The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

BE You've reached your full potential

It had been a while since I have played but I came back, against the idea of wanting too, when Nemesis was released. During this time, it was the 5th anniversary. Two maps unplayable until AFTER the anniversary, one of them meaning to be the new map.

Once I was finally able to try out the new map on both sides, I realized two things. One, the map is ridiculously large even for dead by daylight standards. Two, well if you weren't a quick moving killer or couldn't be on both sides of the map {survivors), you lost. On top of that, it's super survivor sided.

With those things in mind and the nail on the head being Demogorgon is being taken away, It hit me. This game, as it is, has reached its full potential. In terms of content, this game cannot go up at all unless new gameplay or modes are added. Yes, yes, but what about new killers, survivors, and perks? That's the thing, it's just that. A new killer and survivor(s) and perks. Gameplay doesn't change though with those things. Survivors = Gens and escape while Killer is still hunt survivors.

It has been 5 years. In those 5 years that the game has been out, it has gone up and down, but the community in terms of "behavior" has plummeted. One would think that with a name like the company's, they would have a better hold on that but they don't. Far from it actually. Heck, even though there is an "anti-cheat" system in place, there are still cheaters making it past.

The game is now a dull version. Nothing new other than the drip feed content of cosmetics and "trinkets". With the amount of hours I have put into this game, when it was fun, feel wasted. If there was a new game mode, "casual play" (you know something that has been asked for since a while because of ranked), or even just a correction for "toxic" players on both sides getting a punishment, but they haven't reached this level of a good game company.

So those still wanting to play this game, enjoy until you get burnt out and don't want to play anymore. That is this game, play until you get burnt out or fed up with other people, that you just drop it. This game doesn't bring out the good of people, it brings out the absolute worst in people, and that as a game, is no good.

With all of that said, there are better games to play out there than this one. Save yourself time and money (if you're the spending type}, and find yourself a better game to play. Now then, off to play something else. Yes it was a bit rant-ish but if felt needed to be said.

Good luck to everyone in their games and I hope you don't have to face anyone toxic.


  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    Interesting to hear you say this. My wife can't stop wanting to play. I am more than ready to move on as we've played about a half dozen games that are more appealing to me. In any case, we were playing last night and when we finished, she said, "If only they were more imaginative". We've been talking on and off the last couple of days about how survivors could have been more individual if they had their own default abilities/skills for individual survivors rather than just being skins with all the same perks. But what she said hit home.

    It's been a while where everything that comes out kind of fits inside the same box. Even when it dips outside, like the cages-instead-of-hooks with Pyramid Head, it just kind of fades into the background and doesn't upset the meta, which is disappointing.

    The game is fun if you're dedicated to it but frankly, it's stagnating. It will cause disruption and will cause dedicated users to leave, but the meta needs a huge upset to keep things engaging.