Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

The people complaining about SBMM are the people who we are trying to avoid

I am speaking specifically on the survivor side.

There are a lot of survivors complaining about Skill Based Match Making saying they get bad games now and it's not fun for them.

I personally have had the exact opposite, Survivor games are fantastic for me, people are actually trying to win, doing generators, saving their teammates, not getting downed in 2 seconds, many different, skilled killers being played like Hag, Hillbilly and Huntress. This is great!

I started thinking about it, and realistically, the only people who should be negatively affected by Skill-Based matchmaking are:

  • Very High skilled people who will now get paired with equally high skilled, sweaty people
  • Low skilled people who think they're good, but actually aren't

Now, I'm not trying to accuse anybody of anything, but all I'm saying is, most people probably aren't the high skilled people like Otzdarva or any content creator like that who have thousands upon thousands of hours in the game.

All I'm saying is, my experience from the tests that BHVR have put, says that the new matchmaking is doing it's job. I see a lot of other people who have had great experiences with the new matchmaking as well, and they all say the same things I do.

For those that are skeptical of the matchmaking, give it a try. You might actually like it.

For those that have had a negative experience with the matchmaking, maybe that's just where you belong :)

As for me, I am sure I will thoroughly enjoy SBMM when it is reimplemented into the game and I'll be glad to finally be able to play some good games of survivor and play some good games of killer without people instantly disconnecting when they see a killer they don't like.



  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    I consider myself to be a good killer ofc im not otzdarva level or any other content creator they play way more then me XD but when im killer i should not have to play against the swf that bring map offering every match or key i remember the last sbmm i got destroy in my match and the huge majority of my game were in haddonfield, ormond or cowshed this was not a fun experience for me as killer.

    For survivor it was another kind of experience it was wonderful i just dont know if i had good teamate or the killer i was going against were just awful at the game.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    You are playing against survivors who more likely than not should be at your skill level. The problem with killers is that they have had to go up against survivors that do not belong at their rank.

    With this current matchmaking, it is extremely easy to rank up as survivor, as a result Killers more often than not have to play against survivors that do NOT belong there. I'm sure you have played as have I, games at Rank 1 that feel like complete stomps simply because there were often multiple survivors that played like garbage.

    Ideally that would not happen with this new matchmaking; evidence is showing that will be the case.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Obviously, I'm not a super sweaty player.

    But as a casual player of the game who genuinely tries to win every game and be a good teamplayer. I have had nothing but good games all around playing with people of a similar mindset.

    In fact I will probably play the game more since the matchmaking won't be absolute trash.

    During the SBMM tests, I have not experienced a single Spirit, I have seen a few Nurses, but those were decently fun games as well.

    You speak as if everybody is going to have to go against sweaty Nurse and Spirit players, when in reality from the way you speak you will most likely have to go up against the face camping Bubba player who chooses to hook someone in the basement.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    That the thing i say i got destroy but i mostly got 2 kill each game with 2 or 4 hook mostly because of the almighty noed. I consider that getting destroy but the game consider this a fair match because i got 2 kill

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Given the vast numbers by which survivors outnumber killers, I doubt matchmaking will improve for killers. Will probably have low rated killers still paired against high rated swf teams to minimize ques.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    I personally don't think this will happen, as evident by the queue times I think a good number of people had improved games after SBMM was implemented.

    The thing is about killers, is that a lot of them, myself included, probably shouldn't be rank 1 or red ranks.

    You have to remember that it is extremely easy to pip up as survivor, that means people who aren't good at the game are still considered "good players" simply because they play enough to grind out the ranking system.

    When they get paired against people who actually belong in red ranks, of course they're going to be upset because the game is assuming they're good and should go against good players. This happened to me as well where I actually had to play well vs the survivors I paired against, no more easy kills. These weren't SWFs or sweaty players or anything. They were just good players who were actually trying to win.

    Of course, this is what I want though, and I understand some people don't want this. The people that don't just have to derank their mmr; just grit through it until you get properly calibrated.

    Eventually those killers will be put in lower rated matches, but I don't think it's fair to assume that they'll get paired with high ranked teams when the evidence doesn't show that during the tests.

    I really do think BHVR finally did a good job for once with something they're implementing and I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that it will work as intended. It took forever, 2 years to be specific, but it really does look like it SBMM works.

