Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

My feedback for Skill Base Match making System

I know many others have made multiple posts on the matter but I’m really sorry but I don’t really enjoy the new grade and skill system. I’m only making this post is because my matches both Survivor and Killer have been a little bit more sweater and harder. By which I mean my killer matches end in literally 2 minutes with all gens done and while playing survivor solo, my teammates died in a minute or trying to escape by the grin of my teeth or their’s to the exit gate. I know I really shouldn’t care about the system but It’s not fun. I’m sorry again but like me and many others I want to be able to play normally and not be a try hard killer or sweat while also playing survivor. You guys can like the new system and that’s fine but for me personally I don’t like it.

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  • Member Posts: 247

    I don't even make my own topic. This is perfect topic to give my feedback.

    First I said SBMM is good for killers (I don't mind about grades). But now, no, it's not good for killers. I have faced already so many sweaty survivors when playing as Oni and when I had played less than 20 matches I already faced sweaty survivors which doesn't make any sense 'cause I haven't played Oni pretty much before SBMM. Now I have played around 50 matches as Oni and it's still painful as phuck. And all those survivor sided maps are killing my motivation. Not only that, but people seem to bring items in matches more often than before. Especially medkits. Also, I had almost 3 Haddonfield offerings in row. And I'm not only with this for sure. Killer used to be more fun, before SBMM. Now it's just painfest.

    And Oni is good example. Very high skillcap. Not getting your 1st hit quickly, Ruin getting destroyed too quickly, map is something as sht as Haddonfield. Team has too many optimal players or they are just roleplaying a bush (immersion). You think I have any motivation left? Yeah, I have no. I literally facecamp.

    Survs don't t-bag so often I think, but why would they? I'm biting the dust.

    This update doesn't pass. BHVR actually managed to make killer more stressful (and unfair). Congratulations!

  • Member Posts: 465

    Better perks? Most times a hex is unreliable unless you have awareness of the map and survivors use Wishpers to locate the area they may actually be in then crank up that volume and let loose your stress!

  • Member Posts: 465

    Not sure I see a problem, is it because it's not easy now? If so I mean Friday The 13th is still available I think and no I am not being sarcastic, being matched with evenly odds is fun and wonderful to be honest I wish being matched up as a killer against survivors was a bit more challenging as in bigger maps to cover.

  • Member Posts: 640

    Oh I know the feeling, I tried playing Blight since I don’t usually play him and that was also a pain. It was also a pain when I was playing killers I usually play like Trapper. I mean Behavior wants us to learn new Killers which is fine but how can we learn when each killer we tired we have to sweat with.

  • Member Posts: 247

    Ruin is still strongest anti-gen hex perk to this day. It's about RNG and RNG favors, surprisingly survivors, most of the time. and totem spots are pure trash in most of the maps. I use pretty much meta perks, but it doesn't fix issue when you go against optimal survs with meta perks. See the problem? Also, not to forget possible voice communication. Playing these matches equals me to stand still and afk.

  • Member Posts: 247

    It seems like BHVR wants us to learn in hard way. After we have learnt, then we can win, and then we can have more and more and more sweaty matches...and soon we are so tilted that we play basement Bubba or uninstall the game.

  • Member Posts: 465

    Voice communication is a pain, all hex spots need to be much more hidden and or after a hex is cleansed it comes back after 2 minutes for 3 more minutes then vanishes. I FIND outside the meta I tend to do incredibly well when they aren't used to my erratic builds or my overwhelmingly aggressive playstyle. I simply don't care for a perk that can be taken out within seconds of the game starting over a perk that is permanently useful for me. I also love using perks that literally counter meta and or add ons that counter them. But yeah agreed hands down. But whispers and Iron maiden have made the usual hiding players with spine chill easier to manage.

  • Member Posts: 465

    They definitely need to allow for greater synergy between killer perks. This is way to onesided as most matches are like a huge job for one while 4 survs get it divided between them. Lot of creativity is lost in this concept.

  • Member Posts: 52

    Game feels literally unplayable. I either die first hook or meme on the killer so hard that I fear that will quit the game.

    Being unable to see how well I am doing or what I should expect from killers (like seeing their mmr sucks). I knew at different color grades what to expect (like green almost always have noed), but cant seem to do that now.

    As I was writing this between games, my next game someone dced and the first person on hook killed self at 5 gens.

    I cant even tell how well I am doing because I cant even get realistic games.

  • Member Posts: 2

    too many people saying people are complaining about the game not being easy now. i dont want it to be easy. i like a challenge. but going against sweaty survivors when i A; havent played in months and B; am on a character ive NEVER used makes no sense at all. that isnt skill based match making as ive not once shown the level of skill indicative of that game placement. so please stop saying people are complaining about it not being easy. it isnt that it isnt easy. its that the system doesnt work. i have not had but maybe 1 game were the skill levels were even close and even then the survivors shouldnt of been paired with me in that case. it isnt right. if its skill based i expect a fun challenging game not a slaughter one way or the other. sorry

  • Member Posts: 39

    the game isnt fun any more, from either side. I play 70% survivor, 30% killer generally but now killer isn't fun at all, survivors are toxic sweaty tbagging flashlight clickers. And playing as survivor is total #########. 80% of rounds killer runs devour making it critical to find the totem, so I run smallgame, and by the time I loop the map once finding and destroying it the killer has tunneled one person out. 90% of killers tunnel the first person out now. It's impossible to have some fun chill survivor rounds any more, so after 1800 hrs I'm moving on to other games. maybe this will get fixed eventually but at this point it's just not fun any more.

  • Member Posts: 640

    Oh I understand, some of games both Killer and solo survivor also have been kind of hard and sweaty. I use to play a lot more but lately I just been taking more breaks from it and playing other games too. But yeah I hope they will fix it or wine down eventually but again I’m not holding my breath. Yeah we will have to wait and see.

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