Finally! SBMM! Anyone else excited?



  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    is that all? did scott cut it too short?

    because all that mclean (is that how you write the name?) said is that the competitive scene isn't the focus. not that they will never look at it and make any changes to it.

    it's not different from the smash creators going "we understand people play this competitively, but we consider it a party game" and yet it gets balance changes, maps have a "competitive" option etc.

    just because they focus on one aspect, doesn't mean the others don't matter to them.

    on scott, he makes a weird point about speed... like if people say "they can look at the top % data and make changes based on that" and his counter argument is "they are slow"... like, so what? who said they'll suddenly get fast? the argument is just "they get better data, they can use it"

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    people will reach thei peak on each killer, and that peak is different for each killer. but each peak should be "hard but winnable match". same for soloq.

    your points just don't make much sense

  • KY___100
    KY___100 Member Posts: 12

    No! 😃Thanks for asking.

    Maybe this attempt will work out. 😃

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    His argument is that it took 4 years to change Iri Head.

    BHVR does not work fast. They announced a Key rework over a year ago and it still isn't here.

    Even if they do see a problem at high ranks, it'll take a year for any real progress to be made, by which point, most people would leave.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    that's just a non sequitur. they are slow, but they do deal with issues.

    they announced the key rework for this year. it's still this year.

    and do you honestly think they would just watch the game die and not do something about it?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    If it was only affecting a minority of players, yes.

    They announced 60 FPS for Consoles almost 3 years ago.

    Key Rework was announced LAST YEAR. I could pull more examples of BHVR being extremely slow to change ANYTHING.

    They've repeatedly shown they have a very interesting view of balance and have no intention of helping the higher MMR players.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    again, they announced the key change FOR THIS YEAR. we are still, in this year. add it to the complaint list next year.

    plenty of actual reasons to complain, don't make one up.

    they have not. you have yet to show it. all you gave is "not the focus" which is very different from "have no intention of helping the higher MMR players"

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I can't go and find stream clips from years past.

    You need only look at their actions to determine whether or not they will balance the game for the top players. They've had 5 years, plenty of data, plenty of people telling them to, but they haven't. Ergo, it is not illogical to conclude that they will not.

    Where's your proof that they are going to do something, even if it is 3 years from now?

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    too bad. so I won't believe you. AFAIK, it was something taken out of context or said as a joke that people took way too seriously.

    I never said they will balance FOR top players. it's just more data for them to have a better picture. meaning, top players will impact the changes, but won't be the focus.

    plenty of people tell them opposite things. it's no surprise you can point and say "they don't listen to X", you can do that no matter which decision they make, it's a non argument unless you can prove every person that talked to them said the same thing. can you?

    I don't need to prove anything. because this game literally gets bug fixes every update. but they don't care right? why would they change the game so people will enjoy playing it more?

    SRGII Member Posts: 39

    Sorry you talk so much crap its untrue, the game has major issues and imbalances that have needed fixing for years and yet have they fixed them? Sorry MMR will kill this game as its more survior sided as most people play as that class. I hope it gets killed off as BHVR deserves it as they dont have cross progression, they dont even have game chat across consoles; however they want to push MMR and you say they will fix it if there is issues, yet again when do tthe devs to fix ######### when its clear its an issues?!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Go find them yourself.

    I'm perfectly content to watch myself be proven right. Even if I'm not, I still win because the game gets fixed.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    i won't. I'm not the one trying to prove something with them.

    why would you be content with watching yourself be proven right when that means you don't have the game anymore?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because, at the very least, I tried to convince people. And if I'm not right, then it doesn't matter

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    when does sbmm go into effect?

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Nope, I'm not excited. I have a feeling that it's not going to work well.

    But hopefully I'm wrong.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Yes and no.

    Yes because I'll actually get matched with players my skill level. It's harder to do that with ranks because how easy it is to rank 1. I've had Survivors with only 200 hours make it to rank 1. That's not a fair matchup for someone who's got 1100 hours. It also means that I shouldn't have to worry about getting bad teammates in solo or super sweaty Survivors as Killer. I think high level DBD is ######### boring (holding one or two buttons or being forced to play only two, maybe three Killers the same way is not fun to me).

    No because it's BHVR and the chances of something going wrong are really high. I wouldn't be surprised if the system doesn't work properly for the first few days.

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244
    edited September 2021

    As someone who plays, if not all, killers well. The SBMM was a nightmare in practice, and I don't imagine it's going to be fun live.

    I actually suspect Dead by Daylight to see a crash in it's player base as casual cc's leave, casual players dribble out. Leaving only the elitists left. Which they will then get pissed at each other, then pissed at BHVR. Then the game will die out like Deathgarden.

    Because this is what happened to Deathgarden, the game became too competitive no one wanted to play anymore. It's just not good for an asymmetrical game.

    The future isn't set in stone however, BHVR definitely could miraculously turn things around, and make the game fun again. Just that doesn't seem to be the priority. As they seem to be focusing more on squeezing out as much money as they can from their player base.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    No. Hell no.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Hey, better than the [no]-poor system we have right now.

    I'll just about take any improvement for a toxic-free game of wits in the arena of cat and mouse.

    Right now, it's just a dumpster fire of improper balancing and toxicity.

  • OniHatesSWF
    OniHatesSWF Member Posts: 85

    As a solo Q survivor, HELL YEAH!

    As SWF, doesn't matter. My friends and I can bully any killer except for god nurse and god spirit.

    As a killer, kidding? I'm out.