Wraith has to be at least A tier now

I used to make fun of people saying Wraith is strong now since he was a bit of a joke months ago even with the silent bell meta but after finally coming back to playing him and experiencing the Buff.
Holy crap Wraith is so good. The movement speed buff and 20 meter invisibility? Yikes I thought I was blind AF whenever a wraith gets too close to me as a survivor before I get to react. The invisible property explains everything.
The fact that you're basically a race car that's invisible while the game is so much clearer with the graphical update - you have a bird's eye view of everything. Don't even bother going stealth with your blendette. The cloaking and uncloaking is so much smoother now which is great too. People are putting wraith so low in their killer tier list is so bizzare to me. Admittedly he can be looped but as long as the Wraith enforces his guerilla tactics of doing hit and run without overcommitting and until you catch someone on their weakest state then he's really strong. This wasn't a problem before but the invisibility buff is what makes everything fall into place, Survivor don't know whether a Wraith changed target until he's near your position.
Solid B tier base kit and A tier with add ons.
Definitely, it was kind of sad seeing him sit in C Tier for that year and 3 months he went untouched, definitely got the love he needed and it shows
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He’s definitely strong now. It was a well deserved buff.
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Unpopular opinion: I think he's nearly as, if not as strong as Spirit. No power gauge, insane lunge boost on demand, constant boosted speed while invisible, can't be seen past 20 meters, e.t.c. . His map pressure is bonkers when he's played properly.
I think people mostly play against baby Wraiths and assume he's trash. People don't assume Nurse is bad even though most play poorly, so why Wraith?
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Yeah he definitely deserves the buffs after how long he sat at the bottom. I remember back in the ye' olden days when i'd look up people asking to nerf weak killers just to see they're argument wraith was one that happened a lot. Good to see him rightfully deserve all those "plz nerf" posts now. Love to see it.
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He deserves all the buffs but the total invisibility at 20m.
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I don't even play Wraith, but I am so happy that a Killer is actually balanced now, and scary to face. Now buff the other Killers to do the same.
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Wdym? He deserved it, people have asked for his stealth to be more consistent, and the request was delivered pretty damn well.
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I mean hey, he's 4.6m/s, Spirit is 4.4m/s. He has better lunge out of invisibility, you can't see him past 20 meters, and no power gauge. He can hit you, cloak, run up your rear-end and hit you again. TECHNICALLY, he's as strong as Spirit in my opinion. Like I said, playing against a well-played Wraith is a nightmare, even on big maps, whereas we usually stomp out Spirits on big maps just because she's slower and her speed-up is tied to a gauge.
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Difference with Wraith those is he still needs to deal with pallets, the moment that pallet is dropped he cant really do much other than break it, Spirit on the otherhand turns it into a 50/50
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I dunno man, I've had Wraiths hit me with a big swinger on a pallet loop just with how strong his lunge is out of invis. Like I said, playing against good Wraiths is hard and I've actually had worse times against them than good Spirits.
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Because youre probably letting him play HIS game.
If youre at a pallet and he moves over to the middle of the loop and starts uncloaking to try to mindgame, dont just stand at the pallet youre asking to get hit.
You can literally just run away from the pallet and go to the next available pallet or window, and if thats too far away. Just run back to the previous pallet you were at because he probably didnt fully uncloak as he saw you running away.
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I literally never stand under pallets... I'm not a newbie, friend 😛 I've been playing against Wraiths for eons now, especially at high-ranked play and his buff has made him super strong. Stay at the pallet loop? Get smacked. Run away from the pallet loop? Follows you and then smacks you at his convenience. It's pretty nasty to play against, not complaining of course but he's pretty strong now, especially with reappearance addons.
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He can actually deal with pallets and windows really well now. The movement speed is so dumb that even with Yellow add ons I can just catch up and block the pallet drop or window vault lmao. You can do this previously before but IIRC that required at least purple add on but now the tech is pretty consistent.
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Exactly! I came back to DbD about 2 months ago and hadn't played against him since the before the buff, and he's bonkers now. I'm actually nervous when I get him on a big map because looping is unreliable against a good Wraith now.
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Relax bro. He doesn't force 50/50 at every moment. Spirit is S Tier for a reason.
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Hes strong yes but his chase game was never his strong suit, its the hit and run playstyle that Wraith absolutely crushes at. His chase is average, no where near as oppressive as Spirits, because again, the best outcome with Spirit is to force a 50/50
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He's very strong and as someone who's been playing him on and off for over 2 years, I'm very happy to see my bing bong boy being so strong, they definitely need to tone down a few addons now though but only slightly, specifically iri clapper and purple all seeing
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The Hit&Run doesn't work, at least against decent survivors, once they know you're not commiting to chases they won't heal, they will just do the gens anyway cause you're going far away...
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You are trading a 50/50 chance with Spirit to a permanent speed boost and permanent invisibility with Wraith. I personally think Wraith is as good as Spirit if not better.
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Its not really a 50/50 with spirit, if she can track you. And you really underestimate how strong loops are against a good survivor. There is a reason why wraith is not used in tournaments.
