can we please have a grace period for reconnecting to the game?

i feel its unfair to give me a 5 minute ban because my internet hiccupped for one bloody second, like litterally maybe even less, my internet was down for so short that my internet radio didnt even stop playing, but i immediatley get kicked out of the game and banned. Pepehands
5 mins is nothing. Go to the bathroom or get a drink. Or go on Twitter.
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thats not the point, not by a long stretch.
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Maybe make it the point and understand 5 mins is no big deal? From a technical stand point, how is the game supposed to distinguish between someone trying to circumvent bans by killing their router vs. an internet hiccup? They’re not going to change it because you were inconvenienced for a measly 5 mins.
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I agree if it is an extremely short reconnect time and it is only allowed once per few matches. It always sucks to see legit DCs where you are chasing someone, they start running into the wall, and bam, it's a 3v1 at 4 gens.
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warcraft 3 had a grace period for recconnects and that game came out 20 years ago, i dont think a similar feature is a big ask, also nice job trying to make it my fault. obvious bait is obvious. and furthermore, i think i should only get a timer if i hit the leave game button, because unlike some people i dont pull out my internet cord, its bad for your pc to do so.
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Seriously, who goes on Twitter
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When the penalty was last turned off, almost every single game I played had at least one disconnect. The penalty needs to exist. A grace period would just encourage more players to disconnect.
It sucks for those who have genuine internet outages, but when your connection is stable, I'm sure you'd rather actually have a match than have one of the survivors disconnect and the killer be pretty much handed a win or the killer disconnect and everyone goes back to queuing.
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I heard a long time ago in one one of the devs streams I think, which he mentions something like:
- Games that have the reconnect option are built with this from the very start, and tools that helps with that, but DBD was made without this in mind so it would be hard to implemen.
- DBD trials are short, for example your PC turns off for some reason, by the time you'll turn it on and open the game, the match would be already over or in midgame to late game(like most Survivor are on death hook or something)
From my dev view: I never developed games, but It looks "easy" to make. DBD Servers stores game states, each lobby being a game, knowing its information like map, map seed, players conections and their data and a lot of information. It shouldn't be hard to just get the last match the player was in, get the map seed, load the map with that seed to generate the same map, spawn the Survivors and Killer NPC, and connect them to the WebSocket implementation which the server uses to send messages in real time.
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Now this might be extremely pessimistic, but i fear a new DC-tech might emerge.
Pulling the plug as you're downed etc and then reconnecting as late as possible might be abuseable by survivors to dodge hookstates. Highly theoretical but you know how people are.
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They should do it so if you got disconnected you can reconnect into the same game you left or wait out the time like rainbow six siege does during ranked games.
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thats not what the OP is talking about. OP is asking for a grace period where you can reconnect to the match and resume control. Instead of poofing out of existence your survivor would just stand still for a minute before being booted