Odd lag bug

PorkJerry Member Posts: 1

This may seem like an instance of cheating but I'm actually the plague in these screenshots and I'm looking for clarity on why this happened on the survivor perspective.

(I've tried to hide out the users and the twitch streamer I got the screenshots from)

This all happens within about 5 seconds

Pay attention to the Feng on the gen from the first picture

The second picture she goes down from an unknown source

Third picture shows the plague (me) running against the wall

The final picture shows the plague (me) teleporting to where I was from my perspective which was on top of the downed survivor.

I just wanted to show this odd circumstance off in case of any others that may have this unfortunate scenario play out because it ruins the game for both survivors and killers. I'm assuming it was an issue with the server and I just wanted to get this out for people to notice because some users may get banned because of an unfair advantage that's out of their control. (any response would be appreciated)

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