Can We Rework Myers Already?


It feels like with each passing month Michael Myers feels more and more antiquated and buggy. With a power design that hails from the early days of DBD and has hardly been changed since, Myers could use quite a few changes to make him as menacing as he was previously, as well as a more viable choice to play.

Of course, the spirit of the power's design will remain, but a few new things, some older, and flip-arounds here and there will make all the difference.

I'm basing this on an earlier rework concept I made for him, but with a few tweaks from myself and ideas taken from JottScund. You can find both in the spoilers below:

Now, let's get into it.

Power: Evil Within

The Shape can activate his Evil Within by tormenting and stalking his prey, allowing him to grow more powerful over the course of the trial, or take his prey by surprise.

General Changes:

  • Removed the cap on the amount of times Myers can tier-up.
  • Removed the stalk distance penalty.
  • Added the ability for survivors to reduce Myers' stalk rate by 75% when looking at him.
  • Added the ability for Myers to gain Evil by hitting a survivor (10%) and grabbing survivors (50%).
  • Removed the need for Myers to 99% the Evil Within Gauge. Filling the gauge will prompt players to tier-up.
  • Increased the amount of Evil required to tier-up to 150% of its current value (currently 6 secs to tier-up, now 9 secs).
  • Survivors who are fully stalked still grant Evil, but at a reduced rate of 50%.

These changes are aimed to fix general frustrations players may have with Myers' gameplay and certain mechanics. No more stalk distance penalty means that Myers can now stalk at an equal rate from any distance (provided survivors are not looking at him, requiring players to actually stalk survivors). Having a cap on the amount of times Myers can tier-up is a very antiquated design choice that simply does not fit in current DBD; most killers do not have a limit on the amount of times they can use their power these days. Being able to gain Evil from hitting survivors allow for more aggressive styles of play and grabs mean that players don't have to sacrifice Evil they could have potentially gained from waiting and stalking. No more need to 99%, which means the dedicated servers won't mess up tiering up any more and players don't have to pay too much attention to the gauge.

Evil Within I:

This version of Evil Within I effectively functions like the current Evil Within II. Myers will be a fairly basic "M1 killer" with his only difference being a small Terror Radius.

While in Evil Within I,

  • The Shape has a Terror Radius of 16 meters.
  • The Shape moves at a speed of 4.6 m/s or 115%.
  • The Shape has a normal lunge range and vaulting speed.

Once Myers fills the Evil Within Gauge, he can instantly enter Evil Within II or Evil Within III.

Evil Within II:

This is where things will really change up.

Press and hold the Active Ability command to enter Evil Within II.

The Shape can drain his Evil Within in order to enter Evil Within II to sneak up on survivor, at the cost of some of his available time in Evil Within III. Hold the Active Ability command to begin draining Evil Within at a rate of 10% per second, up to a maximum of 50%. The Shape can be in the Evil Within II state for 20 seconds.

While in Evil Within II,

  • The Shape is Undetectable.
  • The Shape puts away his weapon, becoming unable to directly attack survivors-- but can still grab them.
  • The Shape moves at a speed of 5.0 m/s or 125%.
  • The Shape has an increased vaulting speed of 1.48 secs.
  • Survivors who are fully stalked will be revealed by Killer Instinct for 4 seconds.

Grabbing a survivor refunds the Evil used to enter Evil Within II and instantly activates the state.

Myers can enter Evil Within III at any time while in Evil Within II. Entering EWIII from EWII takes 3 seconds, with Myers moving at a reduced speed of 3.8 m/s or 95%. While doing this, the tier-up warning will play for all survivors, briefly giving them the chance to react. If Myers does not enter Evil Within III before the duration of Evil Within II ends, he will go back to the Evil Within I state.

Evil Within III:

In Evil Within III, The Shape has greatly increased attributes, able to fell his prey with swift ease. Evil Within III lasts for 60 seconds with 100% of the gauge.

  • The Shape has an increased Terror Radius of 40 meters.
  • The Shape moves at a speed of 4.6 m/s or 115%.
  • The Shape has an increased lunge range.
  • The Shape has an increased vaulting speed of 1.275 seconds.
  • The Shape picks up and drops survivors, as well as performs break actions 10% faster.
  • Survivors who are fully stalked will be revealed by Killer Instinct for 6 seconds.

Once the duration of EWIII ends, Myers returns to the Evil Within I state.


Sporting a much more modern and flexible power, this will make Myers much stronger and more terrifying to go against. With additional map pressure and stealth capabilities, as well as more information and awareness, Myers will also be encouraged in a sense to fully stalk survivors in order to catch them off-guard later on.

Skipping add-on changes, though I have some ideas in the thread I linked above if you wanna check them out!

That's all I have-- so please leave your feedback, and thanks for reading. :)


  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    I like the concept, it just seems strange to me that Tier-2 only lasts 20 seconds in exchange for being Undetectable. I already want to see it reworked and see what Tier can become, so that it is more updated and modern.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    I think the simplest thing to do is just make him stalk faster, make the meter update more accurately, and make him go wild in Tier 3 (faster kicking, vaulting, stun recovery, and further increased lunge)

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    It may seem a bit short on paper, but you also get a ton of potential map awareness and speed as a trade-off, so you can pretty much get a guaranteed down if played correctly by quickly transitioning to Tier III or grabbing them. I’m gonna give it a bit more consideration though, as it may be a tiny bit too short. Maybe 5-10 extra seconds?

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    While that would be the most simple thing to do, I don’t think that would entirely address his issues. He would still have the problem of having a limited amount of tier-ups and lackluster map pressure. And although players should be able to get out of EWI relatively quickly, if unchanged, it would remain a useless— and detrimental mechanic that doesn’t serve much of a purpose and actually makes Myers worse to play. After tiering-up Evil Within I can’t be used again.

    Myers’ big issue IMO is that Evil Within I and Evil Within II are basically useless and leave him without a power for a majority of the game. Changing that so that Evil Within I is the baseline and that Evil Within II gives him additional map pressure as well as his Undetectable effect that can be used freely allows for more diverse play.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    I agree, but I'm trying to find something the devs might realistically do. Tier 1 isn't that bad if stalking goes faster, and stalk point reserves could be uncapped

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    The idea is fairly realistic. The devs have shown that they can do bigger overhauls (Freddy, Boob, Doctor, etc.)

    Frankly, I don’t think minor adjustments to killers like Myers are very forward thinking, and they’ll only highlight his issues even further. Myers’ design in current DBD is inherently flawed.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Agreed, but the devs don't care about anything but newer content and newer players. We're cash cows