Cenobite's 2 chain's travel distance addons

Hooks that emerge from the gateway already go very far, are difficult to control and don't really give any value because the survivor is too far from you anyway to gain any distance that you lose while you are channeling. You already introduced 2 addons that increase the maximum casting range of the gateway that are better in every sense because they can be used more accurately and can be used for utility to scout places. They frankly feel like a redundant and worse version.
I don't think running those addons and not running addons at all would make a difference to the killer, I would argue it would make him worse because trying to hit chains from long distance is worthless, you just lose distance from the survivor.
I suggest them to be removed or changed into something that does "something" even if it's mediocre, better than nothing. Does not feel good having to dump thousands of bloodpoints into a collection of addons that have 0 impact.
The only use i can really see for them is a "Sniper" build with engineers fang, where you injure people from insane ranges they can't anticipate. Otherwise i agree, the chains go 30m before dissipating, which is already further than you'd ever need. Range addons are just useless at that point.
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I would argue that you better use the one that increases casting range of the gateway with this build instead, it does the job better and you can also use it to scout.
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welp, then i suppose i can basically see 0 use for the addons lol. Heres to hoping they make them more interesting.