Same perks not allowed on swf

As we all know there are a lot of complaints about how strong swf teams can be, all running ds, bt, dead hard and the like.
What if each member of the team had to choose 4 perks but they could not choose the same as another member. So, for example, swf member A chooses borrowed time, swf members B, C and D would not be able to use it in their build.
This would make them make dedicated roles within their team such as a healer, saver, tank, objective or whatever other roles could be.
What do solo survivors think of this? I know people who play in swf will hate the idea.
That sort of goes against the spirit of the having the freedom to just pick whatever perks you want to run.
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But it will also lower the bully squads. Have you ever gone against 4 survivors all running soul guard and for the people lol It's a complete nightmare.
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It's pretty unbelievable how much crying there is about SWF on these forums. I for one don't even care to check who's in a group or not when playing killer. Keep in mind that most of your match is RNG anyways, except for certain map offerings. Just play normally and have fun.
You would immediately kill the player base if a proposal like this went through.
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Playing "normally" is a luxury in this game, not that there is a universal normal way to play dbd. While I'm not entirely for perk lock outs I have had my share of SWF bully squads in the past. I don't really care now, I if I feel like I'm about to get a SWF and I don't feel up to dealing with the headache I just dodge lobby and re-queue.
Honestly, I don't feel we need to change survivor very much at all perk wise. The problem is killers are just down bad as our perks are starting to get more and more situational and powers are just overall in need of buffs to reflect the reality of the game. When was the last time we got like a strong killer? Blight?
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I agree, but don't forget Twins and their slugging power.
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Yup but only for meta perks. Other perks are Ok.
So it would be for :
- Head on
- BT
- DS
- DH
- SB
- Lithe
- BL
- Unbreakable
All those perks should be locked to one survivor in the team only if they are in 3Q/SWF.
In 3Q, the 4th rando player could equip whatever he/she wants.