General Discussions

General Discussions

That's it, I Give.



  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Yes, I got the meme. I just didn't know if you meant it sarcastically towards my comment, or if you were making a point about the simplicity of my comment.

  • Member Posts: 10,244

    I disagree with your solution, to just play a different game. And you made it sound like there's absolutely nothing to rage about in this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,858

    There's also a lot of people who played for a long time and are here to talk about perks and how killer side is complete ass and continues to be while survivor is party land. It just always feel like you're gonna mostly lose playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Another killer driven into madness... just what the Entity wants! Don't fall for it!

  • Member Posts: 288

    its like a circle of toxicness. One side getts pooped on by one side, then they start being a dick to the other side, then the people who got curb stomped by that toxic person has now turned them into toxic shitheads.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Fair enough. But, to rage, is an individual decision/reaction. I think to a certain part, age, maturity decrease one's tendency to rage. It also seems silly to continue to engage in an activity that causes one to be angry. A hobby/game should be fun. If it is not, then why continue to play it?

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    It blows my mind when killers camp and tunnel against a bunch of chill survivors with off-meta perks and no "dirty" tactics, start acting like pricks about it, then the next game wonder why they face second chance perks and gen rush...

    They did it to themselves.

  • Member Posts: 10,244

    So you think someone playing Doctor or Pig should be able to 4k easily against a team that does all the gens in 4 minutes?

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Good for you. Weird that you didn't just care about your own fun from the start though. People will use their own stuff that they find fun. You should to have fun.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I don't think anyone that plays for along time, feels killer is complete ass. But, I am sure all opinions exist. Why, I do agree survivor is less stressful, I don't see a huge difference between solo q and killer. Now, feeling like you are always going to lose, I don't understand. Most killer friends I know, are actually quite nasty and destroy most games they play.

    I myself, do quite well, and I play by self imposed rules, I imagine if I returned to my original cutthroat style, I would do even better.

  • Member Posts: 1,858

    I have fun if i play like an a hole but, i want the ability to be able to do well while not having to always bring regression perks. You can't expand, and i have a lot of posts of people who agree that killer is ass and stressful

  • Member Posts: 1,858

    You can see it in the threads on the forums talking about copy paste builds. People have mastered the art of abusing that new DS style perk Dead Hard. So many people run the same build over and over and if you don't bring a certain build to answer that you'll most likely get bullied

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Well, I certainly can understand your point. And I am hopeful that the SBMM puts the sweats with the sweats and let's the chills play with the chills. At least , perhaps, without ranks people can remove their ego from the game a bit, and play more with the fun of both sides in mind and not care so much. And those that want to do 5 gens in 3 mins can verse those that want to tunnel and camp dudes right out of the game.

    But, my main point, in my first post, was to address OP and why they should take a break and try something new if this game is causing them stress.

    Thanks for the discussion!!

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I was a nice guy.


  • Member Posts: 8,266

    That one thing I want is able to set a players in blacklist.

    Not its not about not vs them again (prevent players vs each other hurt play base and increase finding match time), its about I know which survivor I should suck the fun out of them, as they did on me.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    People who willingly play killer in this game are being insanely selfless, change my mind.

  • Member Posts: 301

    Your wooshy, short-sighted post totally misses the point.

    More and more Killers are tired of trying to "play nice for the Survivor's experience" because the Survivors never return the favor. They're the most self-centered crowd in all of video gaming. And your self-centered, oblivious post illustrates this.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Same thing can be said for bully squads and solo survivors who are toxic to the killer for no reason or for the actions of previous killers.

    The community itself lacks self-awareness of its own actions which has caused most of this to even happened to begin with.

    If people were self aware about the consequences of their actions they'd behave much better but we are long past that point.

    Then again people hate camping/tunneling/slugging even when the killer is forced to do it by their own power such as Oni with slugging or by circumstance(Like when the gates are powered).

