Nerf Dead Hard's Distance

People just milk that perk harder now than DS, or add it(DS) in still. People all over the place know the memo that half the time you don't use it to dodge a hit, you use it to gain that stupid distance that changes everything in a chase.
I really don't think it should have 2 really strong benefits in one perk. Just another reason survivors copy and paste the same build
EDIT: another reason i believe this is because i've seen people dead hard to reach a blinding spot when that's not it's purpose at all. It's too strong imo
FYI: Dead hard did not have a distance gain on release
EDIT2: Someone suggested an interaction lock for 1.5 seconds after the use as to not give the survivor power to save themselves and body block ontop of it to win every scenario a killer may have against them. With the speed of gens and the power DH uses to restart chases almost into it's own infinite IMO.
someone suggested Maybe Give it one use like DS or 3 Tokens of use. Talk about high risk high reward, you can do it over and over with dh
Lastly, they changed Sprint burst wayy back when because it was too powerful to click a button and choose when you need the distance gain/5seconds of speed. DH is like a sister that gives you a tiny leap and immunity to dmg at the click of a button. If DH didn't protect you against dmg this topic would be a different story.
Do you realise that without distance dh is useless?
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Do you realize that half the people that complain it doesn't work, refuse to ever run a trial without it? and no it isn't you're immune to dmg, you didn't get that distance jump when it came out.
EDit: Also it wouldn't be useless because again the perk has TWO strong benefits. When it first came out you moved forward a bit while running and you wouldn't take dmg. It's nothing like the bs leap you take now
Post edited by SasukeKun on10 -
Dead Hard doesn't cover a lot of distance as it is. It's a very short range dash.
Like I get how it can be annoying playing against multiple dead hards, but compared to every other exhaustion perk the distance the perk gives isn't much.
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Even if it works, just the iframes do nothing, unless you are directly at a Pallet. Without Distance, DH would be useless, even if it would work perfectly.
Also, can we please stop to use the word "abuse" when players just play with Perks that are in the game? Nobody is doing anything illegal or bad when they play with Dead Hard...
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No i don;t agree at all with you, You clearly just are okay with or never versed a team with 4 working dead hards that use it to reach the pallet instead of dodging a hit. Ontop of having a low cooldown
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So you are immune to damage for 1 second then what? You go down.
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But what would be the point in dodging if you get hit right after the iframes? Nobody would run it.
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did you play when dead hard first came out? it worked then without a distance jump
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People aren't even using it what it's designed for, it gives you immune bonus distance when its just meant to dodge a hit. It restarts chases so hard, it's a really strong game changing perk that's SPAMMED. Is it really that hard to see it's used and milked?
Post edited by SasukeKun on3 -
When it's one of the only perks people bring i think that's fitting
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It has the same cooldown as every other exhaustion perk while innately providing less distance than those perks. Also since it's a fixed distance dash, using it wrong means you can kill all your own momentum when trying to reach a vault or pallet resulting in your taking a hit regardless.
I've played against plenty of dead hards and I've seen Dead Hards that range from absolutely useless to well timed ones that do extend the chase. I've also even out played dead hard users, because 99% of the time when they dead hard they take the pallet or vault meaning if you go to the other side of the tile you can hit them there.
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No, they are just running a Perk.
Or are Killers "abusing" BBQ? Are Killers "abusing" Ruin? It is stupid to use the word "abuse" when players are just having Perks in their loadout.
Stupid mentality.
Besides, you did not get the problem when it only has the Invincibility - you gain nothing from it. The Killer misses a swing, afterwards, you are dead, because you are still in an area without defence.
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That's 1 circumstance that sometimes happens, more often than not its to reach the pallet to continue the loop when it's meant to dodge a hit not gain distance.
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Even if Dead Hard was used to soley dodge a hit, you would still have to be able to make a pallet or window otherwise you would go down a few seconds later.
Your issue isn't dead hard, it's that you are facing people who are simply better than you where a well timed dead hard is so devastating.
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Killer's is a different story because half of their perks have ######### benefits and you have to stick to the strong ones unless you wanna get beat.
Survivors have plenty and yet everyone will still pick dead hard. I wonder what they will do if they nerf it
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No I played when dead hard first came out and you'd have time because the killer is slowed when you swing. Unless you brought unrelenting
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Maybe y'all need to stop complaining about non issues? Pretty sure one of the devs said on stream there's nothing wrong with dead hard therefore no change and it doesn't need one I agree with them dead hard description never said it's only to Dodge hits y'all making ######### up at this point
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Then they will switch to Sprint Burst and Killers will complain about Sprint Burst. Which is actually stronger and makes every Deadzone safe, because you will reach a Pallet, since Sprint Burst actually provides Distance.
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Then you will complain about sprint burst.
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No sprint burst is fine, people use it in good ways, it's fair
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DH's distance is pretty useful, but there's no reason why it needs to be effective out in the open. It's effectively being used as an on-demand Sprint Burst at that point.
Have DH apply 2 seconds of Hindered status after the distance is gained. This will slow the survivor down a little so that maybe half of that distance can be made up again by the killer.
It would still be effective at loops, and at getting to loops and vaults if used at the right time. But it would mean that less value is gained from it by using it out in an dead zone to make distance to an objective like an exit gate.
