Power struggle rework

Now the perk is completely useless, because chance that killer will go with u through pallet is rly low. I Think u should be able to drop pallets just from the start, that will make valuable if u can crawl to the pallet. It will be chance to escape like DS
No, the survivors will abuse it by falling under a pallet in a chase. DS is not a balance perk for reference.
Power Struggle is not a meta perk, but have good synergy with Flip Flop and Unbreakable. Not OP but not useless with the combo in solo queue. In swf groups is very abusive but not so used.
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Yes, they should buff it. Don't listen to others.
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I have never been power struggled as a killer nor have I power struggled a killer. It is incredibly easy to avoid as killer.
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That the point, if u can make to the pallet, its ur chance to escape. It will trigger only once, like DS and its will be fine, i never ever saw someone used power struggle at this time and btw its bugged and doesnt work at all, cuz u cant stun killer when he is on ur side ( new updates)
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Unless you actually mean, you also change that it can trigger once per game it would be... fine-ish.
But it would reach old DS territory, except now you use a resource.
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yea, it will be once per game. It will bring perk back on the table
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But again, it will touch on old DS territory where you basically had to do the chases twice. It's hard to tell if paying one pallet is balanced for that.
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But u dont always under a pallet and u can go slug if surv under pallet, thats the point. Its gonna be okay
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I think that Power Struggle does not need buff, Flip Flop does. Listening to others gives you another point of view to discuss issues.
Second chance perks should only work in very specific and not so abusive circumstances. The game is currently unbalanced in favor of the survivor, in part due to second chance perks.
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As long as the killer has the counterplay of being able to drop pallets and destroy them first. You know, giving one side actual gameplay instead of having everything you do automatically work?
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We don't need a new old DS. Yeah, you don't always go down under a pallet but it's far from a rare occurance.
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Power Struggle has been butchered with current pallet changes. However, it doesn't need any fancy rework, as it's meant to be situational and high risk high reward. The only buff it needs is that if it triggers the pallet drop, then the killer gets always stunned. The end. I'm sure even BHVR would be capable of coding that.
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I don't see your point. I guess I've never understood the "abusive" in swf argument for power struggle. I get you can say you are slugged and have PS and you are under a pallet, but my experience with solo q (red ranks for ~a year), people only pick you up after about a minute or so anyways.
Edit: for reference I don't think PS should proc immediately. I don't think it's abusive inherently, but you'll end up with dead zones everywhere. If a chance like this happens it should only be used once
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You underestimate survivors and ability to abuse something.
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We imagine that the perk is reworked and it works immediately if you are under a pallet.
The killer must win a chase to wound, another to knock down, and if the survivor is under a pallet, another chase to make a hook.
The survivor who knows this, before losing the second chase will let himself fall under a pallet.
The perk will only work once correct but it is an undeserved benefit, and probably the rest of the survivor also use it.
In short, the killer has to win 3 chase from each survivor to get a hook from each.
If the survivor is not a beginner, and also has perks such as Dead hard and DS, the time that the killer loses is unfeasible with the time in which the generators are repaired.
This is much more noticeable if you play killer in high mmr (red ranks is not mmr, red rank only represents the time you spend playing the game in your current mmr ).
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Correct, I'm aware of all of this. That is why I'm also against it, but that has nothing to do with swf, which is what you said it is (or would be abused by?) and I'm saying that it doesn't matter if it's solo queue or swf, it being able to be used immediately would be unbalanced on both, and that it's not abused by either side currently.