Things to improve dbd.

Milance Member Posts: 4
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

*Remove perk tiers and only keep tier 3 values of all perks (ridiculous grind)

*Specify EXCACLY what add-ons do (replace slightly and that stuff with actual values)

*Improve performance

Ever since map reworks began,performance has been getting worse and worse.

*Make proper settings menu

Motion blur,aa,texture quality,texture streaming,shadows,ect)

In all other games you can customise the settings how you like and not just have dumb presets.

*Make the game easier for visualy impared or don't hear well people.

Devs could add "subtitles" like in minecraft or overwatch that display what is happening (chest opened,survivor unhooked,is injured,killer aproaching,etc)

*There should be big rank rewards after each month (example 750k bp ans 5k shards for rank 1)

There is not a lot of reasons to grind ranks since you get nothing out of it and just stress your self.

*Some simple buffs.

*Ghost face

Night shroud cooldown down from 30s to 20s

Nerf the cooldown addons to compensate.


Starts with 1 extra trap (brown bag base kit)
