Blight is being overlooked

I am convinced he somehow is ignored because of all the newbies playing him is lowering his performance on the charts. Or perhaps he is ignored regardless. Of how often he is played and the many complaints he is receiving and there’s nothing being done. The way Blight plays with the same boring perk build that totally suppresses survivors, there is absolutely no opportunity to escape. The learning curve is too small and Blights are overpowered.
Survivors are nerfed when it is unfun or perceived too strong when killers “say so”. It is time this killer is nerfed and not ignored. Not talking about adding a millisecond to his recharge time. I’m tired of playing him 9 out of 10 times in a sweaty red rank mode and have zero chances of escaping. Ruin, Tinkerer, POP, BBQ is ignored and needs looked into. Too many slowdown and tracking perks on these killers that can be everywhere with no cooldowns.
He has no cooldown after traveling completely across the map. He instantly moves at full 4.6 speed. How is that balanced? Tinkerer told him where to go. Blight needs a nerf and those perks because they are a huge problem. He shouldn’t regain his stacks almost instantly, and have much more penalty for using his power. It is too oppressive.
I've taken down Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer/NOED Blights before. It's not impossible, so I don't really see a need to change him.
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LOL......this must be a meme post.
Nerf Blight....
Nerf Ruin, Tinkerer, POP & BBQ.
The funniest part is saying the learning curve is too small.......ok
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And to think I just barely 2kd on swamp as him because ~literally half the trees~ didn’t have collision and it kept losing me chases
If people wanna main him and learn all that I can respect it. I’m not taking the time to learn such a buggy power inside and out
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Agreed. You propably will get mocked by Blight mains and fanboys who don´t want to lose their express card to ez 4ks though. His recharge per token should at least be doubled, that would be a neat start.
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You are biased.
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Right, we should also nerf nurse while we’re at it. Screw high skill ceilings on killers that suck with no experience.
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Her Blink recharge could also take twice as long per token and she would still be the best killer, albeit a bit more balanced.
No you are ;w;
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Blight is OK. He needs a couple of add ons nerfing in my opinion, but I don’t think his base kit is a problem at all. The real issue is the weakness and lack of coordination of solo survivor, that’s what should be addressed.
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I love Blight, the only thing devs should look into are his strongest addons, specifically rushspeed. They are somewhat broken, but basekit is fine imo
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"Because of all the newbies playing him is lowering his performance on the charts."
You always find an excuse to justify your opinion, don't you Sluzzy. If kill rate is too high for one killer, killer too OP needs nerfs, numbers speak the truth, if it's not, killer newbies are just lowering it so killer still too OP needs nerfs.
Well I also AM convinced that all the newbie survivors or just plain bad players make survivors look significantly weaker then they are. Just play more like the top tier SWFs and you'll have your dreamed 90% escape rate.
Anyway, see again with "Clown too strong in chase" next week or something.
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As much as I don't like this tedious blight build, they absolutely do NOT need nerfs at all. No idea where you got "he has no cooldown" from unless your talking about alchemists ring which I will admit could do with maybe getting looked at and even then it's only good if the blight can actually get the hit which against good survivors ain't easy.
This build can one hundred percent be stopped and escaped from with gen efficiency and splitting up. Blight can't be everywhere at once even with his speed.
I'm also sick of seeing this all the time when playing survivor and I don't think 4 slowdowns on blight is necessary for the most part, but that's doesn't mean it's OP or unstoppable and certainly doesn't need nerfing. It would be better if the devs just gave more killer perks that are actually more useful rather than gimmicks or have half a dozen conditions to actually activate, though for some reason you seem to think every killer perk is OP and needs nerfing to oblivion 🤷♂️
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I kinda agree but it mostly just comes from alchemist ring and tinkerer
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Sorry Sluzzy, there is already a Clown in this game. Can't have 2.
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Please keep threads on topic and discuss the content of the thread, thank you.
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All i see half of my games are blights. Blights with ruin/undying/pop/bbq or corrupt and speed addons.. This guy has literally no down sides. Used to love playing against him but now i'm more digusted by him day by day. Spirit's pretty much gone and what.. you see only blights now. He became so oppresive to go against, plus he can turn like 99999 degrees like #########...
Devs nerfed billy to hell, for no reason but Blight? This guy has no down sides, is not like a nurse that NEEDS actually a real skill and don't forget she got nerfed many times also.
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Honestly main change he needs is Alchemist Ring. His basekit is fine.
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I think you might wanna research a bit more on Blight.
You can't keep saying killers are OP, at least without some "proof".
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In fairness every killer basically runs ruin undying. Games go way too fast especially with the mmr matchmaking. People like blight because he allows for a lot of skill expression that matters. Killer players want speed and anti loop in there killers since most killer don't have both most people flock to blight. More and more we are seeing a problem with behaviors map design massive maps lot of breakable walls that demands mobility speed and powerful anti loop. The game has an underlying issues with low mobility killers and giant maps this drastically narrows the pool of good killers as basic strategies of spreading out is further enhanced by large maps and fast gens. Blight can set up the next chase almost immediately and can acquire fast downs. They need to implement some kind baseline of fast travel system for killers and survivors especially if the want to keep making rpd size maps. That or more sensibly reduce the size of maps.
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I mean there are a lot more contradictions than usual
No recharge time and no cooldown on a killer with a 4.5 to 12.5 second cooldown
The learning curve is too small yet people are bad with him
The perks are overpowered but blight needs the nerf
Traveling across the map has the longest cooldown but its still no cooldown
Honestly I think with less contradictions it would be an interesting sluzzy post but the too many contradictions make it hard to enjoy
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Do you think pre-nerf base-kit Billy was unbalanced? Mobility + instadown = OP?
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I do not. In fact, I loved playing against old Billy as long as he was not running double charge speed. The differences between Old Billy and Blight are 1) Blight takes far less skill to land hits 2) Is less punished for missing 3)Has even better mobility 4)Billy has reasonable counterplay and juke options, which Blight does not, especially if they run speed or recharge. I reckon many spirit mains have currently switched to Blight because they´re comparably easy to win with and steamroll soloq players.
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Mad Respect
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I will have a fit if they mess with his basekit. He is the best killer for farming Deviousness points.
It really sucks to play killers with a slow recharge. It's not fun to be watching a power bar fill up waiting for your chance to do the one thing that makes a killer enjoyable.
I have no comment on the mentioned perks, I don't use them. But leave my Blight alone, he's the only killer I have fun with these days besides tier 1 Myers. He's a high mobility killer that actually works on console.
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Same. Maybe not half of the games, but probably a quarter. I don’t see the blight being overlooked at all.
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What do you mean, Spirit is best for farming deviousness points
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Blight isn't the problem, it's the trio of Ruin + Undying + Tinkerer. It's a scummy build on other top tier killers too though.
Your point on survivors getting nerfed whenever killers want it says you main survivor. Killers get nerfed every, even ones that don't deserve it. Billy for example did not an overheat mechanic. Killers and survivors alike were against the change, but BHVR went through with it because newbie surv mains complained.
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I used to use her, but Blight's power bar fills up faster (I think... it feels faster, anyway) and I've found I do max out with him quicker than I do with Spirit. Blight is #1 and Spirit is a close #2.
On Switch I don't have Blight, so I still use Spirit for farming BP there.