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    Hey, do what's fun! :)

    if you're starting to get frustrated, I recommend you start getting into character. instead of getting angry at players, get even with characters. :)

    have a good time!

  • Member Posts: 401

    On the other hand, I´m pretty tired of sweaty camper tunnelers. I don´t mind slow my game as surv if killer is playing nice, and evading tunnel at early game. Sometimes I even treat myself or give him my item if he has been considerate with survs. I think good manners are important although we are rivals in game.

    But I can understand your point. I like playing vs Piggy, Bubbas, etc. But low tier killers are very susceptible of being gen rushed if they extend on a chase or don´t proxy tunnel camp.

    In my oppinion, and I have said it more times here, is to create another game mode for DBD. One mode not focused on the actual metagame (genrush vs tunnel), and more centered on killer - surv interactions encouraging distribute the hooks rather than hard tunnel. Killers would enjoy the chases as survs do if they weren´t so worried about gens popping.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    "Copy paste survivor builds."

    Killers: Ruin, Undying, Pop, Corrupt, BBQ

    Every game.

  • Member Posts: 837

    And why do they do this....?

    Because survivors genrush.

    Every game.

  • Member Posts: 837

    What we really need here is to give the survivors more objectives. As it stands theres only one main objective and two side objectives. Main objective will win you the game if you ignore the first side objective (bones), and altruism, the second objective, is a one man job.

    There needs to be more to this game than do gens and travel from one loop to the next.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Gen rush is a killer main term.

    Gen rush is doing a generator.

  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited September 2021

    I understand your frustration but maybe just think its a game? I don't care if i get 4k i dont even care if i get 1k. I enjoy the chase. Rank to me doesnt mean anything. Its bragging rights and let's be honest rank in this game means nothing. It doesnt make you a good player.

    You can't please survivors in this game. They are toxic if you kill them and they are toxic if you dont. Just stop caring do your thing enjoy the chase

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Except the majority of survivors in EU do play nice so maybe when you're arguing from a point of experience be away that others will argue back from their own.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    No one asked to increase gen times.

    A obligatory secondary objective would solve many problems.

  • Member Posts: 673

    See guys, it's always just a matter of time

  • Member Posts: 464

    Or get better at the game and adapt to situations rather than throwing a temper tantrum over some asymmetrical, casual game you should seek only fun in. If you're getting sweatlords then just meme about it or take a break. They're ultimately lesser than those that don't take this game seriously. Because those that take winning seriously and at heart in this game tend to be very much lacking in something.

    Strive to have fun. Don't be petty. Sweating to win is only fun until bigger fish ######### on you anyway. Which they will. You'll just end up making baby solos miserable and the toxic will still be fed.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    You will only hurt yourself because of the new SBMM system. Once you proxy-tunnel, you will have to keep proxy-tunneling until eventually you'll get hung at a certain SBMM level, where you will only get 2 kills / 2 escapes and the only tactic you will know how to use is proxy-tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 246
  • Member Posts: 84

    I find playing this game a lot more fun the minute I stopped caring about the outcome of the match. I don't care if I lose or win. I don't care if a survivor/killer bms me.

    I mean yea sometimes I do the "unforgivable" acts in the survivor rule book as slugging or tunnel. I don't do it often though. I'll only slug if someone is nearby with a flashlight or toolbox. Tunneling though? Sometimes survivors have the same skin on and I just can't tell the difference of which one it is. Maybe it's because I also play both sides though that I find it hard to get angry about things survivors do when I play killer or when I play survivor and a killer does something. Seems hypocritical if I get angry about it lol.

    I tend to listen to music whenever I play too, music always helps me be in a good mood.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    When survivors play in a way that I don't find fun, I roll up my sleeves and go get a snack or somethin', I dunno, but I play how I want and I'm not going to let others change me. I don't care about kills, I can't de-pip further, so it doesn't matter to me whatsoever if I stop participating and let them play gen repair sim.

    Everyone's different, though.

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