That's it, I Give.

I tried to be a good sport. I never camped, never tunneled. I juggled gen protection and chases, I played non-meta killers and ran more than just one overpowered build I tried to create a challenging but fun match for all my survivors.
But you ruined it.
You and your stupid keys, genrushing tactics, and copypaste builds and playstyles.
Today, I declare this solemn vow. As of this moment, I will camp, I will tunnel, I will slug every last survivor for the 4k if need be. From now on I only care about MY fun! Not yours, not your team mates! I'm going to enjoy myself no matter what 'scummy' tactics I must use to achieve them. There will be Anti-Loop. There will be BBQ, and there will be moris. There will be no more mercy, no giving the hatch or the gate. I don't care if all three of your teammates dced on you, I will STILL chase you down and hook you, and smack your hanging body.
I look forward to more years of selfish enjoyment, just as you have.
Mmmkay. Imma keep using Flashbang and Iron Will. It's fun.
10 -
If you were mean to play for fun, you dont care for the k.
But you cared. It was never been fun for you.
10 -
11 -
Sounds like someone is having fun.
Maybe play a different game if you're gonna rage playing this one.
7 -
Looks like you finally get it, welcome to killer.
20 -
It blows my mind when survivors escape against a weaker killer with off-meta perks and no "dirty" tactics, start acting like pricks about it, then the next game wonder why they get camped and tunneled...
They do it to themselves.
27 -
Not against competent survivors and swf you won't.
If it was that easy like using bbq lol. Or camping/tunneling.
Yeah tunnel a good looper that you will never get.
1 -
No, they dont get tunneled. A random guy like you happens to face that killer and get tunneled.
Did you do it yourself?
3 -
Obviously not but the point I'm trying to make is if survivors (on a whole) didn't treat killers like crap after beating them, those killers wouldn't end up camping/tunneling for the sake of it. But hey, survivors are gonna be survivors I guess.
If I have to suffer cos someone else decided to be an asshat, I just move on to the next game. No big deal to me.
6 -
People complain when i call the current gen speed as the root cause of camping.
Here´s the proof how gen speed changes the killers behavior.
18 -
Sorry I'm trying to figure out who asked.
I mean, go ahead and play like 99% of red ranks do. You're not exactly doing something novel here
"I had bad games so I'm going to be toxic to survivors completely unrelated to these games" makes sense
15 -
I'm taking bets on how long to the next
'that's it, I tried to play nice but the constant tunneling, camping etc etc'
thread pops up.
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I give it 3 days
4 -
Yup! I had this moment of realization too. No matter what you do, you cant please survivors so i just do what i f`ing want as killer.
1 -
You're taking this too seriously lmaoo
4 -
Quick update on this. I played more matches tonight than I have in a long time, and ended up enjoying every one of them. Turns out Killer is a much better experience when you aren't stressing over what survivors think if you, or wether or not you're playing fair.
10/10 I recommend saying 'screw it' and treating survivors like npcs.
10 -
eh, i find it much more fun to be complimented and far more satisfying to get 10+ hooks than just kills, but you do and ill do me
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1 -
I do what I want as killer: which is randomize everything, play to improve and if I get out-classed I'll work on what needs to improve.
I've literally finished a game where I 0k'd as Hillbilly against 4 very skilled players, where tactically I assumed at least 2 were playing together due to their synchronicity. I almost 3-genned them, but they outplayed me and the result was fair. There have also been matches where I've been against very aggressive teams. I've won some and I've lost some. Yet I'll still plau the way I want to.
The problem you've illustrated (and I do get how frustrating the game feels) is that you probably were playing as you prefered then too, but now because of some matches you feel you need to play a different way, not because you want to, but that they made you. But they don't control you, unless you let them.
Take a break and play again once you feel in the right space. Don't play a game whereby you feel pushed into a playstyle you don't enjoy doing. There's a plethora of great games out there (I'm waiting for "Tormented Souls" to come out on Xbox One, currently) to try in the meantime.
4 -
Wait, why did you mention BBQ?
And hitting someone on the hook, doesnt win you games. Its your choice what you do, but i think theres a big difference in using valid tactics like tunneling for the win and just bming.
4 -
Sorry if a lot of survivors ruin the fun for a lot of you killers I know it can be annoying when dealing with the meta and the toxic survivors
I play solo survivor so I know it is annoying having to deal with a decent chunk of the toxic survivors (esp those who like to sandbag)
3 -
I guess we both have opposite opnions on how we have fun in this game.