  • playhard
    playhard Member Posts: 279

    i think SBBM goals is to make player who only play survivor become willingly want play as killer as an option.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited September 2021

    Honestly, yeah, I am a little worried about it as a red ranked killer.

    I've said before and I stand by it; if you have an equally skilled group of survivors going up against an equally skilled killer, the killer is going to lose 9 times out of 10. The game at high levels where survivors know all the little tricks and strategies can be downright hell for a killer and if those survivors are the only ones I get to play against because the game thinks I'm a super good killer...

    With all that said, I'm more than willing to try the SBMM and see how it pans out. If I'm wrong, awesome! But I do feel like my concern is completely valid and not just me wanting a group of survivors to curb stomp.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Sbmm has never worked in this game. Every test has been a failure, so excuse me if I'm wary about it being permanently activated.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234
    edited September 2021

    SBMM will be a bliss for survivors and hell for killers.

    Even if you play S Tier killers like Nurse or Spirit you will still have to sweat like hell because gen rush is more powerful than anything else in this game.

    I think many killers will stop playing if SBBM is going to stay. It just doesn't work in a 4 vs 1 game that is totally inbalanced due to rng, perks and different killer powers.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Except the evidence shows that it has worked.

    I and many others have said that it works as intended. We get great games as survivors working together as they should, and killer games are generally more challenging as people aren't throwing at the beginning of every match. People generally at my skill rating make better decisions.

    By definition, the SBMM is working as intended and many in the community can back up my claims, just look at this thread and see the highest upvoted comments.

    If it works so well for me and many others and doesn't work well for others, I can only assume a few things.

    If you are a survivor player

    1. You are a player who has thousands upon thousands of hours in the game and therefore should be paired against high skilled killers who pick Spirit and Nurse and run all meta perks.
    2. You are a bad player who was benefitting from the old system and in a higher rank than you should be.

    If you are a killer player

    1. Again, you are a player who has thousands upon thousands of hours in the game and therefore should be paired against high skilled survivors (not necessarily SWF) who run all meta perks and play optimally.
    2. You were benefitting off of the old system which had lowerskilled survivors in high ranks and are now being paired against survivors who actually know what they're doing. <--- This is where most killers in purple and red ranks fit in, including myself. These killers are not necessarily bad because they were just playing the hands that they were dealt.

    Every single time someone has complained about SBMM, they easily fit into the #2 category.

    If you are a survivor player, I'm sorry. You for once in your life have to actually pull your weight and be a team player. I'm sorry that you cannot be a burden on your team anymore. There are 3 other people on your team who would like to have an enjoyable game. Please be considerate and actually try to win.

    If you are a killer player, I'm sorry you actually have to try for once to get your 4K. It is extremely annoying for a lot of killer players to join a game and instantly get a disconnect because you are playing a killer the survivor doesn't like, or because they got downed first. Nobody wants to deal with this.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    So players that play with Stretch Res. Abusing this by looking over the loop. making mindgames unmindgameable is fun for the killer right?

    Cause i'm sorry but. SBMM will hurt this game. I'll see alot more blights / nurses / spirits with Ruin / undying / noed / corrupt...

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I look forward to the change as a solo survivor, wherever I place at least teammates should be more reliable.

    As for killer, I do hope I'm wrong. During the last test I did one of my own though. Using killers I don't play and/or terrible with, I wanted to see if there would be notable changes in the survivors I faced.

    While I hope improvements have been made to avoid this, my results were unfavorable for those with low mmr (or at least myself). Matches did get easier for awhile, but after several non intentional losses the que began to lengthen. I believe it was at this point pairing with high skilled/swf began to minimize the que, several back to back matches like this as it seems the system struggled to find individual survivors to match my rating.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Yeah, the survivor mains saying their teammates are awful in skill based matchmaking kind of make me cringe. It is like, bro... Whatever you are doing, its wrong. Fix it and your teammates will also fix their mistakes.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677
  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,692

    Because people only liked the current system when it favored them by giving them easy games.

    Now that a new system is coming that is taking away those easy trails, people now prefer the current system.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    1) never knew this was a thing.

    2) That is evidently already something that has been happening if you know about it.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Bringing SBMM into an asymmetrical party game with extremely heavy RNG is a recipe for disaster. There are far too many variables for an automated system to correctly judge skill.

