Balancing SWF using SBMM with a simple fix

They just have to increase the average MMR of the group by a percentage in matchmaking and they will be less opressive.
For example: 2 man +5%, 3 man +10%, 4 man +15%, 2 2 mans +10%.
It would be a decent patch except for i guess the highest level where the MMR is so high that it doesn't matter.
How many times do I have to scream into the void that making any changes to SWF will just harm the game and solos and killers are the ones that have to adjusted, priority to solo.
It doesn't matter if you adjust the SBMM rating of them by a certain percent because if they aren't finding matches it'll open it up to the lower SBMM ratings again, making queue times longer. This is also working entirely under the assumption that SBMM functions which, considering I have yet to find a single killer game, means the game thinks I'm an absolute god or it doesn't work very well.
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I know the feeling. I swear anyone who thinks about changing swf doesn't realise the problems it creates.
To the OP I also want to add something that I always say. Your just punishing the bad swf teams of this game. Just because 4 new players choose to play the game together doesn't mean they should be getting paired with people who have had plenty of time to learn the game.
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You cannot really say that you never win against 4 man SWFs, or? Do you always lose? I bet, you win the majority of games against those 4 man SWFs.
And when you already win against them - what is the point of making them weaker? Do you want even more wins? Less chances for those players?
Most SWFs are just friends playing together, talking ######### to each other and having a good time. It is not the case that SWF-players get up in the morning and think "Oh boy, time to bully some Killers today!"
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evidently we need to scream into that void with a comically large megaphone
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If you are such a god at the game this would actually help you because SWFs would be closer to your MMR and you would have quicker matches ;)
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There's a system called SBMM in place that already solves this problem. I understand this argument with the old matchmaking system but now? This bad SWF team that you are talking about would get matched against a bad killer and they would have an advantage because they are a team, put a slight increase in their average MMR and they get put against a slightly better killer and their advantage gets reduced.
You just want easy games, admit it.
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I thought you were in favor of SBMM because it solves the matchmaking issues and makes for much fairer games! Why would all of the sudden be against having fairer games when it comes to SWF? 🤔 This would only reduce the undeniable communication advantage SWF have to make everyone happy. You can still play with friends, and killers won't mind SWF anymore because the advantage they have would be solved by the matchmaking.
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I dont think that SWF is such a big problem. It only becomes a problem at a Level where most players are not even at. But they like to parrot some Content Creators (who are also not at this level).
I have gone against 4 man SWFs multiple times and most of the time I win. And most Killers will probably win against 4 man SWFs as well, I cannot really imagine that a Survivor Main like myself plays Killer better than those who call themselves Killer Main.
All it would do is that it would punish the casual SWFs who are playing with friends.
The only problematic SWFs are very, very high-skilled players who play together. But those are so rare, it is unlikely that someone goes against them multiple times. And people who are saying they go against them constantly are just lying. In 6400 hours I had 1 tournament team in total. Speaks for itself how rare those are.
But instead of focussing how to improve, Killers just look for excuses why they did not get a 4K.
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I assume the game already does this, if not, well... Yeah, it is a common sense thing that most games with stacks implement.
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Listen, I understand you are invested playing with your friends, i also like playing survivor with my friends. But one thing i immediately do when i stop playing solo is remove Kindred and every other info perk that i would have been using. It's disingenuous to say that SWF even in the lowest levels doesn't give you an advantage that could be easily countered by matching you by slightly better killers proportional to the advantage gained. All of this can Behaviour can now calculate and tune the numbers thanks to the new system.
One common example of average SWF giving an advantage over solo: Survivor is hooked, 1 is on chase with the killer and 2 are on different gens. "Hey I'm going for the hook, you keep on that gen!". Same situation in solo 2 people go for the save and about 30 secs of gen progress are wasted.
Instead of focusing how to improve, SWF just look for excuses to get easier matches.
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Nah it wouldn't work for high skilled swf as when they are at the top + 15%, it's still the top xD.
I guess they should totally remove 3Q and 4Q.
Only solo and duoQ allowed.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on0 -
I think that SWF is such a big problem.
SWF always control this game .
If killer powerful than team, will do gen rush and quick over game.
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Great change. Too bad they'll never do this for some reason
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Or im so far above average im getting what Dowsey got with his 2 hour long Twins queue :/
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Yeah most games do this, but also most games have public MMR or ranks related to MMR so i have my doubts they implemented it. They said they calculate the group MMR by their average for the matchmaking, they didn't mention a multiplicative for swfs, with the old system they used to count the highest pipped survivor.
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OMG how did you find that out?! I bet you also knew that I literally have 43 fake accounts ready because I love having easy games 😂 damn we've got a genius here lol
Ok honestly no I don't want easy games, they're just boring. People who want easy games are those who just want to bully bad players which is dumb. What I'm saying is not all swfs are great at looping and know how to use comms properly. Therefore increasing every swfs MMR is punishing the bad players who get basically no advantage from being in a swf.
People who want to balance swf don't think about the fact that not every swf are great. The best way to balance this game is by buffing solo q and killers to the level of swf.
