Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

The people complaining about SBMM are the people who we are trying to avoid



  • baseballfan4877
    baseballfan4877 Member Posts: 364

    yeah in what world are good survivor players getting paired with bad ones with sbmm. it was like 4 solid survivors every sbmm game.

  • baseballfan4877
    baseballfan4877 Member Posts: 364

    I mean there should be no reason survivors should complain except for being matched against the same top killers every game with the sweatiest build. But that is sort of their choice right? They played so sweaty that they will get paired with equally sweaty killers, which inherently means they are top tier killers with the best builds. Maybe survivors AND killers should start playing less sweaty if they dont want to see sweaty stuff every game. However, it's hard to convince people to play for fun these days and the game balance is also an issue.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    Then why bring up comp anyways if you don't play it? Clearly you lost when i provided proof.

    If you don't care. don't reply to a forum response. period,

    Many comp players are on the forums. they just don't choose to post so to say.

    And how is it Embarrassing? That's like going up to Any person that mained Hillbillly that hated the billy changes and telling him it was Embarrassing how he played and missed alot of chainsaws with the new Overheat Mechanic.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Then why bring up comp anyways if you don't play it?

    You knew I didn't play comp. I even said in a mocking tone:

    What's next? You're going to say you run into tournament SWF sweat squads every game?

    What did you think that meant? Did you think I was bragging about my superior skill in competitive Dead by Daylight?

    Not only that, you're the one who brought competitive play into the forefront anyway, or did you already forget what you wrote?

    My unserious, off comment turned into an actual conversation because of you so don't even try to come at me with "why bring up comp". You brought it up!

    Clearly you lost when i provided proof

    You didn't provide any proof that wasn't already known. I been said that Competitive Dead by Daylight is not the same game as what the other 99.9% of players are playing.

    It's a completely different bubble that people like you can't seem to see out of. Again, if you reference the title of my discussion:


    It's almost as if I knew what I was saying :/

    Many comp players are on the forums. they just don't choose to post so to say.

    "Many comp players are on the forums, I can't exactly measure it or really prove it, but trust me guys"

    And how is it Embarrassing?

    Because you're trying to argue your point as if even a small fraction of the playerbase are in your position. SBMM is designed for people like you to stay out of the normal matchmaking pool, it's designed for the average player to be paired against other average players.

    It's embarrassing because you flex your "knowledge" and "skill", but in reality you're just flexing how out of touch you are with the rest of the community.

    That's like going up to Any person that mained Hillbillly that hated the billy changes and telling him it was Embarrassing how he played and missed alot of chainsaws with the new Overheat Mechanic.

    That isn't even remotely similar. You should take up a part-time job as a waiter serving tables, that way the next time you say something wack you'll know to say "Pardon my Reach" beforehand so people can mentally prepare.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    If this means I'll have teammates that at least know the basics of the game or survivors that I go against as killer that aren't going to sit there playing immersed while I walk up behind them i'm down.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    So you are saying that you should get rewarded by being able to 4k brown rank survivors over and over again. You do realize those 4 other brown rank survivors you are decimating want to have fun playing the game also and not be Survivor piñatas for every red rank killer.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594
    edited September 2021

    What did you think that meant? Did you think I was bragging about my superior skill in competitive Dead by Daylight?

    As if..

    Not only that, you're the one who brought competitive play into the forefront anyway, or did you already forget what you wrote?

    Didn't forget what i wrote. which i also provided what i said...

    You didn't provide any proof that wasn't already known. I been said that Competitive Dead by Daylight is not the same game as what the other 99.9% of players are playing.

    .....SBMM.. Are we even talking about the same thing at this point? Sbmm IS COMPETITIVE FOR A REASON. like i said.. you NEVER saw what a good swf can do to any killers. reguardless of skill...

    Also i did provide proof... you didn't bother watching the videos in which i provided....

    It's a completely different bubble that people like you can't seem to see out of. Again, if you reference the title of my discussion:

    Again... You are so far out of touch on what We as a actual Competitive community are trying to prove... That SBMM will hurt Killers by a longshot.

