SBMM is forcing me to sweat more

GannTM Member Posts: 10,867
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I really don’t want to have to rely on bringing Ruin Undying Pop every single game because that would just get boring. I get games as killer that go way too fast that I have to make moves like tunneling or camping that I just generally am not a fan of doing. SBMM is going to hurt this game BHVR and you better be worried soon before VHS or another competitor starts peaking.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    Yeah people wanted a better system than the old one but SBMM was never the answer to fixing it.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    Not how it works bud. I jacked up my Pinhead (bugged lunge) MMR with my initial build (until I got Franklins) being corrupt, deadlock, Retribution, and plaything. Minimal if any tunneling. Result, 4-man stacks of small pp builds as time went on. Competency will send you sweaty games or builds.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Peanits stated in a different thread that it's going to take a while for the SBMM to properly adjust to your level as killer and survivor. He didn't state how many matches that could take, and obviously I can't speak for everyone, but if I'm getting steamrolled the last thing I want to do is "stick with it". The two matches of killer that I played when the SBMM went live were two of the sweatiest matches I've ever played, and I don't care to experience that over and over until things get supposedly better.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's pretty wild that people say "just don't play sweaty lol"

    Subjecting yourself to a string of losses for what? The vague hope that the obfuscated MMR will self correct and you can start having fun again? How many cocky, rude survivors do I have to endure being as rude as possible before I get to play how I want? How many games? Twenty? Thirty? It's like they want killers to burn out of the game by making the entire experience hostile.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I usually main Legion, but I just found his limits and had to switch to Blight and Oni.

    You just can't play killer with easy counter-play, because it will not be their 2k avarage. Either survivors don't know and you will get 4k or they know and you will get destroyed.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Im sure the sweat coming from survivors who tbag, clicky that asking killer to sweat (and it works most of the time). In general, if a Killer doesnt need to sweat to 4k. It would be so wrong on survivor side.

    To my perspective since SBMM as survivor, because I dont sweat and die often (since I use only one 2nd chance that Lithe). Most of the time I facing killers who dont camp/tunnel, and thats enough for me to have fun.

    As Killer, many times survivor tbag despite I use useless perks to kick 40 Gen/pallets. That causing the sweat on me.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited September 2021

    I love survivors who tbag and then cry that they got tunneled for it.

    It is easy, if they don't want me to be toxic, they shouldn't be neither.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    The problem with the "don't sweat" advice is : you don't sweat, you rank down, then you face potatoes, without sweating you get a 3k/4k, you rank up and you get like 2 or 3 trials with sweaty survivors...

    So you still have a ton of frustrating matches.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    What disappoints me more than anything, is that in the July developer update BHVR stated specifically that there would be an offline bot mode to coincide with the tutorial bot mode that can be found online. To this day not only has that not been implemented, but not one developer or moderator has clarified why that never came to pass.

    For me personally, I love games with bot modes because what better way to cleanse the pallet after a bad match then to take your frustration out on some poor bots? LOL I don't know if they thought that they would no longer need it with the SBMM, but they clearly still do.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I feel you. I was the most chill killer I could be for the last year or so, and even I have begun to sweat again, just a bit. But, if I wanted to win more games or returned to caring a bit more about the results then I would indeed be sweating more.

    As a solo q gamer tho, I have not enjoyed this SBMM. I was kinda hoping for style based, chills with chills and all that. But even this is a sweatfest. I think what is going to happen, many will just decide to SWF, which in turn will make killers sweat even more which will continue to increase SWFs.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I had so manytimes killing a tbag survivors at gate with Bloodwarden. Just happened once that Bill tbag at gate with 2 crows on head.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont think that will happens if sbmm work as it should be.

    If a killer sweat, his sb will be increased to a higher one and you would be still in lower one. SWF will have their sb increased too. But I cant tell how sbmm work for SWF.

    I heard that your time in a trial also count into sb. Im afraided that killers slug me for 4mins to increase my sb, when I could die earlier.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited September 2021

    I hate the argument people use which is "just don't sweat". I've seen so many people use it when they try to discredit any argument about MMR.

    I played in a 4 man swf on Friday. We wanted to have a few drinks and mess around. We bring good perks but we don't just all run the same build DS, Unbreakable, Dead and BT.

    In 8 hours of playing we got 8 Nurses. The next highest killer we faced was Blight (3 Times). It was such a boring night. We tried to mess around and meme for the last 2 hours but it was pretty much impossible with how sweaty some games were.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    And that’s all this game should be, a casual party game. All I want is it have fun, try different killers and builds and still feel like I have a chance of winning. Ruin Undying is just boring and is a huge crutch I don’t want to have to rely on all the time. BHVR is trying to turn this game into a tournament level game which is something I don’t want to see.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I didn't think of that. Which would also mean, dying on hook asap would lower it then.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Its called Sweat based match making for a reason

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    I actually purposefully tank my MMR on killer with SBMM. I can play my main 3 killers and 4k 2-5 games in a row then run across a 4 man swf or a hyper sweat squad running 4 BT/Iron will with 2 BNP.

    Why would I subject myself to that torturous unfun game? Its easier to 4k a game then next game farm out 8 hooks then let survivors all escape. I thought maybe SBMM would even itself out given how much I play but it hasn't yet and seems to be getting worse. There is a glaring difference in playing people at my skill level, those far below it (sry baby survivors but your 100 hours isn't comparable to my over 2k with killer), to those sweat lords running full meta builds and 4 items. There is no mix anymore, no strong runner but poor map awareness or a weak link to distract the other survivors.

    Couple all this with BHVR throwing more task at killers like breakable walls, upcoming boon totems, and removing the ability to change killer in lobby and its getting back to the point where I want to drop this game again like I did for a few months.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It should be but it unfortunately never will.

    Something nice like a casual mode and competitive mode would be nice but the player base is too small. Genuinely not enjoying this game at all recently.

  • Renjiro
    Renjiro Member Posts: 53

    The new midchapter patch seems pretty good. A sign that VHS is going to be a real competitor? Maybe. I like the game already and I'll play it.

    SBMM is a mixed bag for me onestly

  • And people also gave way better options. Tofu having the best solution: just add 10 more ranks.

    But of course, BHVR is that guy that has to do everything the wrong way until he comes up with the right solution 'on his own', ignoring literally everyone around him that was telling him to do it that way from the very start

  • OnisEquinePhallus
    OnisEquinePhallus Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2021

    No matter what bHVR does in regards to SBMM or literally anything, I'll still hope and pray a real competitor starts catching some real clout.

    BHVR has proved in their entire history that they are not good software developers. From them being sued when they plagiarized another company's game and sold it as an original idea to another publisher (yes, seriously), to every lazy and greedy money milking decision they've made in the 5 years of DbD. The shockingly unprofessional communication they've had with their players, the absolute disgusting lazy and amateur work they've done that makes other developers literally cringe when they peek into their codebase and assets.

    BHVR does not deserve the DbD IP. BHVR ideally shouldn't even still be running as a company. They could offer to pay me and I'd still happily leave to play another competing studio's game -- just by sheer probability that studio is almost certainly more ethical and more talented, and going to build a much better game.

    A LOT of people I know that play DbD only stick with it because there literally is just no other option right now. I'm not sure there's anything BHVR could do to save DbD from a serious competitor, nor do I think BHVR would even want to, since their vision for DbD is clearly to just milk it as hard as possible until it's dead then move on.