Whispers on hooks

This has probably been discussed before but I'm curious if you think making whispers not activate on hooked survivors would make the perk "op". I've allways liked this perk because it helps a bit early and end game but I never end up using it because it's basically a dead perk that can confuse you more than help when a survivor is hooked and there's better tracking perks.
Spinechill would be some sort of survivor equivalent of Whispers with the addition of the 6% action speed, it's a good perk in general but I wouldn't call it op except when you are lucky to play it against stealth killers. I know there are a lot of terrible killer perks that should be changed before this, I just feel a bit frustrated that whispers could be a bit better. Would it really be as strong as tinkerer for example? Would it break the game?
Yes, all of the killers would drop ruin, bbq, and pop for whispers if it worked as it should logically work. 100%. Getting confirmation on whether some predictable as hell survivors are going to camp a hook is vital, and game changing information.
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I wouldn't go THAT far. But yes if Whispers didnt factor in the survivor on the hook, you would 100% see it in half of the killer builds
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It wouldn't make the perk overpowered. I don't know why you think it would or why you think it's a dead perk. It's perfectly serviceable if you've not got any other tracking perks.
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It would be a free license to camp or leave depending on proc.
Whispers is working well as intented.
Also, Spine Chill is not really comparable. Whispers has no counter other than being out of range and and a patrolling killer will simply deny that by virtue of higher speed and tracking cues.
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Whispers is already too good to begin with, buffing it the promote camping would be horrible.
Leave one of my favorite perks alone.
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well its not promoting camping if a survivor would have been there, then its just proper hook defense.
Meanwhile, if no one was there, then why would the killer stay? they'd run off until Whispers turns on again.
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It'd promote camping because it would remove its intrinsic risk. One would literally know 100% of the time with 100% certainty if the correct play is to leave or stay.
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whispers. too good. yikes.
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Well you may not know how to use it, I do so yes, it is a really good tracking perk.
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It's overrated.
It's not bad by any means but people who say they can automathically find survivors thanks to triangulation are forgetting there are 4 survivors in a trial. It can really mess up the process.
People who praise whispers as the best tracking perk are having a serious case of cognitive bias. Remembering all the times they were able to find the lone survivor in a corner and forgetting all the times whispers misled them.
Especially the fact that it just doesn't work after a hook means it's not that amazing. That's when you need that information the most to be able to use the pressure your hook creates.
Still a pretty decent perk but nowhere near the best tracking perk
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Sure it is overrated, but it has a reason, triangulating with noisy killers helps a LOT example with Billy or Nurse.
My issue with it and the only negative I have is maps with 2 floors or more, that is when I would say whispers is kinda useless.
Usually people that say that whispers is a bad perk are the ones that don't know how to use it.
Also it has amazing synergy with a lot of killers and I can explain a bit.
Trapper, you can be extra careful if whispers is on.
Billy, chainsaw noise.
Nurse, blink noise.
Spirit, you can actually get some grabs.
Stuff like that.
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Imagine being SO head up bum arrogant you think that ONLY you among the legion of good killers in this game know how to use whispers correctly.
maybe, JUST maybe, whispers isn't THAT good of a perk and you just like it. No one said whispers is a bad perk, its simply no where near as good as you make it seem. Maybe stop being an insufferable arrogantosaurus.
edit: also holy lol thinking whispers is needed on nurse at all.
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Or maybe you are the arrogant one for trying to say that a perk is bad when in reality it isn't.
And you implied before that whispers isn't good before so maybe just maybe you are the insufferable one.
Also with your edit, learn how to read, I said that it helps a lot with her power.
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Never once did i say that whispers was not good, nor did I imply it.
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^ yep