When will haddonfield be reworked?

And why haven't we seen it done yet? Is it a license issue? Or what? And will we see more outfits for Michael when it gets reworked?
Hopefully this Halloween.
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*** Halloween theme music plays***
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I'd bet on the midchapter after Pinhead.
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it wont
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No reason to do this. There always should be the worst map for the killer, so once Haddonfield gets fixed, some other map has to become the worst one. Why? We all get used to that Haddonfield is the worst. No need to change our habbits.
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The problem is that Haddonfield is egregiously bad for killers, as there are legit infinite tiles and routes that survivors can take to drag out a match; not to mention its problem with hedges and fences. Personally I feel as though RPD needs a rework more though as the thin hallways, lack of traversal options between floors, and egregious size (basically 2 mother's dwellings/shelter woods stacked on top of each-other) make several killers powers nearly impossible to use, some killers powers oppresive, and finding gens for survivors a nightmare.
We can acknowledge that some maps will always be the 'worst' for either side, but fixing bad map design is something that I think we should all be able to get behind. There is no reason why anyone should think "Oh, well you see this map is terrible and poorly designed which makes it completely horrid for one side to play. But it's OK since we should all just deal with it." as complacency doesn't solve the underlying issue. If the community doesn't speak up about bad game design then we'll simply get more bad game design because 'we just dealt with it' the last time, and this would lead to more people getting frustrated and just potentially leaving all together.
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When? Who knows.
But they should do it soon. Map is so boring to me, on both sides. It’s not well designed either.
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You know, since improving map visual appearance is BHVR's common trend... They might take this map in the work queue pretty soon.
The problem here -- this is a licensed map, so it takes a lot more time to agree, but they could do this. They reworked Badham, which is also licensed. And Badham change was balanced.
But I would rather be terrified of this change. The recent change was: Midwitch in 2020 -- not the best great map. RPD in 2021. Reworked Game with unlimited pallets. Reworked Corn -- so now I am almost 100% corn-blind.
Given this trend, as a killer main, I would be rather terrified of the potential Haddonfield change.
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I really hope they include more visual easter eggs from the Halloween movies when they do rework it.
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I’m in a very small group of people that like Haddonfield as either role. Granted there are some killers that I know I’m going to have a harder game when I see the map.
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Hopefully we get the map rework in the upcoming mid chapter patch. Perfect time right before Halloween.
Also hoping Myers gets a visual update to his character model. He desperately needs it...
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It doesn't need reworked. It's a fun map for both sides of the game.
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There’s only 5 maps left in total that havent’t been modernised, spread over 3 realms.
Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
Pale Rose (Backwater Swamp)
Grim Pantry (Backwater Swamp)
Mother’s Dwelling (Red Forest)
Temple of Purgation (Red Forest)
With the Realm Beyond updates, they’ve sometimes done 2 realms in the same batch (Yamaoka + Badham, Autohaven + Ormond, Crotus Prenn + The Game). If things go as they’ve done before, i.e. no license barriers, it’s entirely possible we’ll see the Haddonfield overhaul combined with another realm’s overhaul.
I mean, yes, there’s always going to be a worst map. There’s a difference between the worst map being merely unfavourable, and the worst map being unwinnable, though.
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What do you mean like come on isn’t it totally fair for a survivor to ascend and become an unkillable god on the map if they bring balanced landing. That sounds fair to me.
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I honestly hope it's never reworked. Whenever I'm sent there, I now treat it as a 'you asked for it' game to be toxic and tunnel and proxy-camp to the ends of the Earth. If you go out of your way to disrupt any chances I have at winning, just by using that horrendous offering, you'll get what's coming for you.
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A rework to Haddonfield doesn't mean it won't still be a survivor sided map. It just needs to be a little less extremely survivor sided. A few more gaps in the hedges, combined with a breakable wall in the house of pain to reduce the strength of the loop when the window spawns right next to the basement, would do the trick.
I don't think Haddonfield is next though, I believe we've still got Swamp and Red Forest to go, so I'd expect one or both of those with the next midchapter, then maybe Haddonfield in the following chapter around December, then the March chapter we should be getting a brand new map.
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If rather them deal with the swamp levels first.
I actually quite enjoy Haddonfield. It's got a great atmosphere and when I play on it killers don't seem to have much trouble in chases. The overall layout doesn't change that much so most killers seem to be able to prempt what survivors are going to do really well.