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"Self- Deprecating Joke" Archive Bugged

Drag0n100 Member Posts: 40
edited August 2021 in Bug Reporting

Unless I do not understand how this Archive works, I achieved the Self-Deprecating Joke challenge in 2 different games and still didn't get it. Normally it wouldn't be that big of a deal to me and I'd just keep trying or switching up what I'm doing, but this challenge is near impossible and it took many games to achieve it once, let alone twice. And yet I still never got it. I'll list what I'm doing below, please let me know if this isn't actually a bug and I just didn't do it right, thank you!

Step 1 : Throw the Tonic, Intoxicate the Survivor.

Step 2 : Throw the Antidote, which the Survivor (who was still intoxicated) ran back into to get the speed boost.

Step 3 : Do this twice in the same Trial.

Step 4 : Unfortunately, because I didn't complete the challenge, I can't put profit here :(


  • Character played: The Clown
  • Perks played: Overwhelming Presence / Franklin's Demise / Lightborn / Hoarder (Yes I know, I love the meme builds)
  • Map: Ormond both times (oddly coincidental)


1 votes

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  • Drag0n100
    Drag0n100 Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2021


  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited August 2021

    It's a weird challenge. They would need to get the speedboost while still being intoxicated.

    The addons you would want to run are Ether 15% and Bottle of Chloroform to do this easily. Both addons increase intoxication(one increases duration, the other area of effect), making sure the survivor is still intoxicated when you hit them with the antidote.

    Then throw 1 tonic and 2 antidotes to make sure they get invigorated while still being intoxicated.

    It's an insanely tough challenge, it took me 2 remaining farming survivors and 20 bottles of just making sure I did the challenge.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452
    edited August 2021

    You understand the challenge correctly.

    The good news is that your challenge is simply stuck, which is a general glitch for all archives. Try completing a different one and come back to this one later. That should fix the issue.

    Source: I did the challenge about an hour ago.

    Sidenote: I suggest inverting the order of the throws and leading with the antidote, to account for the activation delay, followed by the tonic without hesitation. You must be at a loop. It won't work very well if they're holding W in the open.