Xbox One freezing

Zombiex3 Member Posts: 7

I play on Xbox One, I’m still experiencing lag and stuttering same as when RE chapter was released. When it was ‘fixed’ it got a little better but it’s still happening, and at important times. Can’t figure out what’s causing it, whether it’s a certain killer, power, etc. It doesn’t happen when I play killer anymore, it happens mostly as survivor and mostly in chase especially with Dead Hard. Any time I’m in chase even vaulting a window causes it. Oh and skill checks. The worst is when it’s a skill check while on hook. It’s causing me to miss the skill check and getting me killed bc of it. Please fix.

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  • josepadgui
    josepadgui Member Posts: 3

    That happens on ps4 too, it's so annoying. I hope this gets fixed soon.