(UPDATE: Voice Lines Added) Not buying anymore DLC until...

I am sure these sorts of posts don't even enter the BHVR-sphere but just in case I will voice my opinion on the state of the game and the release cycle DBD has taken and why I am not purchasing another DLC until something changes.
I was REALLY looking forward to a Hellraiser chapter. It has been the one that I have been looking forward to for a long time and honestly never thought it would happen. Seriously, I am beside myself that it finally came out and I didn't buy it, like it's breaking my brain but I just can't.
I will admit the initial frustration comes with the removal of the voice lines. I don't care about the memes it was just so iconic and I was so excited to play the PTB and for him to have voice lines.. and then they were gone.
So what? Who cares, it was PTB anyway? Well... why don't we have an official word from BHVR? This lack of communication is what has driven me to clutch my coin purse(more than normal).
(EDIT: They actually added back in voice lines(currently in PTB anyway but we know how that could go).. and they are even better than before with Doug Bradley. The viability of him as a killer and lackluster DLC content for him still exist but I have to admit they at least did something that might motivate me to finally buy him now. Unfortunately, the rest of the post still applies.)
Then follow-up to his ability.. his buggy.. useless chains.. along with the 'box' mechanic that is just a way for survivors to mess with the killer at this point. This feels like it wasn't playtested outside of PTB, it's like as soon as it worked at all they pushed it out.. this is not ok. We pay money for these DLC's, if they need to increase the cost to afford actual testers and to allow them to extend release cycles.. then do it.
Then to add to the underwhelming killer, that's all there is.. no survivor.. no map.. that's it.
Game health
BHVR is consistently showing us that whoever is running the show now, isn't doing it with passion like the original devs. I know this happens with games but the constant churn of new DLC's that haven't been properly tested has now reached a disrespectful level of the player base and the licensed franchises.
This has started to feel like a game that is only listening to the investors and it is affecting all aspects of it. I still play DBD and will likely continue to but I am not paying money for another thing until they acknowledge the long-standing game health issues. I like the game but it is in a bad spot and the only way I know how to impact that is with my money and yelling into this void.
I am not asking them to fix it overnight but acknowledge and show they have a plan. I personally think that we are in desperate need of a full release cycle dedicated to bug fixing and balancing. BHVR clearly needs more than 3 months to develop content and I think it would be wise of them to extend release times an additional month or two but I am sure that would make the investors literally weep.. which apparently matters to someone.
It still blows my mind that they even care about patching out unlinking linked sets and modding when the game is so incredibly busted and void of diverse content. It's like they really focus on doing the opposite of what people enjoy sometimes.
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This. Shows you where their priorities are, huh?
Granted, they do fix some glaring issues here and there… but obviously their primary focus is churning out paid content. Yes, they’re a business and not a charity but game health is important for the game to survive.
Unfortunately, like I’ve said many times before, the majority of the playerbase is perfectly happy paying for every furry, booty short, elf hat cosmetic that comes out so the majority of their resources will be devoted to that.
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I think pinhead is a pretty fun killer to play. There are still some annoying bugs though, like the messed up lunge attack.
They will release a survivor soon, does it matter if you buy it in two cheaper or one more expensive DLC?
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Remember when they fixed that shuffle uninjured survivors could do a few months ago because.. of reasons? I miss that. It wasn’t game breaking and it was harmless fun, but they chose to “fix” that rather than the other hundreds of bugs and exploits.
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What do you mean original devs? It's the same jokers from day 1 but now they have money and easy money at that.
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The survivor will probably be original, though, correct? You do not even need to buy that. Shards, baby.
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I'm going to say its most likely because they had to work on it due to the licensing with Silent Hill. All of their characters has forced linked sets which leads people to believe the license holders wanted it, not BHVR, which in turn could lead to some bad things if that promise wasnt kept due to some bug.
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Patches are extremely slow (especially bug fix) and just because BHVR does release new chapter, new killer it doesn't justify they can look on annoying bugs, delay chapter, no new map for nearly 1 year and even deny decent feedbacks from players' opinions and there could be more if I can remember or find. I feel same to be honest.
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You Cenobite expirience must be vastly different from mine.
I enjoy him and I get some pretty good value out of those chains during a chase. Sure they are sometimes hard to hit and the hitbox can be a bit wonky, but you can do some pretty neat tricks with them. Also the box and the chainhunt always got me some interesting gameplay going. I like taking a survivor up for the challenge when he summons me and when the Chain Hunt starts you know that somebody is going to get hooked. I still miss the voicelines thou.
Pinhead is a pretty good design for me so far.
But well, that is all personal, just my tast.
However I share your concernce about game health. However there are some problem with your argumentation.
First there is that "test" thing. Not that many people play the PTB and that makes it harder for BHVR to test a new application to the bone. Part of this is their fault, because why the hell do you need to grind BP for Perks on the PTB? They could make it like trial mode...also for consol there are no opportunities to PTB test like this. As such content is bound to come out a bit more untested than it should.
Yes, bug fixing would be great and I support that. There are so many wonky interactions here...
Not realy. This bug is probably more easy to fix than others also they have to stick to their deal with Silent Hill and other content.
The problem is that most bugs that exist gamewise can be pretty hard to fix once they are in the code, while a bug in the shop or cosmetics is easier to fix as it runs on a different level.
I do not think they have malicous reasons to delay bug fixes. I only think that some of those are harder than we imagin it.
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Bhvr never wanted to speak about that except once, when they said that unlinking sets was fine and not banable.
Konami also spoke once saying they have nothing to do with cosmetics conditions and players had to ask Bhvr instead
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I'd entertain that theory if they didn't introduce linked sets before the SH chapter and continue to make them after. There's no reason (aside from maximizing profit) I can think of to give their original characters sets like that, which are equally enforced the same way.
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Yeah, cant blame ya. the game is a mess, but it wont change. I took part in the 3 month boycott and all they did was put on new sales to make up for the loss, and people ate it up.
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It's very real and appropriate.