PC - Survivor DCed early in the match and I was unable to perform any actions as killer

xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

Step 1: Boot the game

Step 2: Play as killer in a public match

Step 3: Notice a survivor disconnect either very early in the match, or while loading in

Step 4: Be unable to pick up downed survivors, hook downed survivors, use your killer power, etc. I was able to grab a survivor off a pallet but couldn't drop them, and another survivor flashlight blinded me and they weren't rescued. They also wiggled for a long time but didn't get dropped so I assume they were bugged also.

  • Character played: Wraith
  • Perks played: Predator, Bloodhound, Shadowborn
  • Map: Rancid Abattoir
  • Frequency of the issue: First time I've seen it, actually.
  • Logs are attached.

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