    SBMM is going to make matches painfully consistent and kill whatever perk variety there was left. I just wish they made SBMM a toggleable option or made a separate queue.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited September 2021

    The problem is killers playing against 4 survivors of equal skill to the killer at a high SBMM level should lose. Even then it's going to take far more effort on the part of the killer than it will on the part of the survivors to win. This isn't a "YOU play GOOD SURVIVORS and THAT'S why you're ANGRY" problem, it's is a balance problem that is going to affect the statistically small portion of the community and show a complete imbalance that people like you want to pretend doesn't exist. Probably because it benefits YOU.

    You can look at the best of the best in tournaments. Despite the killer bans, the perk bans and limitations of addons, and maps, it is heavily, heavily survivor sided. While the highest SBMM isn't going to be like that, the fact is there is a clear imbalance at the top, and evidently people who are not smart, or skilled enough, aren't quite able to understand it, or relate to it. After all, who really cares about 5% of players? You don't balance from the top do- oh wait.. games do.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    3k hours here, can honestly say that people, especially content creators, will be less likely to create content/have fun consistently.

    Yes, SBMM has left even me with some matches that were absolutely amazing, but on average? The matches were worse than current matchmaking. I've encountered more campers, forcing me to run perks I do not enjoy running just to be able to play more than 2 minutes after I am downed the first time.

    SBMM isnt the solution, it's part of a solution. At best, SBMM should affect 30% of my matches. If half of my matches are based around SBMM, I am not gonna have fun, and I would be inclined to quit after 3k hours of gameplay where most games were fun, even if they were frustrating at times. Now, 90% of my games would be frustrating as I would gain less bloodpoints because people are going to run optimal strats more often, and optimal strats give both sides a minimal amount of bloodpoints. Increasing the already existing grind, making games less fun on average and forcing players to run boring perks.

    SBMM is bad, even for the casual player. Because higher rank solo survivors will straight up quit. Higher rank killers would straight up quit. Leaving only the highest ranked spirits and nurses against the highest ranked SWF's, which arent going to be plenty, meaning to reduce matchmaking, those teams would need to be matched up with the next best thing.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687
    edited September 2021

    I agree for the most part but I think this game is also about adaption and how well you do with what you're given. Sometimes though like you said RNG can [BAD WORD] you good. Like spawn locations. There's not much a killer can do when all 4 survivors spawn at a different gen so then while the killer is chasing one survivor if they're doing decently at looping him, 3 potential gens can pop for a trade off of a single down then the killer has play a bit scummy to even attempt to make up for the 3 gens they just lost. If the new system takes that into account after the killer only gets say, a 1k out of that bad RNG then that's probably gonna happen a lot being bunked down in "skill" for your next match. At least I think it's basing off amount of kills + escapes... I think. Lol which now that I'm thinking about it, kills and escapes doesn't quite equal skill. A survivor can loop a killer for the duration of the game, do some bones and a gen and die for it.. would the new system count that as a loss in skill then? Lots of questions about this new system honestly.

    This also has collectively zero to do this topic thread but I love your username, it's so clever.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    First off. Bbq is useless in a comp setting. it requires you to get hooks. and if you Ever played in a actual tournament. you can see how hard it is to get A hook..

    Second. All the top tier survivors that ain't on console as we speak, run stuff like this.

    Third: Noed is a Viable perk in terms of survivors gen rushing. Every comp killer knows it's 100% better than bbq. in terms of strengths,

    Forth: Have you SEEN... games that last barely 5 minutes against good spirits / nurses / blight. Lemme tell you. I've seen Supahalf Lose against the best team in the world. and he's the best nurse i've ever seen..

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    And it will continue going into SBMM. Making the best killers that main those killers. lose even,

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594
    edited September 2021

    Supahalf: Best Nurse Player in the world Against Team Oracle: Best Team in dbd, won multiple tournaments, BoTB. Supahalf scrims against them and won maybe... 1-2 times? out of like 10 or so games.

    You're not a tournament player,

    You already assume i am not a tournament player. But in-fact. i am. I am a Captain of my own Comp Team. We played in many tournaments. Ranging from Dead by-Esports to Wheel of Fate to many others. Learn up on some people before you make a guess.

    NOED is a viable perk if you're bad and plan on losing,

    Do you not know what a experienced 4 man swf is? Have you Ever faced a actual legit 4 man swf that basically gen rushed your ass to hell and back and 4 outed you? Or are you only a "Survivor Main" that believes there is no such thing as Gen rushing and Shun a killer if he camps and tunnels in Order to win...

