Healing/Med-kit Rework

In my opinion med-kits are overpowered, and restrict many types of playstyles from killers. (i.e. Hit and Run)
Also, if I want to use another item I have to consider whether not being able to heal myself is worth it. I usually run Self-Care to deal with this issue but I think this limits drastically the builds that can be used. Ultimately, My goal in this rework, is to make all items a valid option, and not feel like you are sacrificing viability to run something fun.
Whenever you are injured by a basic attack or special power you gain a mangled token up to a max of 4 tokens
Being pulled from a locker or being grabbed does not give a mangled token. Also, endured hits give tokens.
A mangled token makes self healing take 15 seconds longer
Self-healing without a med-kit takes 30 seconds plus 15 seconds for each mangled token
Self-Care takes 15 seconds plus 15 seconds per mangled token and removes a mangled token. Self-Care still increases healing efficiency of med-kits by 20% and makes med-kits remove an extra mangled token.
Med-kits(Non-Emergency) take 20 seconds plus 5 seconds per mangled token to heal and removes two mangled tokens
Emergency Med-kit heals in 10 seconds plus 2 seconds per mangled token and removes one mangled token
Mangled perks and add-ons add an additional mangled tokens and are stackable, so if there is a mangled perk/add-on combination it would give 3 mangled tokens per injury.
Mangled tokens should be displayed on the U/I and could have a screen darkening effect as you get more tokens. Max darkening would the same as being in deep wounds.
I think other changes would be needed but it is hard to see the entirety of how it would affect game balance. I would appreciate feedback especially on anything I overlooked. Don't expect to get anything like this but it is fun to theory craft sometimes.
Med kits are great where they are, if you don't like survivors healing be plague.
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Medkits are fine. they are supposed to be strong items. bring franklins or chase surv till the dying state
jeez stop asking for ez games.
Remove exit gates bhvr too stressful
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No, medikits are not fine.
It's like a 5th perk that Survivors can add outside of the 16 perks slots. Moreover, it is extremely powerful.
It should not force the Killers to use Franklin's Demise.
At the very least, self-care with medikits requires nerf.
And that adjustment can also be expected to solve the problem of gen rush.
Whether to repair the generator while injured or stop repairing for healing.
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Lmao, actually I do main plague and trapper fyi. I don't main plague to prevent healing and I don't expect easy games. My purpose with making the changes were based on my experience on survivor. I felt like the meta for survivor was really stale. When I play killer I am much more capable of controlling how "fair" the match is. I do my best not to camp/tunnel plus I don't like playing killers which I feel are overpowered/unfun or have a ridiculously low skill floor (i.e. Spirit, Nurse, Freddy, Twins, etc). When I play against other people I have no agency in controlling how other people play the game so I find myself wanting to run certain perks/items to protect myself and others from unfun gameplay such as tunneling and camping.
I think that healing being so strong, is a big part of why tunneling/camping is so much more appealing. I think that nerfing healing would not only encourage more diversity in builds but promote healthier gameplay. I do think that this would nerf survivor heavily but I don't think I could provide an accurate adjustment to restore power without first seeing how it plays out. This was just an idea. I think that one of the harder things to overcome is that people in general don't handle being injured very well. If you have played plague or legion you probably understand. People impulsively heal, even when it is not the play.
Some quick thoughts on counterbalance ideas to support this change:
- Redesign toolboxes to be more about undoing regression than completing gens faster. Maybe help partially counter certain perks like hex:ruin. (I can make a separate post on my idea for that)
- A regression rework in general might be good because right now it feels really unrewarding to kick generators and really unfun/uninteresting to have auto regression perks.
- Any myriad of changes to killer meta perks
- Etc...
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I think thats a little overboard. If Self-Care combined with a med-kit is the main issue for you, then add a caveat to Self-Care or the med-kit that one cannot stack or be used with the other. I think a minute of healing is excessive, especially when it seems that basic attacks will automatically have sloppy butcher. If anything I can see increasing all healing times by 5-10% or by slightly increasing healing sounds. Not to say that your whole build should be centered around stopping healing, but there are plenty of perks to stop/slow down healing or skill checks during healing. All that to say, I don't think a whole rework is necessary for healing, but maybe altering times and making Self-Care and med-kits not work together.