The Cenobite Disconnect from Host

Shawdic Member Posts: 1
edited September 2021 in Bug Reporting

I was recently in a match where I was playing against the cenobite, everything was going good until near the end of my playthrough I got off the hook with the 4% chance of unhooking myself. I was downed again, and used my Decisive Strike. Once I hit the skill check, the Cenobite and I were locked in place. (I was on the Cenobite's shoulder.) Then shortly after, I got the Dead by Daylight loading screen. I thought I got disconnected or something, until the loading screen went away and I was in the post-game lobby. It said "Disconnected from host" and it showed that the killer disconnected, and I knew that they didn't disconnect intentionally since they were having a good game. I assume the reason they disconnected was because of a crash. I'm assuming something to do with an issue regarding Decisive Strike and The Cenobite. They were on PC. Not sure if what platform they were on has anything to do with this. Also, not sure if what survivor and skin I was playing, or if getting the 4% unhook chance has anything to do with this.

So on how to how recreate the steps to (possibly) have the issue occur.

Step 1: Play as Cheryl Mason with the Lisa Garland skin and have Decisive Strike.

Step 2: Play on Hawkins Laboratory against The Cenobite.

Step 3: Get downed and hooked by The Cenobite.

Step 4: Unhook yourself with a 4% chance.

Step 5: Get downed again.

Step 6: Get picked up again

Step 7: Hit the Decisive Strike skill check.

Step 8: (Hopefully) Witness the Cenobite stuck in place with you, and you not have a wiggle bar.

Step 9: Witness The Cenobite player get disconnected.

I felt very bad when I saw that the killer had gotten disconnected. Hopefully this can recreate the bug that occurred so it can be fixed to prevent further events of this reoccurring so players don't have to deal with this.

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