    Just because survivors finish the gens fast, does not mean they are genrushing

    THAT IS GEN RUSHING. WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAN. you're either a troll. or a very entitled survivor main. Go play killer against a well coordinated 4 man swf with these "Meta killer Perks" for like a week. and then come talk to me. I'll wait...

    People aren't looping you for 3 hours because they're running stretch rez. they're doing it cause they're better than you

    So Pre-throwing and Holding W is considered good..? Uh huh... again. go play killer for a week against a Coordinated 4 man swf. you won't last a week without complainin'..

    You cannot say "All the top tier survivors are running stretched res" when you know 100% that is cap. You can't even physically prove that.

    Yes i can.. The Comp players that PLAY this game on pc. literally play on Stretch Res. go look at any dbd tournament team. Stretched res out the ass.

    Proof? look how stretched that is, And against Spirit too nonetheless.

    Oh you wanna play wraith at High mmr? Too bad.


    I can keep going on dude...

    In the end. YOU are the one here inexperienced. YOU are sitting here with no proof backing up what High SBMM is like. and THIS. is what a comp scene looks like.

    You Sir. Need To get more Educated..

    Edit: Found a Nurse video for you too. Despite him winning with amazing plays. look at his build.. and guess what. Ruin / Undying still up. with that Noed and corrupt. they rushed the gens still without breaking the totems. (i believe this was old undying before changes. don't quote me on that)

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Facts. People that are not very good at survivor refuse to, or just can't understand this. Instead they think a good killer can actually compete vs 4 good survivors on a even playing field, which is 100% false.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Or just a people of average skill who had bad games during sbmm tests and also have very bad experiences with sbmm in other games who are actually balanced.

    But since this is dbd forum, lets just keep the things black and white, its easier to get to the circle jerk going

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    I've only seen killers complain about it because of the long high mmr queue times. I too wouldnt want it to go back to the old red rank days, where it would literally take an hour to find 2 survivors in your lobby.

  • ezrank1
    ezrank1 Member Posts: 32

    Yeah but no. Otz got slaughtered during SBMM as did many big streamers. They didn't seem to enjoy it either and given that DBD streaming is the bulk of their income (whether directly or indirectly) they didn't have a choice. When I decide to play killer I tend to lean toward the lower-tier characters like Ghostface and Trapper. My win rates with these killers are well above 70% (by my definition 3k+) but during SBMM these killers are unplayable. So that weekend was a survivor weekend for me and every game was gen rush, gens before friends, loop abuse - in and out ASAP. This also was not fun.

    The game was simply soulless while SBMM was active due to how fundamentally flawed the killer side is.

    Before BHVR implements SBMM, they need to set some sort of standardized criteria for all the maps and treat each killer/killer category individually and review data within appropriate parameters. By killer category I mean M1/M2 reliance or ranged/stealth etc. This 1 or 2 foundational framework is holding killer back in 2016. Simple things like increasing base vault speeds on M1 killers is a step in the right direction.

  • KY___100
    KY___100 Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2021

    You can't win a game solo... can you explain to me the self-contradictory logic of, "play better despite your awful teammates, who you need to rely on in order to be considered 'a good player,' according to the (undisclosed) MMR formula."

    How so, and to what degree, does someone "fix it" in order to fulfill the requirement for my teammates to also "fix their mistakes." 🤔😐️

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'd rather go against sweaty killers with similar skills to mine with an equal skilled team, than still go against sweaty killers with a bad team, so SBMM is exactly what I'm looking for.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    Honestly what is " Loop abuse " ? You mean their only defense to keep the game going? They can't fight back. The only other option is for you to just not find them. Would you rather have a game where you find no one and walk around aimlessly while gens pop and doors open?

    and gen rushing is honestly such a stupid concept. It's really the only and the main objective for survivor. LITERALLY the job is " Do gens as fast and as much as you can before killer chases you off of it. You've got limited chances. " ---- Gen rushing isn't a thing, it's the priority. It's the objective. You're not applying gen pressure.

    Are survivors supposed to just walk around and not do anything every few minutes?

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Do you play at the highest level?

    Do I play at the highest level?

    Does, like 99% of the playerbase play at the highest level?

    No. You want to play sweaty, play against equally sweaty players.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Lmao, imagine being a comp player and arguing in the forums.

