[KILLER] The high MMR experience

Share the perks used by the survivor you face.

100% of the trials at that MMR are like this. It's unbearable. When one has a "loop" build it's ok, when all of them has it, it's a problem.


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    You don't know your mmr or anyone else's

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    I do know it's high MMR lol. They all know how to loop, flashlight saves and my queue times are really long. And they have 5K hours into the game...

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    SWF, all 4 spanish. Where is it fair ? They gave me a hard time while being trash in chase but carried with troll perks.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited September 2021

    It's not about items, just 4 survivors with DH, DS, BT is bs.

    But you, seeing the kind of comments you do, you are surely a baby survivor thinking that killers are OP 😂. And yes, if all 4 survivors have only meta perks + 1 brown medkit, it's OP as they save too much time with DH/DS/BT and can equip 4 meta perks while being still able to heal.

    You clearly don't understand that the time is the most precious thing for a killer and it's unfair that survivors are saving so much time with broken perks/items.

    DH ? It's ez 20 seconds saved for free.

    DS ? It's 1 minute for free.

    BT ? Ez 20 seconds saved with the hit boost.

    Medkit ? You remove selfcare to equip another meta perk and you are still able to heal yourself once.

    Play at high MMR as a survivor, and then do the same as a killer and come back here using sarcasm cause you have no idea how this game works.

    And fact is you just commented on the brown medkit but you have said nothing about all other trials where everyone bring an item with full add-ons. 😊

    Post edited by JohnWeak on
  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    So far, you've posted three 4ks and a 2k.

    I agree, the matchmaking wasn't fair.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited September 2021

    It wasn't fair at all as i had to camp and tunnel to get those kills. Playing fairplay would have ended in a 0/1 kill.

    You guys are so disconnected from the reality, it's obvious you have never played killer. But continue to yell everywhere that the game is killer sided, push BHVR to nerf some killers again and you will get facecamped 100% of the trials; you will enjoy the game then.

    I play both sides, 80% of my playtime is as a survivor in soloQ and since SBMM, trials have never been so easy for me, i go out like 80% of the time and i see 3 escapes most of the times.

    So even as a survivor i know it's impossible for the killer to get a win. Why do you think so many killers are camping first hook ? I never do it but i understand why they feel the need to do it cause without doing it, they know they won't win.

    There is a difference between having a fair match, playing clean and getting a win because you outplayed the other team and being forced to tunnel/proxy camp to get a chance to win. That's two completely different approach of the game and now, you have only 1 viable option.

    A SWF bringing sabotage, DS, DH and 2 flashlights + 1 greenbox and you consider this normal. This SWF play clearly to be toxic. All their builds are around increasing to the max the toxicity potential.

    I feel bad for any killer facing them that won't be able to return the situation to its advantage.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited September 2021

    You want some loss ? Again SWF (same nationality), 3 have meta perks, 3 used items with full add-ons.

    We all know gen rush is a thing but you still have morons that bring a green box, 32 charges with increased repair speed + 8 more charges and another speed boost. How is this crap still a thing in the current state of the game ?

    Chase skill ? 0, they couldn't hold one single chase more than 30 sec against Pinhead.

    They have found the ruin right at the beginning, and then gens were done in 4 minutes.

    I was above their skill in every loop/jungle gym, i applied great pressure but without ruin running, and with the green box, i could literally do nothing.

    You guys are delusional.

    Killers have a chance only when they use slow down gen perks = at least 2 slots taken (Ruin/Undying or Corrupt/Pop) for perks that are just here to slow down the pace of the trial while survivors have 4 chase perks equipped.

    And still those perks are completely perfectible as shown here, ruin is done early thanks to RNG ? Then the game is dead, you can't win. With Corrupt/pop ? Well it last long enough to get 1 hook, maybe 2 if you are lucky and skilled while they will still be able to do one gen.

    Ruin totem should be impossible to cleanse for the first 3 gens, atm it's totally not consistent.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Reviving this thread. Nothing has changed since the last update, just CoH in every game.

    Here Russian SWF.

    META perks abuse + they chose the map.

    I would like to know how i'm supposed to win this ? I have played very well, didn't camp nor tunneled except when 2 gens were left.

    Used my power efficiently, got many hooks, pretty much played optimally.

    I have outplayed them in every loops fast enough and still it was impossible to get 3K. IMPOSSIBLE.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    We've only your account of the facts and a screenshot that doesn't support most of it.