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Ok? Then its on the Wraith to adapt to how the survivors handle the situation
You dont just play 1 single way EVERY game and expect the same outcome every time.
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Yeah, a 50/50 chance at BEST for survivors, some pallets are basically useless and any other place on the map against Spirit the odds are heavily stacked against you.
Wraith has a lot of things going for him dont get me wrong, every thing about his kit is decent and he excels at hit n run, but his chase game lacks and is no where near as good as Spirits
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Yeah that's what i said... you people jsut keep saying hit&run hit&run, hit&run doesn't work...it works against LOW MMR and that's it.
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The only time it doesn't work is if 2 or more survivors have really strong med-kits.
And if you're saying hit and run doesn't work, which is his strongest playstyle agreed by many, then you're just proving that Wraith really isn't as good as people make him out to be
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I'm so ######### over the Wraith. I just can't even stand looking at him anymore. Cheap, boring, few or no disadvantages and completely devoid of the need for skill. I'm just done. I'm exhausted. Once he shows up in a match, which he does ten times a day, I just put my controller down and go to get something to eat while half the other survivors DC.
Yeah, no problem. Wraith is fine.
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My boy wraith is in the big boy league now if he's making people DC hell yeah
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Yeah, he's really strong now. It's just sad to see so few Wraiths taking advantage of his lunge and I stead relying on hit-and-run tactics.
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Wraith needs another rework. It's not fair for the wraith to be as fast as he is then get a speed boost when he uncloaks. People abuse the hell out of that which makes him no fun to play against
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I wish more Wraiths "abused" that. Chase-oriented Wraiths are fun to go against.
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I'm a mid-level player and I get a DC every other game when I play as Doctor.
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By that logic pig is s tier, she does all of wraith does but more.
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I need some explanation on this.
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Wraith is definitely a balanced killer with a couple add-ons that could use some minor tweaking (All Seeing Blood).
However, anyone that says he’s as good as my girl Spirit is smoking something good (especially now that they fixed the damn sound bug, big props to BHVR).
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Wraith have a lunge attack after stealth, pig got a dash attack during stealth, they both got op addons that are free kills. Only thing wraith got is speed.
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I'm glad Wraith got buffs (Well deserved) he is no Spirit though. Honestly a explanation as to why should not be needed. Lucky for me others have explained this.
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Lol I wouldn't go that far but considering Pig is my main boo I will mention her ambush is much better than the credit it gets. She also has built in slowdown (RNG regardless) and I still fear her more than Wraith depending on add-ons. Wraith with Re-apperance and Purple or Iri add-on I fear....Nothing else from him.
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Wraith is just easier for bots to get kills. Amanda takes more time and skill IMO ofc.
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Yeah not comparable lmao apples to oranges.
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Aged like milk
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I was like ######### is this and then looked at date... yeah make more sense now, sad.
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Yeah this thread was right after they buffed him and then as we all know they went back on those changes 3 months later
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Honestly I'd rather see wraith get a buff. I think the lunge might have been a bit much especially with the hit and run play style, I'd like to see his uncloak/cloaking speed be faster without add ons. Anything to shake up the meta at the top, I play 50/50 survivor and killer, the existence of nurse, blight, and spirit should make it easy to buff some weaker killers. Not that every killer should be that level but some are so far from the top they could move at 125% movement speed and probably still not be broken.
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Spine Chill though can get you mind gamed alot. As long as the Wraith isn't making a direct route to you and is looking slightly to the side Spine Chill won't proc.
I learned the hard way that Spine Chill isn't the best because most killers once they know you have spine chill will work around it and use it to their advantage.
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Nah he is good where he is at. Just learn new ways to deal with him before asking for a nerf or rework.
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It's sad all Killers should be in the top tier but because of balance and meta only killers with Chase Potential can be considered top tier.
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Well Wraith being at least B-tier didn't last too long before BHVR nerfed him because he was "a wee bit too OP"
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Wraith is the easiest killer to easily flash bang the min they try uncloak and start boinky boinky with that dinner bell its a instant flash bang stun/burn and spirit burst he didnt even know I was there lol.
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Agree Wraith is easy in my book compared to spirit which still she needs that dust kick nerf, audio queue is 0 help and does nothing but gives me an ear bleed , we got spine chill already doing a job of some what helping where she is, idk how anyone think audio queue is a nerf if anything its a buff cause uh yeah the effect it has is bleeding my ear drums.
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This is one of the issues with DBD - the drastically different perspectives between different skill levels.
Vs average survivors and above, Wraith is a relatively weak killer and can be countered easily. But vs new and below average survivors he is extremely strong. So even though Wraith is a weak killer, he gets labelled as overpowered and is consequently nerfed.
Note this is not some kind of veiled insult to the people who think he is strong. There’s nothing wrong with being a newer player or in a lower skill bracket and Wraith is definitely strong vs those people so from your experience, your opinion is valid. It’s just that vs people who play the game properly, he is far from a threat.