A Plague idea.

ArchGunRunner Member Posts: 69
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions


I am one of the few people who play Plague consistently and wanted to run an idea by the community of a very minor buff i think may offer her some small help.

So here's the the general idea:

As she sits she can be very good when Corrupt Purge is active, this is something that doesn't really need changing, however she centers entirely around Survivors using the Pools of Devotion in order to cleanse. That's where my issue lies. The issue is in their speed and the fact that they are full heals, not the ability to cleanse. Without a combination of multiple perks plus a medkit there is (as far as i know) no heal in the game faster than these fountains. Soooo....

The idea:

When survivors cleanse they are no longer healed. The broken status is still removed as is their sickness (OP if not), however that full health state isn't restored. This idea may offer a few things.

  1. She gains map pressure. Now more than ever there will be a time and a place to cleanse, choose wrong and you risk everyone, not just those who do not cleanse.
  2. She gains time. 1-3 survivors are not doing gens whilst healing, right?
  3. She gains pressure, without her power. As of now you cleanse, you're fine if she hits you (just an M1 right?) at full health. However, cleansing will show your position and she may yet capitalize on that.
  4. In essence, despite what i said before, this is a buff to Corrupt Purge.
  5. Medkits are no longer wasted offerings when facing Plague. I'm not a fan of playing Plague and seeing a survivor have to waste resources purely because of my killer choice. As i have also not enjoyed throwing my medkits into the void when i come across a fellow Plague.

Just a thought i have rolled around in my head before.


  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,450

    So less survivor would cleanse and plague would be more of a M1-killer?

  • ArchGunRunner
    ArchGunRunner Member Posts: 69

    Sort of. I run into games with everyone cleansing on Oceanic servers. The general gist is a small buff and some kind of change to those who do constantly cleanse. The net result of those is her being, as stated, just a slightly worse Huntress.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I think Plague needs a little buff.

    How's this: when an infected survivor cleanses themselves, they're fully healed However, the effect is only temporary solution.

    After the first time they're cleansed, a green circle timer appears around the survivors icon.

    Once the green timer fills up, they're automatically infected again. After this, a red circle timer appears around the survivors. Once the red circle timer is fill, they lose a health state.

    The survivors are permanently effected by the disease, like Freddy's dream world.

    This forces the survivors to cleanse and gives the Plague passive map pressure.

  • ArchGunRunner
    ArchGunRunner Member Posts: 69

    Not a bad idea. I'd also toyed with the idea of timers but was leaning towards the cleanse not being instant. Having permanent infection seems to defeat the purpose of Vile Purge for the most part. I like your thinking though, good one.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Maybe have it so that if a survivor is vomited on or comes in contact with something infected, the infection timer is hastened.

    Plague would potentially have vile purge more regularly because survivors would be forced to cleanse more frequently.

    It's tricky putting together proposed killer power changes as some alterations influence other aspects of the power.

  • ArchGunRunner
    ArchGunRunner Member Posts: 69

    That's true and i do actually like your idea, don't get me wrong. Happy to see any and all input from others and get a good sense of what people think, i'm just spit balling because i'd like to see her get some love.

  • ArchGunRunner
    ArchGunRunner Member Posts: 69

    Also if a mod or someone from BHVR sees this, i want a black plague skin with silver accents. Just recolour the moldy tunic....please?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I just wish the vomit was consistent. I bought plague thinking she would be a fun and underrated killer but every time a survivor coughs, acts sick and is just not infected is infuriating.

  • ArchGunRunner
    ArchGunRunner Member Posts: 69

    Are you talking about someone getting into the Broken state with max infection? If so, when they are puking they've reached max infection. Coughing is just when they are sick and the pseudo timer has started for it. It's just something to get used to.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2021

    If survivors injured by m1 then cleanse after being infected wouldn't gain back a health state would be nice