
You see all over the forums crying about perks but I believe that the issue and disparity between the strength of both sides are more to do with each other's base capabilities to acquire and use information. "Overpowered" perks only make the glaring issue worse.
If SBMM taught me anything, it's that for that weekend it wasn't perks that were putting top-tier killer players in the dirt as we got to see the stress and defeat of big streamers on twitch over and over. Survivors simply have too many base resources and the camera (and perks) tie them all together.
The idea is simply to increase the killer base FOV and reduce the survivor camera height and FOV. This will give killers better opportunities to play around stronger loops. Also, fix the red stain or remove it. Survivors shouldn't be able to see it through small cracks.
I just want to play survivor once in a while with a decent queue time at red ranks otherwise my friends and I will probably walk away from this game (boohoo right?).
Also, if I am forced to play killer nerf spine chill so I can play for gen grabs on Ghostface or call USADA to remove growth hormones from Myers (whose idea was it to make a stealth killer 12foot tall?).
Anyway, it's a discussion thread so...
Im telling you man it’s the maps in this game.
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The red stain is genuinely one of the most baffling mechanics. They have a lot of weird stuff to hold survivor's hands, but this one takes it too far. They held the hand so hard the body never came with it.
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Not so much overpowered as exploited, I think. For instance, Dead Hard is a perk that should be used for avoiding a hit with precise timing (a good example would be giving a teammate more wiggle time by forcing out a second hit), instead, most survivors exploit it to gain WAY too much distance in a chase towards, say, a pallet or window. Meanwhile on console, its used to freeze the game for a solid five seconds. Frustrating that no changes are made to these abused perks.
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SWF is what ruins the balance of the game. There is no way to balance for matches where one side may or may not have Comms and be working together. If there were no SWFs then you could balance the game based on the play of the best solo q survivors and the best killer mains and it would be fair for both sides.
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Being a wraith main I see no problem with the red stain for him. However, I’m learning pyramid head and find killers who move at 4.6 or 115% should have their red stain remove or remove terror radious. But for pyramid head to make him more lore is that they should remove his red stain, but keep a terror radious that makes that radio noise from silent hill. Also all killers IMO feel slow besides wraith cause of his cloak and out of cloak Lin page attack speed. It frustrating for me to play as any other killer besides him just cause of how slow they move. Trapper is a 50/50 with certain maps Andy his traps feels clunky at times where they won’t work. I don’t know, just some killers feel too slow and yet they have a terror radious and rd stain making it harder to get the jump on survivors. Those you tubers gotta be playing with friends or paid people off to make them look as good as the year do as a killer.
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I hate my auto correct
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Most streamers make it look easy because they have thousands of hours and are playing against people with hundreds most the time
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Yeah also on YT it's usually a compilation of selected matches they got actual value out of some low tier perk or combo
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While i agree with the red stain, i dont agree with an increase of pov. Stealth is a factor in this game, and it should be. If you want the game to resolve around chases only, go play a racing simulator.
Also, i still think you just cant balance the game around swf (with comms) and solo survivors at the same time.
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I feel like alot of people over look both of these things. I've got a little over 200 hours in this game yet people expect me to play like these streams with 2-5k hours
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Why not nerfing the swf? For example 1 item per 2 swf-people and for each more you have to take weaker addons:
2 in SWF: no reds; 3: no violet, 4: only yellow or brown
Also you can reduce the perks the can take or every perk can brought once per swf (so no 4 times BT, DS or Sprint-Perks).
I don't know why such a nerf or another sort of was not implemented in the last years. So often seen that good swf's destroy also the best killers.
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The devs said long ago SWF was always intended but not ready for launch, and after feedback & noticing the huge amount of survs lobby-dodging to get their buds they quickly got it in.
For some reason they overlooked the possibility of voice comms in a game supposing the teams would not talk to each other. Imagine an online multiplayer team-based game without comms!
Last time they put out such stats (over two years ago) we learned about half of all survs are in at least a two-man SWF. With solo-q just so wonderful these days that number has to have increased since then. So no, SWF isn't going anywhere.
As far as debuffing groups for repeated perks and such, they have said many times they aren't interested in punishing anyone, so that's out too.
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At least the red stain makes gameplay a bit more interesting. Its a bit stupid all things considered, but it gave life to the mindgames that make chases a lot more interesting. its a necessary evil for less boring matches.
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This game can never be fully balanced.
They change something for killers which benefits them and it's killer sided, they change something for survivors which benefits them then, it's survivor sided.
As someone who also plays both sides the game isn't it in the worst state for killer at all but it's definitely to do with map size I believe.
A lot of the time unless you play like really unfair then you might not have a chance on the bigger maps.
It's hard to maintain pressure with map size and let's not even talk about the spread out of gens sometimes lol.
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Not really.
All you are doing is forcing the killer to work around crap mechanics that (with the sound NERFS) can screw them over so much. I have lost count how many times i have run behind a killer face planting a wall to hide the stain and they have no idea.
Meanwhile a survivor just needs to watch the corner and time it.
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The red stain can be a boon for killers since you can use it for mindgames. It’s a pretty integral mechanic at this point
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Killers are not underpowered. Yes, a lot of maps are broken if the survivors are good. But most survivors are bad across all ranks. As far as streamers losing a lot of games once SBMM was turned on, I'll just say that most of them aren't competitive level players and were suddenly thrown into pseudo-competitive matches while trying to run their usual bad builds and 12 hook playstyle. That's a perk balance/playstyle issue.
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Well no, as it's seen through some walls and all cracks. It actually works greatly in favour of the survivors.
Stealth is definitely not a big factor in this game. I would love for it to be but its simply not.
Most killers (the finest like trapper, Ghostface, Myers etc) are severely underpowered at higher levels. At this point its play meta or don't bother.
The amount of times in red ranks doing a double back walk around behind them actually working is incredible.
Also, I understand it's a "casual game" but at what point is it no longer casual and fun for killer. I finish every month at rank 1 for both and even after I win a game as killer I really CBF playing another round as killer again. I think it reached a point where this game has nothing left to offer to survivor mains is what I am getting at.
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Depends on what you mean by higher levels. If you simply mean rank 1, every killer killer on the roster is viable at all ranks. If we're talking about an actual 0.01% comp team, then sure, a lot of the roster isn't particularly viable. But nobody is running into them in a public match with any sort of regularity.
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I hate being a higher rank. It’s not that I want to trounce low ranks cause I’m not actually that good myself. If you play long enough you’ll get to higher ranks but my “skill” level ain’t really there. For me, lower to mid ranks were more balanced.
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Its not uncommon in my region to come across 5k+ hour teams. It's why I only play killer to rank 1 every month and then leave it. I don't like the meta perk play styles and I don't want to get gen rushed playing the fun killers who are outside the meta. I also don't like long queues which seem to be getting longer.
It just seems ridiculous that I can run a killer for so long simply because I can see around and over high walls and see what they're looking at due to the red stain showing through cracks and walls. It feels like the base fundamental structure of killer and survivor was stealth centric but over time the game evolved more heavily into cat and mouse without adapting the base information-gathering tools. I have no issue with perks so much as I do with the sensory deprivation of playing killer. Seems odd that I can block a doorway crouched and for them to think invisible wall before looking at their feet to see me there.
Game for me just needs a quality of life overhaul for me to want to play killer more frequently.
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Redstains is the one information survivors have in chase.
Killers have blood and scratch marks. And loud pain noises (unless they got iron will)
Also tricking a survivor with my red stain is incredibly fun
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Red stain is fine.
It can even be benificial if you're tricky enough