I won all my killer games for a year. Here is everything I learned. (Long post)



  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    This is great - I'll take a look through the various playlists sometime tomorrow.

    For real, thanks.

    It's shocking this person has so little exposure.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Let's just say there might be a reason for it. Lol. He is very talented, but he could really work on his vibes.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    I am really upset by all the replies. Ok, 700 win streak is a huge claim and you are free to not believe it, but there is no need to make this thread 4 pages of "is this true?".

    I thank you for some valuable info and making me want to play Hag again.

    By the way, 700 wins in 1 year doesn't mean around 2 games a day? I don't really think someone sweating 4ks while being good can't win 2 times a day and then stop playing untill the next day.

    Generally, stopping after a few games is great because the more you go one day, the more tired you get and less good.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    All I want is for people to get hyped about the Hag, both playing as and against her.

    I think she is really interesting but a lot of players on both sides don't like her and so dont take the time to learn her.

    I really hope you try her out again and try out the techs I wrote up at the end.

    Enjoy your games <3

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    Her camera swing allows the hag to place traps in locations that will force survivors to take one path over another. They can slow vaults, also. This swing does not occur when you look at a trap before it goes off.

    I'm a little confused about how this works. Do you happen to have a link to a video of what you mean for us visual learners?

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    Here you go. He explains it better than I can. Excellent video, btw. I recommend the whole thing, if you are interested in the Hag.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    The veracity of the claims on this post are explicitly tied to whether this is, in fact, "valuable info" or someone typing about something where they've either falsified their experience or their perspective - at best.

    It's an interesting post, and obviously written by someone who does know how Hag functions. That's where the inherent value ends, full stop. The post goes so far as to shoot itself in the foot by first citing numbers (implausible ones to boot) and then a pretense that the perspectives gained aren't empirical to a degree; you can't have both, and it rubs people the wrong way to claim otherwise.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Pfsh. While you were asleep I kept grinding my wins, tell you what. Here's a little advice from a real master - Ruin combines well with Undying.

    You keep this up and we might have a little 1v1 situation on Cowshed.

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256
    edited September 2021

    Honestly on one hand that number is pretty big and with the games current RNG really hard to achieve, on the other hand this is with a full build on a killer that many don't know how to fight (although surely there were also quite a few groups who knew at least the basics). She is also probably one of the best killers (I wouldn't know since I suck as her) and most indoor maps are REALLY good for her as emergency "easy" mode maps. I think if a relatively "easy" 50 win streak with no perks is possible, then that MIGHT also be possible, even if VERY unlikely.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    I agree never losing a game in a year, even with the sweatiest playstyle and most broken build possible, is extremely difficult. I don't even know if "difficult" is the right word. All it takes is the multiple layers of RNG to deliver you to A.) a bad map b.) a bad variant of the bad map, and C.) the rare extremely good 4 man team. With all of that combined, if I'm anyone but Nurse Blight or Spirit I don't see myself winning.

    All of these streaks are really less about skill (obviously skill is relevant) and more about how lucky you get with avoiding the perform storm of near unavoidable loss.

  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 120

    This has to be my favourite thread so far!

    @QwQw Thank you for the mention!

    @Raccoon what exactly do you want me to analyze/say?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    If you want to be another notch in my belt, sure.

    Gonna be honest, my belt has so many notches now that it's just some weird, flappy, misshapen piece of leather.

    Be careful what you say - a 1 v 1 vs me will pit you against my mind AND my greasy hands.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695
    edited September 2021

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Really hope you'll be more active in future threads, too :D

    I'd like you to weigh in your thoughts regarding the likelihood of a 700 game streak using Hag - Just a brief analysis similar to @ScottJund's.

    It in no way has to be identical or agree or w/e - Just want your honest thoughts.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    I dont really understand why there are people, who are so triggered from this post.

    I will never say i believe what someone on the internet says without proof, but why are people bothered by that claim? 700 wins isnt really a sign for exceptional skill, it means you are good and were lucky (but im not sure about the lucky part)

    The facts are:

    Hag is S-tier

    Most people dont know how to play against her

    Use of strong addons

    Map offerings

    700 matches in one year are not much. If you play at the right time, you can reduce the chance for a sweaty team.

