A little nerf for killer. Or buff survivors.

So, the newer killers are actually starting to be a pain in the ass, with maps being spammed with 50 hooks and barely any way to escape, I'm struggling to play recently. I mean there's 0 chance to wiggle out of the killer's shoulder.

Anyway, something I really want though is a small nerf to some of the newer killers, especially those that have ranged attacks. Now I might be just bad, but i swear to god I cannot get away from killers on some maps, the game feels unfair sometimes, so my only suggestion is a small nerf towards killers, or a small buff to survivors. (Not including perks)


  • fitch
    fitch Member Posts: 143

    Can you please Lift technology?

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    The game is definitely killer sided for new players but becomes much more survivor sided the longer you play. Used to be rank 20-16 killer sided and rank 15-1 survivor sided, so just keep going and it will get better.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32

    After 2 weeks yeah i agree, especially using meta perks, but my stance is the same with ranged killers, my idea is to nerf meta perks, as one meta perk alone is not bad, but multiple is annoying for the killer, and worse when you got the whole team with it..

    So nerf meta perks for survivors and buff worser perks like calm spirit.

  • Maliken
    Maliken Member Posts: 166

    Killers already have to invest a lot of time chasing you down if you know what to do, including time invested to pick you up and get you to a hook. Making this worse will only encourage slugging.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32

    Playing the game for some time i realised the game actually may be survivor sided still, sorry guys haven't played since 2016, and in 2016 infinite jukes still existed.