I don't think the new MMR is working well.
I won't beat around the bush. I've hit red ranks on Hag/Plague and I've hit purple with GF/Legion/Oni. I'm a sporting guy so I didn't tunnel before and I don't intend to start now. I usually would let 1-2 people go if someone DC'd or rage quit on the first gen. I'm not a face camper. I like to play the game for fun. With that in mind, since the MMR rework I have had less than 10 total kills as any killer. I'm the lowest visible rank I can be and I'm pretty sure all I play every game are people that used to be red ranks. I've seen /more/ legacy prestige skins and 360 > moon walk plays than ever before. I'm not sure what's happening, but by now it should have levelled me out. I'll take the L. I know that I'm not a great killer. However, unless I absolutely sweat my ass off and proxy camp with hook traps and play like a complete piece of ######### on Hag, I can't get any kills on pretty much anyone anymore. I don't enjoy this. I'm sure the survivors I play against aren't having fun because I'm either being too grimy on Hag or just not even remotely challenging on anyone else.
What is the new MMR supposed to do? I feel like I'm ready to give up playing killer altogether. Forever. The new MMR system feels terrible from my perspective.
inb4 gitgud
Yah that's probably because the metrics being used ti determine skill level are not very good so people are getting pushed up way above there actuakl skill just by playing alot
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Yeah, it worked fine for few days, but I got too high now and I just can't play Legion / Wraith, because I will get destroyed with them against dead squads.
Well, Blight it is.
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Is this a largely known issue within the community? I /prefer/ to have SBMM than not, 100%, but as it sits right now I don't think that it's working as intended. I felt the same way during the beta test before this went live.
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This MMR brings new imbalance: if you play good your progress gaining new "ranks" for bloodpoint reward at the end of the month will be slower than if you play bad.