    So with all that 700 wins are not an feat that shows impressive skill, which exceeds every other player, its just a top 10% player, who maybe got a bit lucky with matchmaking.

    So there is no boosting in this, only some nice information about hag. To be fair the only interesting info for a decent hag is the standstill mindgame.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    If you refuse to prove your 700 win streak "by estimate", remove it from your post then.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

  • Maliken
    Maliken Member Posts: 166

    From my personal experience, I prefer the other add-on (tp range, trap setup, trap duration) over Rusty Shackles since the shackles don’t cause the survivor’s camera to spin, which helps a lot with the instant teleport hits.

    I also noticed a lot more instadown value from Agitation+Starstruck compared to MYC.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    You could only prove a winstreak if you are doing it live.

    What does it matter whether the winstreak is real or not?

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    I too am skeptical about some of the details, but this post was well-written and polite, so I don't care! It'll be interesting to see if the advice helps in game.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76


    I can't believe you are here.

    I appreciate what you said about my post. It is unfortunate that I don't have the vods to back it up.

    Without your guides, I would not be nearly as good a Hag player as I am, nor would I enjoy the game as much. Thank you for that, please keep making great Hag content.

    Also, if you egg tech someone I am going to lose my mind.

  • KY___100
    KY___100 Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2021

    Why harass someone for proof on what is an informative and, not only believable, but also pretty mundane post.

    To others, this is an informative post by someone with clear knowledge and effort put into it. This is perceptible to other knowledgeable and impartial players. For example, Michi, who is in this thread and is also a very knowledgeable hag main.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76
    edited September 2021

    Totally agree with you.

    Thanks for coming by!

    Big streaks are an interaction of luck and skill, imo. I think Hag is up there with Nurse, Spirit, and blight, but I think a lot of the reason for it is that most survivors don't know proper counterplay. In making this guide, I hoped that I could bring some of what I learned to the survivors to help them in the matchup.

    I know people hate playing as and against the Hag, but her counterplay can actually be really fun and rewarding.

  • DouubleYou
    DouubleYou Member Posts: 28

    For these 4ks, were any of them facecamping 1 hooks by any chance, as that would be considered a win under the 4 kill rule, no?

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    700 lol probably not even 7.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    If I camped, I risked them slamming gens without me getting traps on the map.

    Not worth it. Much better to play optimally.

  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 120

    No need to thank me. I am glad that you put so much time into learning her and creating this thread. It would be great if you join the scenes for the next hag guide.

    I dont need any vods, I know the situation. I will try the egg tech, sounds fun

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I would be honored and super excited to do that. What's the best way of reaching you to swap info? You could dm me on the Reddit thread by the same name.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I do normally hate playing against the hag but that's usually because they're the 10 traps around the hook/in the basement type.

    Good hags are a usually fun match but way rarer than bad hags which are rare themselves

  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 120

    Discord would be the best to share via Text. By any Chance are you in the dbd group?

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I am not, yet, but I will reach out to you on discord later. I am out for a while.

    Very excited!

  • stormy_
    stormy_ Member Posts: 208

    u do really believed him ? lol

    he is red rank .. making new account.. playing vs yellow - grey survivors

    we saw millions of players just like him

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    That line of thinking falls apart because they would eventually pip up to and remain in red ranks after a certain number of games - Rank reset would eventually only push them back to 5.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    The God of DBD. Arrived. Kappa.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I said "if true".

    Also no reason to attack the guy. At least he put effort in his post. It is your choice whether to believe him or not but he wasn't rude or anything.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Okay. This is cannot be true because of the RNG.

    I play like 5 games of killer and 1-2-3 people escape with a key with 1-2 gen(s) left, or doors are far away.

    In 700 games you made no mistakes that costing a match. Not even one (1) game out 700. Impossible.

    Also, you need hard proofs to back up your streak. Like streamers VODS. You can't just say i sacrificed 2800 survivors without any proof.

    Well, some of them lived apparently because YOU allowed it.

  • DBDisacasualgame
    DBDisacasualgame Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2021

    I think i read 10 words. no one said killer was hard?

