DS needs to have two procs. One for each hook state.

Tunneling has become so bad and the only defense is DS. But if you use it once the killer knows you have no protection and can just tunnel you without consequence...
Play killer and you'll feel like this post was a mistake
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I do play killer. I play both sides. I havent played survivor in a while as i've been playing mostly killer...
I dont tunnel. And the deactivations on DS means someone literally cant do anything to progress the game and keep DS active. I dont think anyone should be okay with preventing someone from not playing the game - regardless of what side that person plays.
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Gen rushing has become so bad and the only defense is tunneling.But if you use it once the surviovrs knows you have no protection and can just gen rushing you without consequence...
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That... doesnt make sense? I know what you were going for but that doesnt really work?
"if you use it <tunneling> once the survivors know you have no protects."
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Imagine if there was a perk for killer like ds. When you hook a survivor a 60 second timer activates if a survivor completes a generator it goes back to 50% progress and this can happen 4 times. Survivors complain its not fun to be killed so quick then how is it fun to be on a large map and have 0 control over gens speed? Oh nobody cares killer players can go f themselves.
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It does not since that would make tunneling as an option unfeasible and much more difficult / time consuming making it no longer a viable option, from a single perk that would be too much, on top of the fact that the perk is in a perfect spot, 13% usage rates and 50% escape rates on people using it vs 26% and 50% pre nerf, the perk is still as strong as it used to be at what it should have done the whole time but no longer provides free objective time for having the perk
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Isnt that a weaker Pop? Pop is 25% and you can get it off a survivor 3 times (total of 75%)...?
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Its fine the way it is. Its not too strong and not too weak. It protects against legit tunneling in the same way it used too, however it doesn't protect you against getting found twice after trying to continue the game forward. Its finally doing its job of being an anti tunnel perk without being oppressive to go against.
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Why not have the second timer be 20 seconds if it was used once and the killer still wants your bum?
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If you make the timer so short then it wouldn't matter anyways so the buff would be completely pointless and if you make it long enough to matter then it becomes oppressive so again id say its perfect the way it is currently.
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It'll be oppressive no matter what, what if the second ds only activated if there were only 1 gen or less completed?
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If its oppressive then you shouldn't put it in the game. Perks, especially survivor perks should never be oppressive on their own and its not like theirs any real tactical or skillful way to use ds. So still no, I reiterate its perfectly fine the way it is currently.
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Honestly I kinda think DS should be able to be used after a moment. Use it right away to get let go but they have a really short stun time. While the skillcheck quickly gets stupid fast if you wanna hold out for a "normal" stun and a more opportune moment.
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Absolutely not. It's already a game defining perk even if survivors don't have it killers have to assume every survivor has Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time and Unbreakable. It will literally cost killers games even without them tunneling lol. The stun is ridiculously long and reliable especially if you're spamming noise notifications and hiding in a locker or body blocking / taking protection hits knowing you're basically invincible for a minute.
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I'd love that. Make ds the ultimate anti tunnelling perk so those annoying Wraiths think twice before spending 5 minutes next to the hook.
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You don't get my point. This killer perk in theory rewards losing a generator and can force survivors to just wait the timer out like killers do for ds or finish it the objective and get punished with no real counter it Which is exactly what ds does punish the killer for doing their objective with no counterplay. Dead hard is even worse than ds imo every 40 seconds the survivor can just make a bad play unpunished when they would've got hit basically free health state.
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I agree however I think it should be nerfed in someway to prevent 120 sec of harrassing the killer. You are doing absolutely nothing to help your team but your being annoying. Also in endgame the killer is kinda screwed cause they can't pick you up.
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Gen rushing - the thing that virtually doesn't exist, given the rarity of people even semi-optimized for it and the complete lack of support for the 'strat' - isn't actually an excuse to play like scum; this from a killer main. People who believe it is are just, themselves, genuinely bad at the game and too insecure to admit it in order to get better.
DS is also fine as-is. You still have to actually play rather than rely on it for protection from your own bad plays.
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No, it would allow Survivors to control the flow of the game too much. One DS is enough.
Survivors need to learn to play, not rely on perks to solve their mistakes.
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How is it solving their mistakes? Unless the killer is AFK or brand new there isnt really a way to not get a single down. Once the survivor is on a hook a lot of killers can make sure that survivor doesnt play the game again from that point if they want to. Hit them with DS? A camping nurse or blight can often close the gap before you can make it to a loop or pallet. I would have to assume that any resources in that area are going to be gone fast if not already gone before the down...
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That's it right there: No longer provides free objective time.
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yea and its does the same thing without the free objective time, it doesn't need a buff just because it needed a nerf and got a nerf it is still as strong as it used to be for its main purpose they just removed the side benefits that shouldn't have been there, like alchemists rings recharge rate that was tacked on for a few updates
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When second chance perk is not enough -> evolve into third chance perk.
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I'm rolling!!
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Sometimes you just find the same survivor again later, not tunneling. High ranks, slugging someone and looking for someone if you don't have the capacity to down quickly or find people fast, or both, is a death sentence as that survivor gets picked back up and works on a gen. Killers have a lot to deal with. Tunnelling sucks but this game is 4v1, if 2 escapes it's kind of a tie. Maybe if ds procs a second time it's timer is halved so killer doesn't get punished for an endgame pick up where the survivor goes out no matter what l