PC - Lithe speed boost not disabling after use

Ciridel Member Posts: 1
edited August 2021 in Bug Reporting

What happened:

So I was playing Leon with a friend (who was playing Claudette[BlackwaterRevenant]) and 2 randoms(no cross-play icons, so had to be from Steam) and the killer was Pyramid Head (had cross-play icon but was able to respond in post game chat) on the map Temple of Purgation. The match started off with Corrupt Intervention so everyone had to move towards the other side of the map to work on gens, I made my way into the temple's underground generator. Killer came down to me first, tried to juke him around an 'L' wall unsuccessfully, before being hit and forcing me up to the ground level and then up to the outer 'ring' to a window vault. I vaulted the window as any sensible person would, activated Lithe and...well, Lithe didn't deactivate after the 3 seconds it states in the perk. This hasn't happened to me before on any other maps, so I'm still running around the map trying out different things to see if it fixes the situation, such as; going to another survivor to get healed, working on a generator to completion, and even letting the killer hit me again (to down me) and hook me. It was still active even after the two randoms unhooked me(why they even bothered to confuses me as I will describe below with screenshots later.)

Additional Information:

Characters played: Leon (myself), Claudette(my friend BlackwaterReventant), Claudette (random), and Jill(reskin)(it think, another random), and Pyramid Head(the only crossplay random in the match)

Perks played: Bite the Bullet - Borrowed Time - Lithe - We'll Make It(all rank 3); Self Care(rank 3) - Empathy (rank1) - Botany Knowledge (rank 1) - Spine Chill(rank 3); Quick and Quiet - Lucky Break - Head On - Inner Strength(all rank 3); Blast Mine - Borrowed Time - Iron Will - Dead Hard(all rank 3); Hex: Ruin - BBQ and Chili - Corrupt Intervention - Pop Goes The Weasel(all rank 3)

Map: Temple of Purgation

Frequency of Issue: Just this once(as of this post)

Will be adding in screenshots to display everything possible (including the toxic chat as I tried to explain the issue in-game) and I have gotten permissions to include my friend's username in the event of contacting them on their side of the story. We are in discord together at the time of playing so you'll see in the screenshots provided the discord overlay.

Post Bug Report Information: (other notes that I want to add while I was setting this up) One thing I did not try to fix the issue, was trying another vault to see if it deactivates, but my assumptions would be it not having any sort of difference. The other thing is, the exhaustion bubble DID however tick down slowly when I was not running, as well as the boost to speed DID also apply to my crawling speed. If anyone from BHVR would like to contact me via discord or other media to get the full story straight from my mouth, I'd love to share. Thank you in advance for looking into this

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