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,722

    This post has the same vibe as people who make a new account on Soulborne forums and say they beat the entire game with no guides, didn't die once while also finding every boss/questline and now here's how they did it.

    Good on you for the info post but if you want people to learn more about Hag then you should take out the 700 win thing. It takes away from the post and it's only thing people will care about as you can already see. That fact you seem to refuse to prove it as well even through a simple custom match or stream would show at least some of your skill also takes away a lot from the post. If you have nothing to prove then why bring it up at all? It's needless grandstanding and will only serve to annoy people.

    "I played Hag for an entire year and here is my experience."

    Use that title while never bringing up the 700 wins and all of a sudden you have a post with people actually talking interest with Hag, maybe inquiring into some of your games, learning strategies, etc.

    As it is now, it's just a well spoken troll post whether you mean it as such or not. Personally, I'd request the post be closed and then remake it in the guide section while keeping out the wins, though honestly the damage has already been done and I don't think many people are going to take you seriously.

    As another note, alt accounts are not allowed in any fashion on the forums. I'm not sure if that answer was in reference to the Reddit post and you've never been here before but just as a heads up.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I see you put the decimal point in the wrong spot. Don't worry, I gotchu dawg:

    How many games did I win?

    About 7•00, by my estimates

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I've never made an account here before.

    You are entitled to your opinion about the streak and you are welcome to believe what you want to.

    All I wanted was to bring attention to the Hag and to help people with counterplay.

    I am not interested in streaming for hours or posting gods, as they will not satisfy everyone's need for proof. I am not going down the rabbit hole of what is and is not enough for everyone. I address the lack of proof right away.

    I think I learned a lot about the game and wanted to share. I hope you find something useful. Some people certainly have, and that's plenty for me.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Damn this post is really raising some people's blood pressure, although that's the usual response to hag I guess

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,722

    You're not bringing attention to Hag at all though. You're bringing attention to yourself because you claim you did a 700 win streak.

    Why bring up the win streak at all if you just want to share your experience with Hag. As I said, it's needless grandstanding that only hurts your apparent objective. So why did you bring it up if not to show off?

    By bringing it up the info dump becomes meaningless outside of a few people who are just being nice to you because everyone else is calling you out.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I mentioned it because it is true, which I cannot prove. Hag is an S tier killer and I want people to know more about her. People may believe whatever.

    I think some people can look past whether they believe the claim and read the post. Everyone can take exactly what they would like, positive or not.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Thank you for this post and also well done on your meeting your goal ^^

    Hag is my all time fav killer. I am not exceptional at her but I do tend to do very well with her unless I am against a bully squad... but I mean that is the case for all killers with me ^^" Just like you I watch I a lot of Michi and learn by watching them!

    Hag is the most fun killer imo. If I were to attempt any win streak I would use her or Trapper.

  • WhaleBlubber
    WhaleBlubber Member Posts: 10

    Weird how negative people are being in these comments. I thought this post was really interesting and informative! Thanks for sharing!

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    Thanks for the positivity! I hope your games go well. If you remember this thread, come back and let me know it the info was helpful :)

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    I am going to try your Egg suggestion and use the phantom as a tracker ^^

    I guess thanks to Michi I play a lot like them. Get net set up and maintain it. Let survivors do all the work for me ^^ mwahahaha. My fav add ons are the quick set traps and the aura reading ones. I try and keep a trap near the 4 gens I am protecting. Survivors hear my TR, leave gen which they think I am heading towards, but the aura reading show me the direction they are going and I intercept them.

    This works double well with Dark Devotion and other TR supressing perks ^^

    Ok big question for you:

    What is your fav Hag cosmetic??? did you play with the same cosmetic all year or did you mix it up????

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,722

    Who cares if it's true? You don't have proof and are unwilling to try to so why did you bring it up at all when it would only hurt what you're trying to accomplish? How many people do you truly think would take the post seriously after reading such a claim. Not in pity since most people are calling you out but in genuine interest for Hag. Certainly not many.

    I really want to believe you mean well and are not just trolling but your responses are completely nonsensical. You had something really nice here and you just spat all over it because of that claim. It just feels like such a waste since most people don't give Hag the time of day.