    Because you're trying to argue your point as if even a small fraction of the playerbase are in your position. SBMM is designed for people like you to stay out of the normal matchmaking pool, it's designed for the average player to be paired against other average players.

    So am i not allowed to have Casual Fun once ina while? Am i not Allowed to even remotely turn off my brain and just relax abit while playing Killer? Am i Force to Sweat 24 / 7 due to being a Killer?

    it's embarrassing because you flex your "knowledge" and "skill", but in reality you're just flexing how out of touch you are with the rest of the community.

    When... did i flex. I never Mentioned Hours. At All.

    That isn't even remotely similar. You should take up a part-time job as a waiter serving tables, that way the next time you say something wack you'll know to say "Pardon my Reach" beforehand so people can mentally prepare.

    If this is supposed to be a insult.. I heard Better coming from kids back in CoD lobbies in 2012... Should go steal a quote from them..

    Oh wait.. those lobbies would eat you up in a heartbeat.. Nevermind,

  • YukariTheAlpaca
    YukariTheAlpaca Member Posts: 184

    What I am saying is that a party game should not have SBMM at all.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    I'm sorry but it is arrogant to say that, like "you like it and you're good, and if you don't like it it means you're bad", maybe too simple to say it works like that.

    And when I run the killer for 2+ minutes while no gens are getting done, and got flashlight saves, I don't call that a "game with mates that have comparable levels".

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    First game, my teammates hid a lot and let 2 of the team get to 2nd hook stage first hook, since then my teammates have actually been half decent.

    I'm so far impressed but too early to say

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    One thing I literally don't understand from the high MMR anti SBMM faction: they don't want to be paired with equally skilled opponents all the time. So that leaves the question...who are those equally skilled opponents supposed to face? The next lower ranked guy is literally going to have it way worse than you. It should be his problem because you DESERVE to utterly wreck somebody at the end of the night to let off the tension from all the sweaty matches you had?

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    That isn't even remotely similar. You should take up a part-time job as a waiter serving tables, that way the next time you say something wack you'll know to say "Pardon my Reach" beforehand so people can mentally prepare.

    If this is supposed to be a insult.. I heard Better coming from kids back in CoD lobbies in 2012... Should go steal a quote from them..

    Oh wait.. those lobbies would eat you up in a heartbeat.. Nevermind,

    I'm only replying because my joke just went right over your head and I think that's extremely funny. Pretty telling considering you seem to have been missing the finer details of my comments all over this thread.

    I do think it's really sad though that you think lobbies filled with 12 year olds screaming about your mom qualifies as insults, but you know. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

    You didn't provide any proof that wasn't already known. I been said that Competitive Dead by Daylight is not the same game as what the other 99.9% of players are playing.

    .....SBMM.. Are we even talking about the same thing at this point? Sbmm IS COMPETITIVE FOR A REASON. like i said.. you NEVER saw what a good swf can do to any killers. reguardless of skill...

    Also i did provide proof... you didn't bother watching the videos in which i provided....

    I included my comment in this one to ask a question. What's the point of quoting a specific line from my comment if you're not going to respond to it at all and just completely ignore what I'm saying.

    I said pretty clearly, You didn't provide any proof that wasn't already known. Yet you somehow thought I said that you didn't prove proof, period? Do you need some help reading my comments? I thought I was typing in english but let me know if I need to speak a different language and I can accommodate the best I can.

    Another suggestion I can recommend is reading my comments a few times over just to make sure you know what I'm saying. I understand that basic reading comprehension is a little hard so if you need the extra time then by all means take it.

    Again... You are so far out of touch on what We as a actual Competitive community are trying to prove... That SBMM will hurt Killers by a longshot.

    Except... it literally hasn't. Mostly because we're currently in a SBMM system and reception is generally positive.

    Again, the only people getting hurt by this system is the sweaty competitive scene and the people who do not belong at the ranks they were placed at. People the majority of the community are specifically trying to avoid.