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It is?
What is with all the "hold w" thing then. Sprint burst gives even more distance.
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The way you guys talk gives me the impression you don't play killer much, do you know how slowed you are if you miss a hit without unrelenting that somewhat helps? You don't even really need sprint burst to survive a chase, Dead Hard is again a different story because it has 2 strong benefits in one perk, They will prob tweak it eventually like they did with Borrowed Time, another one that got nerfed thank god
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If Dead Hard gave 0 distance this will happens:
You basically want to kill the perk.
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The fact ppl are asking for holding w nerf is something else lol I've seen it couple of times here on forums at least had good laugh if nothing else
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You aren't immune to dmg while gaining life saving distance, whatever the circumstance
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Nor are you with dead hard both dead hard and sprint burst are used for distance and that's it just like lithe etc etc if u fall for dh in open and u missed that's on you just bait it out and for distance dead hard and all other exhaustion perks are same except that others gives u ton of distance and dead hard gives u just barely to make nearest pallet or window
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^ exactly.
Console demonstrates how a DH would look like if it would not gain any distance. Killer misses and can hit again basically instantly.
(Let alone that even with Distance, the Dead Hard in this video would have done nothing)
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If he wants to know how dh without distance feels like he should just play surv with it on last gen. It is a suicide perk basically lol.
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"Nor are you with dead hard" YES you are actually, you're immune from taking dmg, even if you were to use it facing a wall and i swung it wouldnt do anything in those moments, giving you time
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I want the perk to be balanced and have 1 benefit, not using it to save yourself in all these different situations when it is working
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Huh? No you're not using dead hard in open for dodging hits is useless because everyone with one braincell will just bait it out and if u use it to reach pallet or window you can do exact same if not more with sprint burst and other exhaustion perks and idk if u remember back in days when sprint burst was a thing most used everyone complained about it now it's same with dead hard nothing new
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The perk literally exists to provide yourself a little dash to get out of danger. That's all it does.
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Yes but there's other ways that dead hard is used that doesn't fit it's purpose is what im saying
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Using Dead Hard will cause Survivors to dash forwards at 250 % of their base Movement
This is dh perk description it never stated how or where to use this dash
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No it has 2 benefits sir, Distance and Immunity to DMG in that time. I've been in a survivor when they are prob spamming the button and my swing IN them did nothing
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Using it to gain distance to be in place of a blind for example is a circumstance that should not happen, they aren't dodging a hit, its just a free immunity distance boost
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Giving Distance with Immunity frames isn't two separate things. It's all part of the same thing, dashing away from danger.
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You obviously have to use it ineffectively and go down. If not, you are doing it wrong.
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Who decides what the purpose is?
The purpose is what the Perk is supposed to do, and this is dashing and being immune while dashing.
Even if you say that only one thing should be possible, the Dash is the primary part of the Perk.
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No because ive downed someone while they run by me with sprint burst, cuz sprint burst does one thing lol
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It's too strong is the point, it will prob end up getting tweaked like Borrowed Time did thank god
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Sprint also gives far more distance.
Dead Hard trades distance for immunity.
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Anybody who thinks dead hard is healthy the way it is. You definitely do not play killer at all or you are completely oblivious. It’s bull that a killer can guess right at a tile and you mess up but you get a to dead or and run the tile again. It’s bs that a killer can mind game you at shack successfully and you can just dead hard to the window. And y’all keep saying all this crap about how “you barley get any distance” or saying it doesn’t do much if you bait it yet in almost ever red rank killer game there’s at least 3 dead hards every game… I play both sides and I definitely think there are problematic killer perks but let’s not pretend dead hard ain’t a problem. That’s cringe
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I play Killer. But I dont open a Forum Thread everytime I face a Survivor with Dead Hard.
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The nice thing about SBMM is that if Dead Hard is significantly outperforming other exhaustion perks, then it will get nerfed. However, my guess is it no one that likes Dead Hard will have to worry, because my guess is Dead Hard does not outperform other exhaustion perks. It just happens to be an aggravating perk to play against for Killers.
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Alright I give up I gave u perk description u do with it what u want as I said y'all make things up y'all talking about sprint burst being good now but 2 years ago sprint burst was most talked and hated topic and now it's same thing with dh I guess dbd players has constant needs for nerfs
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Whos doing that????? Someone brought it up as an issue which is completely fair considering it’s one of the most overused perks in the game. The forums is a place to discuss balance. So I don’t know why you’re opening it at all or engaging if that’s going to be your response lmao
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I played killer and I face many Dead Hards. The only time Dead Hard becomes an "issue" is when good survivors use it correctly. Survivors dead harding in the middle of nowhere, dead harding too close to a pallet or window, or just not looking behind them and fully committing to a window or pallet will get hit, because the perk only gives them a small dash.
Facing survivors who 99% sprint burst and use it mid chase are far more annoying, because at least Dead Hard might get a pallet out of the way whereas Sprint Burst let's the survivor reach a completely different tile entirely.
Also for your Shack example, I've certainly predicted a dead hard to shack window and caught the survivor on the otherside of the window.
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Right because you sit right next to us when we play dbd and u know who and when we play good point buddy