 seconds to do anything to you. As well as to make it worth the ease of waking up. Hence why I didn't take more away from survivors than just Self Care, which really was just a gimme. Like I said in my original post, the goal was to make him strong in the dream world, nonexistent in the waking world. How he should be. I feel like this is a suitably powerful ability that could be worth having to put people to sleep. Freddy's biggest problem is that survivors being asleep just isn't really worth the effort. Now it can be, and thus being awake becomes more valuable than ever.
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If it was hard to put people to sleep I’d get it but it’s not. It’s not at all difficult to put someone to sleep and then all that will happen is he will just hit a survivor once then get in range to use the that ability and unless he lost them when they get the burst of speed from being hit it’s an automatic down every time. As freddy I’ll gladly wait 7 seconds if it means im basically guaranteed a down. Actually I’ll use the add ons that make his dream transition shorter, combine that with noed and remember me omg if I see anyone it’s a gg because I’ll just get in range to use that ability and at the point they might as well stand still they’re going to get downed no matter what they do. And you can use make your choice for during the match too oh god just straight destruction.0
@ThePloopz Then maybe the solution is to make it harder to put people to sleep. One thing I think could work is changing the block addons to do something completely different. That could serve to make sleep transitions less avoidable, and also put more value on other addons. Maybe leave the Paint Brush the same, but being that that would be the only transition reduction addon, and it's an ultra rare, I'd say that's fair.
That being said, though, it should still be easy enough to wake up for Freddy to have to worry about them doing so, especially if he's trying to go for multiple people at once. Generator skillchecks and Medkit skillchecks will still work, and you can always find another survivor to pick you back up.
And as for NoEd, Make Your Choice, and all that... Everyone else can do that easier than him because he has to most likely put the rescuer to sleep after finding them. Especially with Make Your Choice. He's still not as good with either of those as Nurse even with this new power, assuming the killer player is able to outsmart the survivor.