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PC - Mouse randomly stops working, only when playing DBD

I have a Razer Viper Ultimate wireless mouse and sometimes randomly in the middle of the game it just disconnects and forces me to restart my computer to make my mouse work again.

I'm not really sure how to reproduce it so here's this.

Step 1: Launch Game

Step 2: Play as killer

Step 3: Get in chase

Step 4: Mouse no worky :(

The weirdest part is it doesn't happen in every game (It usually happens a few times a month if I am playing a lot of DBD), but it always happens when I am in chase. Another weird thing is that this has never happened in any other game I have played before. So maybe there's some kind of issue with the razer software itself and DBD? This has made me lose a bunch of chases and most of the time the whole game because I can't use my mouse :( .

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