    That's embarassing, but I can see why you would hate SBMM.

    You'd have to always play on your A-Game even in normal matchmaking. But hey, that's better for you isn't it? Wouldn't you be better off with more games that are as sweaty and as difficult as comp DBD?

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Honestly, the best way to out competitive players is to have them do it themselves. They're so proud 😂

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i have two issues with SBMM:

    1) its impossible for any MMR system to accurately depict the actual skill level of a player in this game. This game is way too reliant on loadouts and RNG to ever have something like this properly implemented.

    2) this game is incredibly unbalanced in high levels. Survivors will dominate a vast majority of the games there and unless you play the sweatiest Killers with the sweatiest builds you will just get absolutely bullied up there. I've tried "normal" Killers with "normal" builds and playing "fair" in both of the last SBMM tests and every single time i tried i got absolutely awful results. yeah, technically speaking i didnt lose any games (=safetypip), but in reality i struggled at getting even a single kill. and if i ever were to get more kills than that, then that would be thanks to me either hardtunneling someone or me camping the kill out.

    the worst part? the devs are very well aware of how unbalanced and unfun of an experience this is. And yet they have said themselves on multiple accounts that they will not be balancing the game around this, because 90% of the playerbase arent there, so they'd rather balance around the "lower" ranks.

    the amounts of stress and frustration you have to dig through as a Killer to play this game on a high level are just way too high and they will be driving players like me away from this game, if that becomes the standart experience.

    and i think its an absolutely awful idea to balance around a kill / escape goal in general. the pure amount of kills and escapes says nothing about how balanced or fun the match was for anyone involved - an example: by the logic of having 2 die and 2 escape, if i just play Bubba, facecamp the first Survivor and then use NOED to instadown and facecamp a second one, i had an, according to the Devs balance goal (which MMR is most likely going to be rating our matches after), perfectly balanced and good game.

    so essentially, the only thing that really kept me playing this game was the fact that i was not being matched with people who played "on my skill level" - because those kind of games are easily the worst experience you can have in this game as a Killer. You just feel powerless - like, the entirety of my momentum is based on the Survivors screwing up. the better the Survivor player is, the more infrequent said fuckups are going to be, which makes easy second chance Perks, such as Dead Hard, even more annoying and even more devestating to see - yet also even more common, because the Survivors of course can see the potential with those Perks.

    There is a good reason why the only two "viable" high level Killers in this game are Spirit and Nurse - and that is, because they both are not reliant on the Survivors making a mistake to win chases, while also being mobile enough to somewhat keep up with gen speeds.

    so if SBMM actually does go live without either some massive improvements in those fields or an alternative for casual players like me (e.g. a "competetive" move with SBMM on and a "casual" mode with SBMM off), then i will most likely be quitting this game for good (for reference, i quit the last SBMM test after just a few days because my games had consistently been that horribly unfun - and i havent played it since)

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    and i think its an absolutely awful idea to balance around a kill / escape goal in general

    They've admitted that they used to judge by this, but have since stopping doing so replacing it with a system that judges your performance based on a number of objectives throughout the game.

    I wish I could find the thread on here, but yeah it was a Dev themselves that confirmed it won't be judged solely off of kills and escapes.

    Of course, they won't tell us all the parameters they're judging by, but you know at least even they recognize kills and escapes don't mean everything.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    well, unless they do specify what exactly they mean with that its, sadly, just a bunch of empty words.

    for example, lets just assume they count hooks now:

    how are they going to tell the difference between someone making 2 hooks all game and then 6 in end game when the Survivors just run straight into them to try and rescue their friend (and probaply because they are pretty bored from that game) and someone making 7 hooks before the 5th gen popped and then deathhooking someone in endgame, so the others just leave?

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    I mean I don't know. I agree that we should be allowed to have some idea of what is being judged, but at this point we're just spit balling

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i am completely with you on this.

    and thats exactly the problem we collectively have as a community: there is very little to none communication from the Devs on how important things work.

    its neat to know that they got a balance goal - but why wouldnt they tell us what exactly this balance goal is?

    its neat to know that there is going to ba a MMR system - but why wouldnt they tell us how our skill is actually being determined?

    so many of my issues with this game could probaply be solved just by the Devs communicating a bit more with us, yet they actively decide against it, which just deepens my frustration even more.