    • You don't know your mmr, let alone if it's high.
    • You got a 2k. Mmr-wise, it's working as intended, even if I hate mmr.
    • They chose McMillan. They sent everybody to a fair realm. Your objection is unfounded.
    • Doubtful they're a swf, there's probably a duo at best and two solos running bond.
    • The only disgusting item is the toolbox. The rest are fine, unless you're saying that survivors aren't allowed to bring items.
    • Hating on bt and ds in 2021. I can't really stand to engage in that conversation again, I'm being honest. I'll just tell you this. You said you camped and tunneled at gens left. They brought perks for it. If they wouldn't have and then they came in the forum complaining, my money says you would've told them exactly to use bt and ds and that camp/tunnel are legitimate strategies.
    • Then apparently you have problems with Lithe? Saboteur?! Really? Not to mention that Adren, Iron Will and CoH are useless against Plague.
    • You say you played optimally. Due, you're dedicating two slots for an exposed build on a Killer whose power is to make survivors broken. Optimal might not mean what you think it means.
    • And you have 2 meta perks yourself.
  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021
    • My MMR is high with other killers. I often face well known streamers.
    • All 4 were russians, probability there weren't a SWF is pretty small.
    • Starstruck is strong with every killers, especially because they are never all 4 infected at the same time.
    • Every item is a game changer. Just the medkit was useless here.
    • Lithe is stronger than DH & SB in most situations lol, only average players think DH is stronger even though it is still strong.
    • Being a killer and having 2 meta perks is different than 4 survivor with Meta perks.
    • And i have played optimally as there was not a single chase lasting more than 30 sec.

    I play survivor as well, facing strong re-known streamers and they loose all the time i face them, no matter what they do.

    But i have read some of the comments you wrote on this forum, you always side with survivors which is funny as the whole experienced community knows that survivors are completely OP and that it's impossible to win a trial without the nurse or camping/tunneling.

    I'm looking some streamers and when i see that the best of them are forced to tunnel hardly and to play dirty to win their trials, i know something is wrong, especially when they didn't play like this prior to SBMM.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    But before you argued you know that your MMR is high, because the survivors knew how to loop and what not.

    And you still ended up winning.

    No one is disconnected from the reality. You are just showing images of the end game screen, showing that you 4k'd most matches, and complained about how unbeareable the gameplay is.

    We already know that highest level of play isn't particularly fun often times. But if you are trying to make yet another case for it, you're not doing a particularly great job at it.

    I don't think people disagree necessarily that survivors need more objectives, and that camping and tunneling needs to be nerfed. Or that survivors (and killers) often using the same meta builds is stale and a problem.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    Nope, they were not high MMR, it was one of my first games with Pinhead so above average MMR i guess but they were boosted with the help of META perks.

    I still won the game but i was like ten times better in chase with one of the weakest killer... Those players, in a balanced environment, would be below average MMR, they had no skill at all.

    4Kíng most matches doesn't mean it is fair. All those survivors were trash in chase. They all use META perks which allow them to rank up to a fairly high MMR. That's the problem.

    And they all gave me a hard time holding W or abusing META perks. So take the same perks and give them to 4 good survivors = you cannot win.

    The last screenshot were against a russian SWF, i was better than them in chases but they were somewhat good. Not the best i have met but they knew how to loop but even though i outplayed them every-time individually, the 4 mans synergy was unbeatable not because they were better or smarter or whatever, just because the game design doesn't allow the killer to win against good enough survivors.

    At the start of the trial, if the survivors spread on the map to have 1 in chase and 3 on a different gen, the game is over even before it started.

    Add to this the fact that DH, Lithe, SB & DS are game changer perks. Exactly like NOED or Devour Hope but with those perks there is one totem to cleansed and it's done.

    When you have 4 survivors with those perks, they gain 20 to 30 seconds chase for free. And this multiple times in the trial (At every chase in fact). Those perks alone, abused, are enough to win the trial without even trying.

    Imagine a Devour Hope like : every time you gain 3 tokens (3 hooks), a dull totem becomes an HEX and devour hope is active. It would reduce the chase time by 20 to 30 seconds every 3 tokens. It would be OP right ? Then why allow all 4 survivors to have perks that allow them to extend chases for 20/30 seconds 3 times for each individual ? For the killer it's OP to reduce it but for 4 survivors it's okay to extend it ?

    The huge problem is the mentality behind the balance (for the thing below, i precise that i'm not top 0,001%, clearly not, not even top 10% i guess).

    In a balance environment, someone that is top 0,001% as a killer should win 90% of his trials without camping/tunneling. But that's not the case, the best killers, when they don't play nurse, are forced to camp/tunnel early to win a trial and that's not normal and if they face a SWF, even with camping and tunneling they will still lose or end up with a draw.

    Post edited by JohnWeak on
  • 비헤브
    비헤브 Member Posts: 44

    After this MMR patch, many killer users left.

    However, the developer will judge that the game was played normally with the separate statistical data they created.

    The imbalance in matching is now at a very serious level.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021


    Developers are showing the stats they want. They even created an "environment" where bias stats are shown and considered as the absolute truth.

    They even go further by mixing trials to determine an average kill rate without showing the standard deviation...

    An average kill rate of 2 with a deviation of 2 would show that the game is totally unbalanced however, an average kill rate of 2 with a deviation of 0.1 would show that the game is perfectly balanced.

    Every good players on this forum, survivor or killer main or 50/50, perfectly knows that most trials are ending up with ez 4K or ez 4E. So the deviation is around 2 and clearly way higher than 1.