I'm So Sick Of Hearing "NOED Is Fine"


It's not.

Let's say in this fairly realistic hypothetical scenario:

Bubba immediately finds, downs, and facecamps a survivor to death about 1 min into the game. In those 120 seconds it would take for Claudette to die as well as the additional 60 seconds from before, an average of 3-4 gens would be completed. Cool, almost all the gens are done. Bubba doesn't catch anyone after, then the final gen gets done. That survivor Bubba couldn't catch? NOED helped him out with a little speed boost and instadown. Bubba facecamps that survivor to death. The others can't do anything about it.

Is NOED fine in this instance?

Even assuming that survivors were looking for the totems while the first survivor was being camped, that would mean less gens would get done, giving Bubba more time to kill. This is assuming that the survivors even find the totem in the first place. On maps like Grim Pantry where the totems can spawn in some random corner away from everything else hidden in grass, are survivors expected to reliably cleanse those totems in a timely manner on that big map?

The problem with NOED is that it requires absolutely no input from the killer in order to activate such a game-changing effect. With Ruin, pressuring survivors encourages them to leave gens. Devour and Lullaby require hooks to increase their power. Crowd Control and Blood Favor require the killer to give chase for their effects to activate. Even Plaything requires a survivor to get hooked. Haunted is pretty much the only exception to this and coordinated survivors or weary solo queue players can figure out what it is, plus, it only lasts a minute.

With NOED, the survivors don't know it's in play until its effect is applied.

Solo queue players can't coordinate totem placements, especially on indoor maps or maps or very large ones.

It's effect is overly powerful for how little it requires from the killer.

If a Wraith can just run Bitter Murmur, No Way Out, and NOED and sit in the corner the entire game until the gens are done, then just go around and one-shot slug the team to death, NOED may be a problem.

