Some of my personal ideas about ways to improve this would-be amazing game
I didn't really play a lot so some of these ideas might be naive, regardless I would like to just shout them out loudly.
1.(highly recommended)Add more ways for survivors to communicate, then gather match data and balance the game.
The neverending debate of either side is overpowered will not be resolved the way it is. For when survivors talk, they always assume that game should be playable when you are matched with 3 strangers who might not have a clue, yet when killers talk they always assume that game should be playable when you are matched with a well ordered SWF squad, how can they agree with each other if they are talking about completely different things?
So add an OPTIONAL in-game voice chat (wouldn't want some teenager to curse me when he thinks I made a mistake), as well as an in-game typing system. Also since the official forums moderators explicitly said survivors on a voice channel is not considered cheating, making them aware of each other's location as a base kit wouldn't make much of a difference(and thus a ping system can be introduced). Once this is done, gather your data from the matches played, see if the game is well-balanced(most likely the killers will need some buff).
I really think this would be a good call as it probably won't upset either side, and the matching will be much more homogeneous and thus easier to balance.
2.(highly recommended)Add practice match where you get to explore a map alone, or play against AI.
I see posts about this a lot. You don't really need the AI to be super competitive before they are implemented, what if I just want to see how a perk works? What if I just want to get familiar with the map? Having to find another person who has time to mess around to test something is just very irrational.
Ideally I would hope that I can grind against AI, like HoTS does now, but I think it is best to take one step at a time.. I really think DBD has a unique charm and would appreciate it if I can enjoy it without getting all tilted.
3.(highly recommended)Add a mode where you just chase&run(or something else that's less genrush&gendef).
Dota has IMBA, LoL had a similiar funny mode where it gets so popular they had to remove it(cannot remember the name), Csgo has a lot of parkour and whatnot, SC2 has co-opand arcade, and HoTS has ARAM. All of these gamemodes focuses on something people love to do but didn't really get the chance in normal gameplay, and they have been quite successful.
I have seen complaints about game being genrush versus noed most of the matches at high score. If that is true, maybe it is not a bad idea to create an alternative mode where people can enjoy something they wouldn't normally be able to.
Also, some people would say making alternative game modes will make matching making a problem. I don't believe that is true. Regardless of the disappointment people have shown about the game, the playerbase actually grows larger throughout time. Now there are like 70k people online at peak, so it really shouldn't cause much trouble.
4.(Personal idea) I think a free "streching time" before match starts will really help reduce the anxiety.
Nowadays every game has that for a reason. Just before sending people to a map, give them a little room to roam around for like 20 secs, it does more than you can even imagine. People get warmed up to the game, reduce their stress. I personally think this would even reduce the toxic but I might be wrong.
Overall that is all I have say, thanks if you've read all of them! Also post your personal suggestions if you feel like doing it.
And for devs if you ever read this: I know that releasing cosmetics and new chapters are good for economical purposes, but I am confident to say that small smooth QoL changes will be more beneficail in the long run!
I would be fine with all of them.
Maybe about 1) not really chat, but rather some sort of wheel chat system. I don't wanna listen to kids, but I want info.
as for 3) I think it would be very time consuming and probably wasted to create whole new game mode, but we have created new mode already.
Just implement 1v1. No perks, starts always in shack (if possible), timer for duration and after down sides switch maybe and better time wins?
That would be cool and really good training method for new players imo.
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1) emotes or pings which every survivor sees. Like lets say Kate is pinging *save* then appropriate emote appears near her nickname, and everyone sees she is going for save.
Or someone is running from killer so he uses *scared face* emote and everyone knows who is killer against.
2) Custom game should be made for SoloQ and stop requiring 2 people.
3) and 4) i don't care.
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- Definitely agree but it should be something more simplified like a ping wheel. Full text can come in the lobby or post-match chat.
- Yes, though I don't think grinding currency against the AI should be a thing. At most, it could be time-limited, like 1 AI match per day grants Bloodpoints. Ultimately the progression system tying into multiplayer gameplay is important to keep incentivising people to play it.
- I do think that an official "chase" mode should be a thing, BUT I disagree it should be an entire gamemode. The examples you name do genuinely enrich their games, but having temporary seasonal changes to gameplay is something DbD's done before successfully, and is different from a true new gamemode, which is actually something established multiplayer games almost always fail at. League of Legends, for example, has tried several times to create a true alternate gamemode/map to compete with Summoner's Rift and failed almost every time, with only a couple like ARAM actually sticking around and most of the ones liked by the community being the wackier seasonal events. Instead, I feel like this "chasing" mode should be a function of Custom Games, essentially acting as a timer in the match that keeps track of pallet stuns or other relevant chasing information, perhaps with tools like giving the Survivor infinite health, removing injury sounds/bloodstains, removing the Red Stain, etc to play around with different scenarios.
- I agree with this, I think a "waltz around while we load" mode is much better than a loading screen. As an example of how this can look, when the game "starts", the current campfire screen is made a playable environment and Survivors can choose to walk/run around a little circular area around the campfire, or into the background where a Trial Grounds gate opens. Meanwhile the Killer can stalk the shrouded areas nearby where Survivors can't see, watching them. It'd kind of play into the idea of the Killer getting into the Survivor's heads from a distance.