    So am i not allowed to have Casual Fun once ina while? Am i not Allowed to even remotely turn off my brain and just relax abit while playing Killer? Am i Force to Sweat 24 / 7 due to being a Killer?

    Play a different killer then. Last I checked you get 5 for free? That's not enough to tide you over for when you get bored?

    When... did i flex. I never Mentioned Hours. At All.

    Neither did I? Not sure where hours came into the conversation when I was specifically talking about skill and knowledge about the game. Maybe you got confused by the drastic turn you made into Call of Duty and thought for some reason that hours in a game automatically means you're more skilled at it? I certainly hope that's not what you think.

    See my waiter comment was good because you could've said "Pardon my reach" before this sentence and I would've known beforehand to completely ignore it.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    I have not experienced any difference in my survivor games.

    There are still dumbass megs who don't do anything and escape and there are still sweatlord spirit mains who yell slurs at everyone because they can use their ears, no differences.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    if its worked then why do they keep removing it before a full week goes by because survivors (shockedpikachuface) were abusing it?

    they'v "Introduced SBMM!" like 4 times now, 3 of them being complete failures.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    You mean they have tested it 4 times?

    Now they have activated it.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I love SBMM. My games seem fair and are generally fun games.

    Finally I can also try out new killers without meeting too good players from the get-go.

    I agree with most of what you’re saying @Astrian 😄👍🏻

    I think that the content creators will have to adapt. 50 wins in a row with every killer says enough that this game needed change. Try out 50 wins in a row in SBMM and I’ll finally be impressed. Same with survivors, watching 7000 hour sweatlords with a rainbow-squad head-on stun a killer 32 times in a game is not fun.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    they werent tests, they were "live introductions" followed by swift we had to revert back to the old system because of """"bugs""" aka survivors figured out how to exploit the system and get super easy games by having one player in the SWF do specific things to tank so hard that their mmr was at its lowest, party with said person and suddenly the 3 man rank 1's and the "smurf" rank 15 were being averaged at about rank 16 because of how """bad""" the exploiting party member was.

    and once they figure out how to do it in this version it'll be the same cycle again.

    exept this time EVERYONE but the exploiter suffers

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Then why are they saying “tests”?

    They did try to implement it once and reverted it the first time. They obviously needed more data to base their numbers on.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Not everyone plays like it's a tournament or else we would have a lot more of those.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    When you “win” you meet better players.

    When you “lose” you meet worse players.

    In the long run you will find your perfect skill. Games will always vary just like before, but with more precision of finding more suitable players.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    I always said that the old system made bad survivors think they were better than they were because it was far too easy for them to level. I am a bit more introspective, and realized that I did not deserve my rank, but many people have egos that don't allow them to think that way, so the new system is a shock for them. Being paired with survivors as good as yourself can only be a good thing.

    I think high level killers are going to have a tougher time. Maybe this will be a good thing for the game. No longer will we have good killers going up against bad survivors, that had ranks higher than their skill level, and skewing the analytics of the game. Then, hopefully, the devs will see the problems more clearly and make more meaningful changes. The game should be balanced for both sides, and if it turns out that that balance is not there, then it should get fixed

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423

    Accurate. The "ggez" players that did nothing all game are eventually winding up with likewise players or people just starting out.

    Same with killers who face camp, scores go down so does MMR.

    I have been having a blast with MMR! Games are much more fun.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited September 2021

    I don't think you can balance a game based around SBMM statistics. a 50/50 winrate doesn't mean the GAME is balanced, it just means your GAMES are balanced, based on the skill level of people you put into it. The "balance" comes from looking at the best players playing the best killers and best survivor perks at the highest level, and seeing what is viable and what is not. But they don't do that. But you're forcing a non-casual mode, competitive mode onto everyone.

    I don't think a lot of people who play these fair matches ever really feel like the match they're playing was a fair and balanced match, but then you didn't really get those prior to MMR either.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Weren't those tests and this the full implementation of the SBMM system?

    Yes, yes it was, and is.