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Charging chainsaw (HillBilly) during overheat can interrupt the chainsaw's anim.

Member Posts: 768


During a chainsaw's charge, an overheat can interrupt the charging animation and the charge bar can disappear sometimes (that was my bug). The engine animation is freezed, the chainsaw is up in air but the chainsaw becomes motionless/stuck. The sound of the charge is constantly heard but the chainsaw can't work properly.

Using a M1 attack could reverse this effect: the sound of the chainsaw is stopped and the chainsaw can slaughter again.

I have no record / no capture of this phenomenom yet. It certainly can be confirm/disprove during a testing KYF (that I can't do right now).



  • Member Posts: 768

    Hi again,

    Please check here: https://youtu.be/goqLscyfJlw?t=61 - (video extract starting at 01:02 to see this 'bug').

    I think this Yellow add-on (Uncommon 'Punctured Muffler' Chainsaw Cooling) produces this bug though I am not 100% sure.

    I didn't used this add-on since this bug & it never happened again...


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