I'm not one of those killers who intentionally slugs or tunnels or does stuff to intentionally piss people off.
I'm also not one of those killers who really cares about kills because at the end of the day, it's a game.
I am however someone who LOVES the anger and rage that survivors gives me when I beat them fair and square, and I always try to play games to get that result.
I once made a thai SWF group so mad with Devour Hope that they kept bombarding my steam profile for an entire week! It's glorious.
4 -
i don't really find that much joy in the negativity. yeah, once in a while it's hilarious to be called a nazi because i couldnt teleport to where felix was purposefully not following me away from the killer, and once in a while it's funny to be told im hacking, but i much prefer people be happy in my trials.
i never purposefully be toxic unless someone is genuinely trying their best to ruin my game. its much more fun for me to hear "gg you were really good pyramid head" than "go ######### youre not good at this game"
4 -
yeah same, it feels more rewarding when everyone had a good time including you and you can actually compliment the other team for playing well and talk about the game mechanics etc.
3 -
Honestly, at the end of the day it is a game.
And the person I am playing this for ultimately is myself (and my girlfriend if I'm streaming over Discord)
Whether or not they had fun, or they rage, makes little difference to me other than getting more satisfaction that someone would go as far as waste their time on me over a game of DBD.
If I get kills, that's fine. If I make a survivor DC by just playing the game, that's fine.
I saved clips of all of them to rewatch since I genuinely do love observing and watching my opponents act out of line over a video game.
2 -
Just treat people how you would like to be treated honestly
4 -
A little reminding.
Killers who aim for 80% kill rate, facing Survivors who aim for 80% escape rate. Is this simple enough?
13 -
Greatest threat for 80% kill rate killers are survivors.
Greatest threat for 80% escape rate survivors aren´t killers but other survivors.
11 -
It's surviovr party game,not killers.
Welcome to killers.
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It sounds to me like you’ve had some rough games but you don’t need to come here and complain about it.
Just play however you want.
1 -
That's so accurate it's painful.
2 -
Genrush tactics lmao
0 -
But i didnt. But you dont care, do you?
But to be fair, you are just another killer that does that most killers do anyway.
I am just sad that you have some bad experiences, but i cant blame you. I went the same way.
1 -
We call this the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. :P
In reality, it is possible to both play for fun and care about winning.
5 -
Coming from you, I feel like this is satire.
0 -
Someone having a breakdown because they realised they shouldn’t be playing at red ranks.
4 -
I don't understand this mindset. Some survivors were terrible to me so now I have to make every survivors experience terrible.
I get if you want to be toxic towards those that were toxic to you but what about the innocent ones? Why be toxic to them? Leave them alone
6 -
For your own good, I suggest the following:
Don't be toxic for the sake of being toxic, but don't shy away from effective "scummy" tactics because survivors don't find them fun. They wont care about doing gens as fast as possible and leaving. Don't cripple yourself playing like a saint/.
However, being malicious about it is poisonous for yourself and it makes you a bitter person. You'll feel bad about yourself in the end.
9 -
Do you mean Survivors hand you 80% kill rate? Well you just need to work on the other 20%
0 -
Thats not what i meant.
1 -
Lmao what even is this post? Are you having some mental breakdown? This is the exact opposite of normal.
Juts because there are some bad sports among survivor players doesn't mean every survivor player is like that. Grow up.
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Except you never go against the same survivors. Just because some survivor players act like that, doesn't mean everyone does. So your "revenge" likely hits the wrong players anyways.
3 -
Not to sound rude but your first mistake was playing by the survivor's rules. To quote an obscure movie
"So long as you play by their rules, you'll never win"
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Just play Civilization, right Cote?
0 -
If slugging for the 4k, or tunneling/camping whilst there's loads of counters to those playstyles in the game, is "toxic" then sure. But you're kind of reaching.
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I Don't know if you are being sarcastic?
I don't know that game. But if one is getting stressed from a game, then I would recommend they give it a try over stressing themselves out.
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Survivor is just stronger and that needs to change, Killer should always have some kind of edge but be beatable
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It's a well known meme in this community. It's something that one of the developers said in response to someone saying that the killer role was too stressful.
It basically boils down to, "Not having fun with our game? Too bad. We're not gonna fix it, so you might as well play a different game." That is never the right mindset.
0 -
That's such an easy toxic statement to deflect the actual imbalances of the game
0 -
Oh because losing in this game is always a matter of not enough skill, right?