Blighted crow is overpowered.

Blight himself has counterplay and is overall at least in my opinion a fun killer to verse, even those with run ruin undying tinkerer sweatlord builds.
This dramatically changes until he adds his 2 rush speed addons which makes zoning way to easy and him quite broken.
I suggest nerfing Blighted crow down to moderatly and also Blighted Rat to slightly instead of considerably and moderatly. Another option would be that the speed stays the same but it costs him a token for using those addons.
Any thoughts about it?
I mean you play at a ridiculous speed the level of precision the game asks of you to use those addons in some maps is huge, and sliding becomes more heavily punished, it can and does make mistakes and bugs more punishing since now instead of being ~20 meters away you end up ~26 meters away which isn't much but if you miss 2-3 times is the equivalent of sliding 3-4 times without addons so its punishing enough
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Would rather see alchemist's ring changed instead of blighted crow
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My man brought up a killer and his add on and youre over here talking about a killer that has nothing to do with it
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I don't really feel strongly about blighted crow as long as they keep one speed addon and the other one is changed to something still good or at least interesting
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I honestly think the 2 add ons together (while funny af) can be a bit oppressive, theyre already strong on their own, so I think making them not stack would be a good way to go
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Oh also they aren't allowed to nerf them until I unlock pwyf on blight and play a few rounds with both speed addons and that (doubt I'll be able to hit anything tbh)
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I don't see anyone post about this. Imagine if nurse had an addon like alchemist's ring. There would be complete outrage.
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I always found it weird that Billy’s engraving give 15% with a charge speed reduction and blight gives 11% per rush with no downside. Bias much?
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I'd make alchemist's ring affect token recharge rate or something. Have it start off slower than usual and then each sucessful rush hit increases it up to a high max speed kind of like autodidact
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I think it's clear that the Dev's just hate Billy
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Blight has more overpowered addons to worry about honestly, Alchemist's Ring and Compound 33 are NUTS compared to Crow.
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Speed could maybe do with a small nerf, yeah. Like everyone else has said I think Alchemist’s Ring is a bigger problem.
I dunno, I think Blight has a similar issue to Spirit in that his base kit is really good and his add ons are also really good, so they just feel like a little bit too much, especially when paired with strong perks. They shouldn’t touch his base kit but toning down his strongest add ons would probably be fair.
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His speed addons are fine, you have to be decent at blight to use them since being bad at him means speeding past survivors and being unable to recover from how far you went. The only addon that direly needs a nerf or change is the alchemists ring, it punishes survivors just for getting hit. Blight instantly gets all 5 charges back which essentially gives you almost 0 window of opportunity to fight back and get to safety. The speed addons are different, since you still have to wait for your charges to come back before you can tap into that speed again. Frankly all of blights addons are fine, with the ring being the sole exception. C33 is also pretty busted, you can turn blight into a pallet grinding machine and it pretty decently slows survivors as a bonus.
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This was actually base-kit nurse before her rework. She has no cooldown on her power and she had opportunity to equip 5 blinks.
I mean what makes speed add-on good is that the extra speed prevents survivor from getting to rounded objects where his counter-play is. so while his counter-play remains the same, Its harder to get into those advantageous positions. this is exactly why C33 is so strong because extra hinder effect guarantee that survivor does not make to next loop on top of super fast pallet break that gives pallet zoning into out-position hits.
Alchemist ring is overrated. you get a fatique and survivor get speed boost. you should always be able to get to next loop with that or at very least have get to an object where blight would be hesitant to use his blight rushed immediately in which case alchemist ring is wasted as you would had your power available without the ring.
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Ehhh nah, I think his speed add-ons are fine as is, just nerf Alchemist's Ring.
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Is Alchemist's Ring really that strong to you considering it's a purple?
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It probably wouldn't be that strong on Nurse because she has the fatigue after a successful hit anyway.
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This, Blight was fun for like 5 games but over half your rushes you'll run into like 5 different things and then just lose your rush, eat the stun, and have accomplished nothing while giving survivors ground. Also if someone wants to use a bunch of their charges just to go for a hit let them, if they whiff they've got that much longer to wait for it to return. Dead Hard exists lol, you can literally push a button to be invincible while the killer eats a fatigue.
Post edited by Raihje on0 -
Oh I can guarantee you that it would be op, just look at Nurse players, they often put the double recharge add-ons, so one add-on that would do that job better than these two add-ons, and you can take a range add-on ? Nah man, it would be hell on earth for survivors.
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After the successful hit cooldown and the fatigue she has to wait for before she can blink again, she basically gets both her charges back immediately anyway. That's why I say this theoretical add-on wouldn't be that strong, because it would barely do anything.
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They don't. Crow is 6% per consecutive rush.
So 6-12-18-24%
Rat is 4% per consecutive rush
Both is 10%
10-20-30-40% rush speed
For billy engravings are 20% and 15% respectively so billy has a higher speed until the last rush where blight has the better speed.
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With these two add-ons she has to wait another second after the fatigue to get the second blink. So this new add-on would spare that second, and it would be better with a fatigue add-on, this is why it would be overpowered, because of the strength of this individual add-on combined with another one.
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Man I'm starting to think the fov on billy's chainsaw is intentional