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Others can't see my skins

My friends can't see my new skins I am wearing they all describe the basic version of claudette and I have the blight outfit on her but they keep describing the basic red shirt outfit? Happens in both private and live lobbies and every teammate on my screen is wearing the same outfit as my character for me? Is this a bug or ? They don't see them in pre-game or in the actual game while we play.... they also don't see my killer skins either.. I am the only one who has purchased all the dlc but I didn't think that mattered with skins? Sry been out of the game for a bit so this might be a normal thing but I thought that everyone else regardless of purchased content, could see the outfits and stuff you apply to your character.. they can see the actual survivors for all the dlc I have and they don't, just not the outfits I changed to.. ? Thank you in advance for any and all help. And also sorry if this is the wrong place, but this is basically the same issue I am having so I wasn't sure where to put this thread ❤ 😀
P.S I know it's not actually called the blight outfit I just couldn't remember the actual name of the outfit haha sorry but they can't see any outfit I change and apply so it doesnt matter which one I choose they always just see the basic version of whichever survivor or killer I select. Even the dlc survivors and killers.. thanks :)