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You keep ignoring the fact that independently if the swf is good or terrible they still have the communication advantage and that swf made by terrible players will still be terrible, but a little bit better. Your intentional ignorance of that just makes me think that you want easy games, i really don't see any other reason.
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i think it should match based on the mmr of the player with the highest mmr
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SWF must be removed from the game, period. There is no fix to it without breaking the game for non grouped player. The game should force soloQ and duoQ and then be balanced around it at high level.
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Or- and hear me out- don't punish or prevent people from playing the game with their friends, because that's how you slit the game's throat, and instead of nerfing everything at the top, buff everything else around it to reach the same standard whilst applying no real benefit to them. Give solos more information, killers get stronger, maps are smaller and objectives take longer and are harder to find.
Because your solution will not work. Not only for the speculation of it'll kill the game, but it is incredibly easy to work around, as is every punishment given to people in the SWF queue. They just... won't queue together. They'll go solo, dodge every single lobby until they get their friends, and profit avoiding all penalty (or given your solution, they'll queue in duos and dodge). Making solo and normal duo squad's queue times skyrocket, alongside killers as they'll be waiting in the lobby for ages.
Buff solo. Buff killer. Leave SWF alone. Adjust further if necessary.
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What I suggested was a super easy and realistic fix that shouldn't even bother SWFs because it's just making matchmaking fairer, what you suggest is changing completly the game and we all know this won't happen, you suggest ending world hunger, i just give 1$ to a beggar.
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Ending world hunger is also the solution, whilst I've also set out the step by step guide on how to reach this solution. Giving $1 to a beggar does basically nothing except annoy a couple of rich people.
So thank you for using this analogy which parallels quite well, in that your suggestion does absolutely nothing to solve the issues except make some people angrier and helps absolutely nobody.
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It makes them better if they know how to use it. A perk like Dead Hard is great, but for a new player it's practically useless. Sorry to say mate but I don't see any reason why a group of new players have to get punished because of high rank players.
Here's what will happen if you get your wish:
- People will try to search at the same time and get into each others lobby to avoid the penalty
- PC players will create a mod that can make them find their teammates in a match. Once again avoiding your idea.
- New players who don't understand the game will get into games they are not ready for before they want to play with a friend. We don't understand how the MMR ratings work so your 5%/10% thing could be basically nothing or really broken.
Yes they guy who said in his last message that he wants solo q and killer buffed, wants easier games 😂 definitely makes a lot of sense. I'm just using logic mate.
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Some game took the decision to remove full squad in high rank (Overwatch, LoL). Those developpers know that it unbalance the whole rank if a full squad is playing.
Look at R6S, if you are diamond, try to play a ranked game in soloQ, you will face a 5 stack squad and you won't get a chance.
Dbd is the same, killer vs SWF = toxic.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but R6S, Overwatch, and LOL all have casual public modes? DBD doesn't have that, making the only mode both ranked and casual queue in the same place.
So you're suggested to remove full squads in casual, as well, which is not the way to go.
"killer vs SWF = toxic"
May I ask exactly how you define toxic here?
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apparently wanting solo and killer buffed ACTUALLY means youre on the side of the SWFs smh my head i thought you were better than that.
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What has dead hard has to do with SWF? I see you have difficulty understanding it so I'll make it a little more visual:
-New player 1: has 400MMR 🙂
-New player 2: has 450MMR 🙂
-New player 3: has 450MMR 🙂
-New player 4: has 500MMR 🙂
These 4 players are all together in a group yaaay!🤗 They play against a killer with their average group MMR, 450 😮It turns out they can tell each other who goes to rescue the hook, who is getting chased and manage to get the gens done faster! Killer is sad that he got just 1 kill 😪
But wait! We could fix it! How about to make out for their communication advantage whe made their average MMR for matchmaking 15% higher! that would be 520 🤔 This time killer is a bit better and he manages to get 2 kills and survivors get 2 escapes! 😀
Sorry for this stupid thing but i really don't even know how to explain anymore that even in the lowest of the lowest skill rating, having discord open makes survivors more efficient, and them getting matched against SLIGHTLY better killers would make it more fair and make up for the difference, that btw Behaviour can now calculate and implement easily now that he can gather better thata.
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You missed the point, ending world hunger is not achievable and just having this dream has no impact, giving 1$ to a beggar won't do much, but at least will do something. I genuinely like your ideas, but what i propose it's an easy patch that has almost no effort to implement and would improve the game, what you propose would need to be implemented in DBD 2.
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I'm going to blame it on the drink from last night lol guess my drink changes me 😂
After facing a tournament Spirit and few known streamers I'm begging for big swf buffs 😂
Ok ngl I love the way you explained this 😂
I used Dead Hard as a way of explaining that even though survivors have this thing that is really strong, doesn't mean they know how to use it properly to gain an advantage.
Your trying to imply that having communication is making a bigger difference than what it actually is at lower ranks. My problem with all these swf fix threads are that I feel like people don't think about swf at all ranks. They only think of the really good swfs and base their ideas off them.
Also if you do reply to this please explain it the same way as you did the top part, it was actually quite funny to read lol I imagine it like an old puppet show at school. Don't be sorry about it, it was a good read 👍 I don't think we're going to agree on anything about this tbh.